Expenses that qualify for the rebate

You can only apply for a rebate of the GST or HST you paid on expenses that you can deduct on your income tax and benefit return. You must have paid the GST or HST before claiming the rebate.

Non-eligible expenses
Non-eligible expenses include the following:

Capital cost allowance
You can claim a GST/HST rebate based on the amount of capital cost allowance (CCA) you claimed on motor vehicles, aircrafts and musical instruments on which you paid GST or HST. If you claim CCA on more than one property of the same class, you have to separate the part of the CCA for the property that qualifies for the rebate from the CCA for the other properties.

In most cases, you cannot claim a GST/HST rebate based on the CCA claimed on motor vehicles, aircrafts and musical instruments that relates to any allowance your employer paid you on those properties. However, you can claim a rebate if it relates to an allowance your employer reports in Part C of the GST370, Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application. You cannot claim a rebate based on the CCA claimed on property for which you received a non-taxable allowance.

If you paid GST when you bought your motor vehicle, aircraft or musical instrument, you can claim a rebate of 5/105 of the CCA you claimed on your income tax and benefit return. If you paid HST, you can claim a rebate of 13/113 or 15/115 of the CCA you claimed on your income tax and benefit return, depending on which HST rate applied to the purchase.

In certain cases, you may have to do an additional calculation if you bought your motor vehicle, aircraft, or musical instrument in one province and brought the property into a participating province. For more information, see Situation 5 – Property and services brought into a participating province.

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