Your language – Your plan
The federal Action Plans for Official Languages are five-year strategies that highlight the Government of Canada's priorities for official languages. After a consultation process with communities, the first action plan was implemented in 2003 and the Action Plan for Official Languages 2023-2028: Protection – Promotion – Collaboration is the fifth official languages strategy in 20 years.

Objective of Action Plans
The Action Plans identify new and improved measures, the federal partners involved as well as provide a summary of investments. The Action Plans are developed in consultation with official language minority communities, strategic partners and the public. They aim to strengthen the protection and promotion of the official languages within Canadian society and to support the vitality of official language minority communities.
The action plan for official languages in brief
An unveiling took place on April 26, 2023 to announce the 4 pillars that will guide official languages priorities between 2023 and 2028. Under each of the pillars, you will find their objective, the related ministerial announcements and links to the programs they support.
Pillar 1
Francophone immigration: Towards the re-establishment of the demographic weight of francophones
Pillar 2
Promoting lifelong learning opportunities
Pillar 3
Strong measures in support of community vitality
Pillar 4
Leading by example: Acting and collaborating to strengthen communities
Federal strategies - Archived versions
Links to all previous Federal strategies are archived below for reference. They have been replaced by the Action Plan for Official Languages 2023-2028, which came into effect April 1, 2023.
- Action Plan for Official Languages – 2018-2023: Investing in Our Future Archived
- Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities Archived
- Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013: Acting for the Future Archived
- The Next Act: New Momentum for Canada’s Linguistic Duality (The Action Plan for Official Languages 2003-2008) (PDF format) Archived
Accountability Framework of the Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023
The Accountability Framework of the Action Plan for Official Languages – 2018-2023 presents the partners’ accountability strategy. Reporting for each year of Action Plan implementation is presented in Canadian Heritage's Annual Report on Official Languages. Additionally, Canadian Heritage prepares annual tables summarizing all government investments in official languages, including Action Plan initiatives:
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