Line 22100 – Carrying charges, interest expenses, and other expenses
Claim the following carrying charges and interest that you paid to earn income from investments:
- fees to manage or take care of your investments (other than fees you paid for services in connection with your pooled registered pension plan (PRPP), registered retirement income fund (RRIF), registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), specified pension plan (SPP), tax-free savings account (TFSA) and first home savings account (FHSA))
- fees for certain investment advice (see Interpretation Bulletin IT-238R2, Fees Paid to Investment Counsel Archived) or for recording investment income
- reasonable fees, that have not already been deducted, to have someone prepare or assist you in filing your return if you have income from a business or property (see Interpretation Bulletin IT-99R5, Legal and Accounting Fees Consolidated and Archived)
- most interest you paid on money you borrowed and used to try to earn investment income, such as interest and dividends
If the only earnings your investment can produce are capital gains, you cannot claim the interest you paid.
- legal fees you incurred relating to support payments that your current or former spouse or common-law partner, or the natural parent of your child, paid or will have to pay to you
Legal fees you incurred to try to make child support payments non-taxable must be deducted on line 23200 of your return. For more information, see Guide P102, Support Payments.
Policy loan interest
To claim interest paid during the year on a policy loan made to earn income, ask your insurer to complete Form T2210, Verification of Policy Loan Interest by the Insurer.
Refund interest
If the CRA paid interest on your income tax refund, report the interest on line 12100 of your return in the year that you received it. If the CRA then reassessed your return and you repaid any of the refund interest in 2024, you can claim, on line 22100 of your return, a deduction for the amount you repaid up to the amount you had reported as income.
You cannot deduct any of the following amounts on line 22100 of your return:
- interest you paid on money that you borrowed to contribute to an RRSP, a deferred profit-sharing plan (DPSP), a PRPP, a registered pension plan (RPP), a retirement compensation arrangement (RCA), a net income stabilization account, an SPP, a registered education savings plan (RESP), a registered disability savings plan (RDSP), a TFSA or an FHSA
- safety deposit box charges
- the interest paid on your student loans (although you may be able to claim a credit on line 31900 of your return for this amount)
- subscription fees paid for financial newspapers, magazines or newsletters
- brokerage fees or commissions you paid when you bought or sold securities. Instead, use these costs when you calculate your capital gain or capital loss. For more information, see Guide T4037, Capital Gains, and Interpretation Bulletin IT-238R2, Fees paid to investment counsel Archived
- legal fees you paid to separate or divorce or to establish custody of, or visitation arrangements for, a child
If you have a tax shelter, see Other amounts you have to report on your return.
Completing your tax return
Claim on line 22100 of your return your total carrying charges, interest expenses, and other expenses.
If you have carrying charges for Canadian and foreign investment income, complete the chart for line 22100 using your Federal Worksheet.
Keep all your documents in case the CRA asks to see them later.
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