Notice to file (TX14PD)

Notice to file (TX14PD)

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What is a TX14PD notice

The TX14PD notice is sent to you if you have an active payroll account and you have not filed any T4 type information returns (T4, T4A, T4A-NR, T4E, T4RIF or T4RSP).

They are prepared the third Friday of May and mailed out the following business day.

What to do if you received a TX14PD notice

If you are required to file T4 type information returns, you must file within 30 days of the date on the TX14PD notice to avoid additional penalties or legal action.

Learn more on what happens if you file late or you do not file: What happens if you file late or you do not file.

What if you received a TX14PD notice in error

If you were not required to file T4 type information returns and you received the TX14PD in error, send the Canada Revenue Agency a response as per the instructions on the notice.

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