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How much you could receive

The exact amount you receive will be determined once your application is processed.

The number of weeks of benefits you get depends on the benefit type you choose and if you decide to share the benefits with other parents. The amount you receive depends on your insurable earnings* before taxes in the past 52 weeks or since the start of your last claim, whichever is shorter.

* Insurable earnings include most of the different types of compensation from employment, such as wages, tips, bonuses and commissions. The Canada Revenue Agency determines what types of earnings are insurable.

Some employers provide additional money to employees on maternity or parental leave. This is called a top-up. Check with your employer to find out if they offer a top-up.

If your weekly earnings vary or your income changes

To calculate your benefit amount, we use a specific number of your highest paid weeks of employment. We call these your best weeks. The number of best weeks we use is based on the unemployment rate where you live. It could be between 14 and 22 weeks.

If your weekly earnings vary or your income changes, your best weeks can impact your benefit amount.

Estimate your benefits

Answer the questions below to estimate your benefits, or find out what we use to calculate your benefits.

Find your economic region to learn how many best weeks are used to calculate your benefit amount. To complete your estimate, you need to know your average insurable earnings (before taxes) for those weeks. The Province of Quebec is responsible for providing maternity, paternity, parental and adoption benefits to its residents. Visit the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan for more information.

Enter your annual salary or your average weekly earnings. (required)
Which benefits are you applying for? (required)

If you're pregnant or gave birth, you could take both.

What parental benefits option do you want? (required)

Once a parental benefits payment has been made for the birth or adoption, the option (standard or extended) can't be changed.

You can take up to 35 weeks of standard or up to 61 weeks of extended parental benefits.

Are you planning to share parental benefits? (required)

If you share parental benefits, extra weeks are available: 5 for standard or 8 for extended parental benefits. You can split the total weeks however you want, but one parent can't receive more than 35 (standard) or 61 (extended) weeks.

Apply as soon as possible after you stop working. If you wait more than 4 weeks after your last day of work to apply, you may lose benefits.

You can only start receiving parental benefits on or after your child's date of birth or the date your child is placed with you for the purpose of adoption.

Estimated results:

This is just an estimate. It's based on the information you entered above. We can't tell exactly how much you'll receive until your application is processed.

Your maternity benefits:

  • are estimated at $ a week
  • will end after 15 weeks, around

Your parental benefits:

  • will begin around , after your 15 weeks of maternity benefits end
  • are estimated at $ a week
  • will end after weeks, around

If you took parental benefits instead of parental benefits

Your parental benefits would:

  • begin around , after your 15 weeks of maternity benefits end
  • be estimated at $ a week

Once a parental benefits payment has been made for the birth or adoption, the option (standard or extended) can't be changed.

Note: You can change your answers and recalculate to get updated results.

What's included in benefit calculations

  • Basic rates

    The basic rate used to calculate maternity and standard parental benefits is 55% of average insurable weekly earnings, up to a maximum amount. In 2024, the maximum amount is $668 a week.

    For extended parental benefits, this rate is 33% of average insurable weekly earnings, up to a maximum amount. In 2024, the maximum amount is $401 a week.

  • Benefit calculation

    This is how we calculate your weekly benefit amount:

    1. we add your insurable weekly earnings from your best weeks based on information provided by you and your record of employment
    2. we divide that amount by the number of best weeks based on where you live
    3. we then multiply the result by 55% for maternity and standard parental benefits or by 33% for extended parental benefits
  • If your family income is $25,921 or less

    You may be eligible to receive the family supplement if:

    • your annual net family income is $25,921 or less
    • you have at least 1 child under 18
    • you or your spouse receive the Canada Child Benefit

    We automatically add your family supplement to your weekly benefit payments. You don't need to take any action. Your total weekly amount cannot exceed $668.

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