Annex B: Speaking points

  • DND/CAF is moving forward with Business Resumption Planning and resumption of activities. This means that some Defence Team members will continue working remotely, and some will return to a DND site.
  • Over the next while, you will hear - and have access to - more information as each L1 plans and prepares for the resumption of a more familiar state of business. This will mean different things for each L1 down to each unit.
  • The Defence Team is ensuring that the safety of all Defence Team members is being considered first and foremost. Adequate guidance and direction will be provided to you regarding Public Health Measures and Protective Personal Equipment in the workplace.
  • I understand that each of you will have a different situation and this will be considered during the process of determining who returns to work. We understand there are many factors and challenges at play and no one scenario is the same – that is okay.
  • The overall return to work will be guided by various directives and plans, with the understanding that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. As your supervisor, I am here to support you every step of the way. I hope that you will feel comfortable to discuss any challenges you may be facing regarding the return to work to ensure our unit level plan is reflective of our reality.
  • The guiding documents are as follows, and I encourage you to read more about them.
  • Change is difficult and I understand this may cause stress and anxiety for some of you. Please know that as your supervisor, I am here for you and will support you through the process of business resumption. I will continue to encourage an ongoing open dialogue and want you to be honest about any fears you may have.
  • I hope you have taken the time to express your feedback and experience by completing the Defence Team COVID-19 Survey, which will help inform each L1’s business resumption plan.
  • I know the past few months have been challenging and may have caused disruptions in your life. I encourage you to be open with me about your situation, and about the factors that may be out of your control (e.g. minimal access to child care, dependents at home, etc.). How can I best support you in the next steps of (continuing remote work/returning to work)?
  • [Insert team specific impacts here. What this means for us?]

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