Federally regulated employees - Filing a labour standards complaint with the Labour Program: Provide records to support your complaint

5. Provide records

If you have any of the relevant documents or records mentioned below to support your complaint, you should:

  • make a copy of the documents, and
  • attach the copy(s) to your complaint form

Please ensure that you only provide information required for the resolution of this complaint and do not provide the personal information of third parties, such as witnesses.

Monetary and non-monetary complaint

If relevant to your complaint allegations, you should provide:

  • pay stubs
  • employment contracts, and
  • employee records or receipts


For complaints related to wages or other amounts owed, you should only provide documents covering a period of 24 months prior to the complaint.

Unjust dismissal and genetic testing complaint

If your employer provided the reasons for your dismissal in writing, you should provide a copy of that letter.

Do not submit genetic test results to the Labour Program.

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