ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Quebec
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All the forms you need to calculate your federal tax are included in the Quebec - 2010 General Income Tax and Benefit Return. Complete the schedules that apply to you, and attach a copy to your return.
Child Assistance
Child Assistance is a form of financial assistance paid to all eligible Québec families with one or more dependent children under 18 years of age.
The payment is calculated on the basis of your family income for the previous year, your conjugal status (with or without a spouse), the number of dependent children under the age of 18 living with you and the number of children in shared custody.
You must file your application for child assistance with the Régie des rentes du Québec. You must also inform the Régie of any change in your family situation. You do not have to file an application for a new birth in Québec. The Registrar of Civil Status will automatically notify the Régie.
You can apply on the Régie's Web site or contact the Régie to obtain Form LPF-800, Application for a Child Assistance Payments.
For more information
For more information on child assistance payments, visit the Régie des rentes du Québec’s web site or call one of the following numbers:
Québec region………………………….418-643-3381
Montréal region………………………..514-864-3873
Teletypewriter (TTY)……………….1-800-603-3540
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