Alternate Formats
December 2016
- CAF Progress Report Addressing Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour dated 30 August 2016
- Operation HONOUR OPORD dated 14 August 2015
- CAF Action Plan – 30 April 15
- FRAG O 001 To CDS Op Order – OPERATION HONOUR 18 March 2016
- CDS Directive for MND/CDS Critical Information Requirements 14 Dec 2015
- DAOD 2008-3 – Issue and Crisis Management (Significant Incident Reports)
- CSRT-SM Training Needs Assessment – 15 August 2016
1. General. The second Progress Report (PrgRpt 02) on the CAF Response to Harmful and Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour (HISB) was released on 30 August 2016. PrgRpt 02 identified advancements made in eliminating HISB, as it continues to threaten the morale and operational readiness in the CAF. PrgRpt 02 also highlighted several areas where focus is required to ensure Operation HONOUR’s mission success. This FRAG O outlines my latest direction in this regard.
2. The mission remains the elimination of HISB within the CAF.
3. CDS Intent. The Strategy described at refs B thru E that is based on four lines of effort (LoE) is working and remains extant. While CAF leadership continues to be accountable for being both vigilant and diligent in their efforts to eliminate HISB, it is also the responsibility of every member of the CAF to support this operation. Rather than it being simply a top-down institutional response, national leadership direction must continue to be translated into tailored programming, training, and policies by subordinate commanders at their levels. While the institution will provide the support and tools necessary to exercise this important responsibility, the programming occurring at subordinate levels must reinforce awareness and catalyze sustained behavioural and attitudinal change.
4. We, the members of CAF, are still only beginning to implement this necessary change which will take years to instill and consolidate. Most of the initiatives generating this change are in their early stages. So too is this institution’s ability to measure the outcomes that are beginning to emerge. However, let me reassure you that change, even incremental, is occurring across our organization and individual members are being influenced.
5. Concept of Operations. Strategic awareness and strategic clarity will continue to be essential throughout this operation. The role of the CAF Strategic Response Team on Sexual Misconduct (CSRT-SM) remains central to providing advice and assistance to my subordinate commanders. The chain of command remains the means through which orders, direction and accountabilities will be exercised. Where certain initiatives require centralized control, the CSRT-SM will act on my behalf.
6. As Operation HONOUR progresses through Phase Three – Deployment/Employment, initiatives from Phase Two – Preparation, remain extant. During Phase Three the main effort will begin to shift from developing awareness and understanding the problem to implementing a comprehensive training, education, and prevention approach across the CAF.
7. Commanders at all levels are to continue to make victim support a priority and must ensure that they are fully aware of the evolution of victim support services locally, regionally and nationally to ensure our members are supported at every level, across this country and around the world. Members of the chain of command should seek advice and assistance when necessary consulting with internal SME’s including SMRC, CSRT-SM, CF Health Services, Chaplain Services, CFNIS and Military Police, OJAG, and Harassment advisors. Commanders are also encouraged to consult with local resources and subject matter experts.
8. Sequencing. Although some tasks and efforts initiated in Phases One and Two are still underway, Phase Three commenced on 1 Jul 16; sequencing is as follows:
- Phase Three – Deployment/Employment. Ongoing. To be completed NLT 30 Jun 17; and
- Phase Four – Maintain and Hold. Commencing upon the conclusion of phase three.
9. Strategic Enablers.
- Leadership Engagement and Accountability: Leaders at all levels shall continue to ensure prompt and decisive action is taken in response to any HISB incident and ensure this response is consistent with the applicable laws, orders and policies. The values of the Profession of Arms, Leadership Doctrine and the DND/CAF Code of Values and Ethics remain central to the effectiveness of this operation. I will not tolerate leaders at any level who fail to act appropriately when confronted with HISB within their chain of command. We, as an organization, have removed and will continue to remove members from positions of leadership, supervision and instructional duties for failing to meet expectations with respect to HISB. I expect each command to remain diligent and continue their efforts to restore trust and faith in the chain of command.
- Metrics: Central to maintaining strategic awareness of the operation’s progress, is the ability to track trends and measure effectiveness of actions taken at all levels. Now that the Statistics Canada (StatCan) survey has been completed, it is necessary to align this information with existing data collection processes and to utilize the resulting product in our analysis. Further, I expect each command to remain diligent and employ all available resources in tracking, where possible, all HISB incidents and actions taken from start to finish in order to not only improve our overall understanding of the severity of this insidious problem but also demonstrate to the members of the CAF that every level of the chain of command is fully engaged in correcting behaviours, shifting beliefs and inculcating lasting cultural change.
