Improvements and changes to the Public Service Dental Care Plan effective January 1, 2025

Changes to the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSDCP) will come into effect on January 1, 2025. This page outlines the changes to the PSDCP for plan members and their eligible dependants.

On this page

Improvements to existing benefits

Increased annual maximums

The yearly annual maximum reimbursement for dental services will increase from $2,500 to:

  • $3,000 per year starting on January 1, 2025
  • $3,250 per year starting on January 1, 2027

Note: Coverage starts 3 months from the date you become an eligible employee. If a member’s coverage starts in the second half of the calendar year (on or after July 1), the maximum amount reimbursed for that year will be 50% of the annual maximum.

Lifetime orthodontics maximum

The lifetime maximum reimbursement for orthodontic services will increase from $2,500 to:

  • $3,000 per lifetime starting on January 1, 2025
  • $3,250 per lifetime starting on January 1, 2027

Major restorative services

The percentage of coverage for eligible major restorative services such as crowns, inlays, onlays, dentures or bridges will increase from 50% to 65% for eligible expenses.

The replacement frequency limit of 60 months for a replacement crown may be waived in cases where it is deemed necessary by the treating dental service provider and Canada Life concurs.

The age limit for coverage for dental services and supplies for congenitally missing teeth will increase from under age 21 to under age 23.

Preventative Services

There will no longer be an age restriction for routine services of pit and fissure sealants.

For those who will be or are undergoing chemotherapy to treat cancer, the cleaning frequency limitation will be suspended temporarily while treatment is planned or underway.

Leave without Pay

Members who must pay the Employer share to retain coverage while on authorized leave without pay (LWOP) will be able to repay their owed contributions upon return to work. This aligns the process of collecting contributions under the PSDCP with that of the Public Service Health Care Plan. A member must inform their departmental compensation office or the Public Service Pay Centre that they want to retain PSDCP coverage when going on LWOP, or else their coverage will be suspended while on leave.

Members on caregiving or parental leave will no longer need to pay contributions to maintain coverage while on leave.

New benefits

Starting on January 1, 2025, the following services will be covered as part of the enhanced PSDCP:

  • Tomography, including but not limited to, cone beam computed procedures
  • Anesthesia for oral surgery or for any eligible service, including situations where there is a documented mental health illness or developmental disorder for the safety of the patient or dental provider
  • Injections, appliances and assessments for those that have temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

Services no longer covered

  • Analysis of mixed dentition, if a complete oral examination was performed in the previous 12-month period. Costs associated with mixed dentition analysis will be eligible if a complete oral exam was not performed in the previous 12-month period.
  • Tooth isolation in preparation for a root canal (as it should be included in the cost of the root canal), unless there exists a substantiated medical condition
  • Adjustments to space maintainers within the first 31 days

For more information

The links below provide details on the current benefits of the PSDCP. They will be updated as the plan improvements come into effect in January 2025.

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