Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More - RPP 2016-17

Contributions in Support of the Capital Assistance Program

Name of transfer payment program Contributions in support of the Capital Assistance Program (CAP) - [Voted payments]
Start date 1983-84
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for
terms and conditions
Strategic Outcome Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values.
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture
  • 4.0: Defence Capability Element Production
  • 4.3: Real Property Lifecycle
  • 4.3.1: Real Property – Portfolio Management

The Department of National Defence (DND) uses the CAP to optimize its infrastructure by seeking cost-effective solutions with eligible recipients who have the mandate and capacity to operate and maintain the infrastructure and who may also benefit from joint use opportunities. Contributions are made to:

  • upgrade infrastructure (e.g. roads, sidewalks, and sewers in residential quarters; water treatment plants and water distribution systems that serve operational and non-operational requirements) after it has been transferred from DND to the eligible Recipient;
  • expand and/or upgrade existing local infrastructure to better support DND requirements (e.g. water treatment plants, water distribution systems, airport runway extensions, roads); and/or
  • construct new local infrastructure, such as:
    • community-oriented facilities for shared-use by the Base/Wing and local authorities (e.g. arenas, gymnasiums, swimming pools, community centers),
    • infrastructure to support non-operational requirements such as for residential accommodation (e.g. roads, sidewalks, sewers), and
    • infrastructure to support operational requirements (e.g. new access to the Base/Wing).
Expected results

The immediate expected result is:

  • Collaborations with local authorities to upgrade/expand/construct and own and operate public infrastructure and services that DND requires.

The intermediate results are:

  • Reduced DND non-core infrastructure;
  • Cost-effective development and maintenance of infrastructure, which involves one of the following:
    • reduced operating/capital costs,
    • or cost avoidance,
    • or minimized DND liability, and
  • Improved/new/maintained infrastructure for use by DND members and their families.

The final expected results are:

  • The optimization of DND infrastructure to support the evolving force structure; and
  • Enhanced quality of life in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014-15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2018-19
General targeted recipient groups Provinces and territories; Municipalities and local organizations; and Industry-related
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients A two-step contribution agreement to facilitate and encourage recipients to engage early in the process as DND can now transfer funds at the design stage via a first contribution agreement. Once the design and any other aspects (e.g. asset transfer) are agreed upon, a second contribution agreement can be signed with the recipient and the project be implemented.
($ Millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total contributions $5.450 $5.450 $5.450 $5.450
Total transfer payments $5.450 $5.450 $5.450 $5.450

Note: The CAP Program Alignment Architecture was modified last year from 4.3.3 to 4.3.1, which may change the Total Transfer Payments Value.

Contributions in Support of the Military Training and Cooperation Program

Name of transfer payment program Contributions in Support of the Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP) - [Voted payments]
Start date 1992-93
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Strategic Outcome Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security and Promote Canadian Interests and Values.
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture
  • 1.0: Defence Combat and Support Operations
  • 1.3: Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement
  • 1.3.4: Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement

The MTCP builds the capacities of member countries’ militaries through language training, and professional development courses including command and staff instruction, and peace support operations training. Activities are conducted both in Canada and out of Canada.

Expected results

Expected results of this contribution program are:

  • to enhance peace support operations interoperability among Canada’s partners to lessen the operational burden on Canada;
  • to expand and reinforce Canadian bilateral defence relations;
  • to promote Canadian democratic principles, the rule of law and the protection of human rights in the international arena; and
  • to achieve influence in areas of strategic interest to Canada.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2013-14
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2018-19
General targeted recipient groups International organizations and foreign countries.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Director of Military Training and Cooperation engages the program's potential and actual recipients through the Canadian defence attachés, the foreign defence attachés posted or accredited in Ottawa, by way of questionnaires distributed to students at the end of their training, and the publication of an annual report.
($ Millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total Contributions $11.389 $11.389 $11.389 $11.389
Total Transfer Payments $148.208 $149.640 $149.481 $149.464

Note: The NATO Program Alignment Architecture was modified last year and is now combined with the MTCP Program, which changed the Total Transfer Payments Value.

NATO Contribution Program: NATO Military Budget (NATO Programs)

Name of transfer payment program NATO Military Budget (NATO Programs) - [Voted Payments]
Start date 1949
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Strategic Outcome Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security and Promote Canadian Interests and Values.

Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture

  • 1.0: Defence Combat and Support Operations
  • 1.3: Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement
  • 1.3.4: Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement

To contribute the Canadian share of the NATO Military Budget—a common-funded program to finance the operating and maintenance costs of the NATO military structure and activities, including Deployed Operations and missions.

Expected results

Canada’s financial contributions to the Alliance help to ensure Canadian security and provide leverage and influence within the multi-national body. They also provide access to military capabilities, which Canada itself, does not possess.

The contributions further serve to help protect and strengthen the freedom and security of all Alliance members by political and military means in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The benefits of Canada’s investment in NATO include access to strategic information, intelligence, capabilities, interoperability with allied forces and an equal voice in high-level decisions affecting Euro-Atlantic security and stability.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011-12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups International organizations and foreign countries.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through the ongoing relationship.
($ Millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total Contributions $78.840 $92.496 $77.992 $73.930
Total Transfer Payments $148.208 $149.640 $149.481 $149.464

Note: The NATO Program Alignment Architecture was modified last year and is now combined with the MTCP Program, which changed the Total Transfer Payments Value.

NATO Contribution Program: NATO Security Investment Program (NATO Programs)

Name of transfer payment program NATO Security Investment Program (NATO Programs) - [Voted Payments]
Start date 1949
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Strategic Outcome Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security and Promote Canadian Interests and Values.
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture
  • 1.0: Defence Combat and Support Operations
  • 1.3: Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement
  • 1.3.4: Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement

To contribute the Canadian share of the NATO Security Investment Programme (NSIP) – a common funded program that finances the capital costs for the provision of communications and information systems, installations and facilities such as radar, military headquarters, airfields, fuel pipelines and storage, harbours and navigational aids needed to support the NATO military structure and activities, including Deployed Operations and Missions.

Expected results

NSIP funds projects that meet NATO’s essential purpose, which is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means in accordance with the North Atlantic Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The benefits of Canada’s investment in NATO include access to strategic information, intelligence, capabilities, interoperability with allied forces and an equal voice in high-level decisions affecting Euro-Atlantic security and stability. It also includes a potential return on some of Canada’s eligible infrastructure projects in support of NATO operations.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011-12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2016-17
General targeted recipient groups International organizations and foreign countries.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients This program has only one recipient, thus the engagement process is done directly through the ongoing relationship.
($ Millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total contributions $57.979 $45.755 $60.100 $64.145
Total transfer payments $148.208 $149.640 $149.481 $149.464

Note: The NATO Program Alignment Architecture was modified last year and is now combined with the MTCP Program, which changed the Total Transfer Payments value.

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