Grants, subsidies, and other incentives or inducements

When you get a grant, subsidy, or rebate from a government or a government agency to buy depreciable property, subtract the amount of the grant, subsidy, or rebate from the property's capital cost. Do this before you enter the capital cost in column 3 of Area B or C.


You buy a rental property at a cost of $200,000 ($50,000 for the land and $150,000 for the building) and receive a $50,000 grant.

The $50,000 grant is split in a similar way between the land and building. The total cost of the purchase is reduced to $150,000: $37,500 for the land and $112,500 for the building.

Enter the reduced capital cost in column 3 of Area B or C. For more information, go to Interpretation Bulletin IT-273, Government Assistance – General Comments.

In this case, you can include the amount in your rental income or you can deduct the amount from the capital cost of the rental property. You may get an incentive from a non-government agency to buy depreciable property. For example, you may receive a tax credit that you can use to reduce your income tax payable.

If the purchase price of your property was reduced due to poor quality or for other reasons, go to the Income Tax Folio S3-F4-C1, General Discussion of Capital Cost Allowance, for more information about how to calculate your capital cost.

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