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T4A COVID-19 amounts

Understand which tax slips you need

The CRA will include all the COVID-19 benefit amounts you paid back or received from the CRA on one T4A slip. Each benefit will have its own box number on your T4A slip.

T4A slips for COVID-19 amounts

If you have not received your T4A slip by the end of February 2024, you can get a copy from CRA My Account. If this is not possible, then call the CRA.

Quebec residents will get both a T4A slip and a RL-1 slip.

Adjusted T4A amounts

If the CRA adjusts your COVID-19 amounts, you may receive one of the following slips:

Amended T4A

If the CRA adjusts your COVID-19 benefit amounts, you will receive an amended T4A slip for your records:

  • If you still have to file your 2023 tax return – Use the amended T4A slip to report your COVID-19 benefit amounts on your tax return
  • If you already filed your 2023 tax return with your original T4A slip – You must wait until your return is assessed before you make a request to change your return
Cancelled T4A

If the CRA verifies that you did not receive any COVID-19 benefits, you will receive a cancelled T4A slip for your records.

  • If you already filed your 2023 tax return – You must wait until your return is assessed before you make a request to change your return
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