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Determine if the worker’s corporation is carrying on a PSB

Content has been updated for clarity, completeness and plain language. No changes were made to the existing legislative requirement.

Conditions to be carrying on a PSB

Under the Income Tax Act (ITA), a business of providing services carried on by a corporation is considered to be a personal services business (PSB) if it meets all 5 conditions below.

Select all of the conditions that apply to your situation:

  • What is a related person

    For an individual, a related person is someone connected to them by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption.

    An individual is considered related to a corporation where:

    1. They control that corporation
    2. They are a member of a related group that controls the corporation
    3. They are related to someone described in a. or b.

    Learn more: Income Tax Folio S1-F5-C1, Related Persons and Dealing at Arm's Length

    What is a specified shareholder

    Generally, a specified shareholder of the corporation is an individual who at any time in the year directly or indirectly owns at least 10% of the issued shares of any class of the capital stock of the corporation or of any other corporation that is related to the corporation.

  • What is a full-time employee

    An employee who works a full business day on each working day of the year, subject to normal absences due to illness or vacation.

  • What is an associated corporation

    Generally, a corporation is associated with another corporation if it meets any of the 6 conditions at any time in the tax year.

    Learn more: T2 Corporation – Income Tax Guide – Chapter 2: Page 2 of the T2 return

  • How to determine if the worker would reasonably be considered an employee

    One of the conditions for a corporation to be carrying on a PSB is that the worker who provides services to the payer on behalf of the corporation would reasonably be considered an employee of the payer if the corporation did not exist. This is a question of fact.

    Determining if the incorporated employee would have reasonably been considered an employee of the payer if not for the existence of the corporation is similar to determining if a worker is an employee or self-employed.

    The factors used to determine whether an employee-employer relationship exists are the same factors used to determine whether a worker would have been an employee if the corporation did not exist. This must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Each case is unique and requires a thorough review of the facts.

    You cannot ask for a CPP/EI ruling to determine if the incorporated employee would have been reasonably considered an employee of the payer if not for the existence of the corporation.

    However, a worker who provides services for a PSB can request a ruling from CPP/EI Rulings as to whether they are an employee of the corporation carrying on a PSB or are self-employed.

    Learn more about the factors to consider or if you are not sure whether the worker would reasonably be considered an employee: Guide RC4110 Employee or Self-employed.

    If you determine that the worker would be reasonably considered an employee and meets the other conditions above, the worker’s corporation is considered to be carrying on a PSB.

The business carried on by the corporation must meet all of the conditions above to be considered a PSB



Webinar: Personal Services Business


ITA: 18(1)
General limitations on deductions
ITA: 18(1)(p)
Deductible expenses available to PSB
ITA: 123
Rate for corporations
ITA: 123.4(1)
General rate reduction (not available to PSB)
ITA: 123.5
Tax on personal services business income
ITA: 124(1)
Federal abatement
ITA: 125(1)(a)(i)
Small Business Deduction (not available to PSB)
ITA: 125(7)
Definition of personal services business and active business carried on by a corporation
ITA: 248(1)
Definition of a specified shareholder
ITA: 251
Definition of an arm's length and related persons
ITA: 256
Definition of associated corporations
ITR: 200(1)
Remuneration and benefits

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