- Strategic Coordination: Central to the ability to assess the strategic progress of Operation HONOUR, is an on-going awareness of the overall effect of associated initiatives. While data is important, of equal or potentially greater significance is the overall identification and appreciation of the impact the operation is having on the lives of individual members. To that end, commanders at all levels must be cognizant of the cultural impact beyond mere statistics. They must recognize positive cultural change within their commands, promote it and communicate efforts, both across their own organization and the institution, using the CSRT-SM as the central node.
10. Main Effort. It is essential that the CAF maintain the momentum developed to date as we deal with HISB. Mission success will be achieved when CAF culture demonstrates respect and dignity for all through the highest levels of principle based professional conduct. To advance this cultural shift, the main effort will now concentrate on elements that contribute to prevention; specifically, training and education initiatives. However, the awareness and understanding achieved through the prior phases must be sustained and even enhanced through the mechanisms and approaches established as well as through the lessons learned process.
11. End State. My end state remains the same. It shall be achieved when all CAF members are able to perform their duties in an environment free of harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour.
12. Groupings and Tasks. See Annex A. Tasks listed in this Annex are intended to clarify, replace and supersede the previous allocation of tasks issued under Operation HONOUR.
13. Reports and Returns. L1s will be required to report all Operation HONOUR related activities undertaken by their organization as well as any HISB occurrences IAW the following:
- Operation HONOUR Activities: To develop subsequent CAF Progress Reports addressing HISB, L1s shall provide CSRT-SM a complete report of all activities, with an Operation HONOUR nexus as outlined in Annex A.
- Reporting of HISB Occurrences: Commanders and staff will remain mindful of the requirement to protect the privacy and rights of individuals involved in incidents of HISB. Reports shall include only the information needed to describe the incident to those above the unit level. All HISB occurrences must be reported and tracked until proper closure is achieved via the L1 monthly reports to the CSRT-SM. However, HISB occurrences of a grievous nature described at para 1 of Annex B must trigger immediate reporting in addition to being reported on the monthly reports. Detailed procedures for both types of reporting are described at Annex B.
- Routine reporting on Operation Honour will be brought forward to CDS Ops for senior leadership situational awareness and direction.
14. Key Dates and Timings. The following key dates outline CAF activities:
- Bi-Annual L1 Report to CSRT-SM on Operation HONOUR activities between 1 Jul 16 and 31 Dec 16 submitted (Date TBC);
- Phase Three ends: 30 Jun 17;
- Phase Four begins: 1 Jul 17; and
- Other dates and timings remain unchanged.
Concept of support
15. JAG Support. No change.
16. CFPM Support. No change.
17. Force Allocation. No change.
18. Task Coordination. No change.
19. Public Affairs Posture. No change.
20. CAF Member Support Services. CAF members will be made aware that there are a myriad of internal and external support services available when dealing with HISB. Commanders are reminded to ensure their subordinates are familiar with CAF support mechanisms as well as key local resources where available.
21. Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (SMRC). The SMRC continues to develop its capacity with the potential to support 24/7 operations by FOC in 2017. It is a central support resource for members of the CAF and will continue to evolve to meet the needs of CAF members.
22. Operation HONOUR is an enduring CAF operation; however, policy and programme support aspects involve close cooperation with the Department. To this end, the DM and I will work closely together to achieve the Government of Canada objectives to establish and maintain a workplace free from HISB.
23. Supported Commander. No Change.
24. Supporting Commanders/Group Principals. No Change.
25. Points of Contact. POCs for Operation HONOUR for CSRT-SM and across L1s see Annex C.
26. CSRT-SM is the central coordinating node for Operation HONOUR related information. The CSRT-SM will distribute relevant material through a number of means including an enhanced internet and intranet webpage.
27. Internal and external communication and stakeholder engagement on this topic remains vital to the success of this operation. As such, a revised strategic communications plan is being further developed to ensure we continue to reach these stakeholders and will be delivered SEPCOR.
General J.H. Vance
- Annex A – Operation HONOUR Tasks and Support Requirements
- Annex B – Operation_HONOUR Incidents Report Format
- Annex C – POCs
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