Types of ATIP requests
Access to information requests
Any Canadian citizen, permanent resident or any person or corporation residing in Canada has the right to request access to records of government institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act.
Personal information requests
Anyone has the right to access their personal information held by government institutions that are subject to the Privacy Act.
Correcting personal information
If you believe there is an error in the information a government institution has on file about you or that information is missing, you may ask to have it corrected. If the institution does not agree to change the information on file, the institution must make a note of your request for correction and attach it to the record.
They may have also shared your information with other government institutions in the last two years. The government institution will contact these other institutions so that they can make the same correction or notation.
This process is only available by submitting a request offline. Download the Record Correction Request form that you can complete and send to a government institution.
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