RC7216 Application, Renewal, or Revocation of the Authorization for a Qualifying Institution that is a Selected Listed Financial Institution to Use Particular Input Tax Credit Allocation Methods
Use this form if you are a selected listed financial institution (SLFI) for QST purposes and you are, or you reasonably expect to be, a financial institution that, in the fiscal year, is a qualifying institution as defined in subsection 141.02(1) of the Excise Tax Act (ETA), or if you are a financial institution that is designated as a qualifying institution for the fiscal year under subsection 141.02(25) of the ETA, and you are applying to receive authorization under subsection 141.02(20) of the ETA to use particular methods to determine the operative extent and the procurative extent of each business input for the fiscal year. Also use this form to renew or revoke an authorization previously granted under subsection 141.02(20) of the ETA. Where authorization is granted under subsection 141.02(20) of the ETA as a result of an application or renewal, it is effective for one fiscal year.
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