Relocation to-do list

Phase 1 - Before Your Move

Getting Prepared

Within 21 days of receiving your relocation instruction (posting instruction, ETP message, IPR election); register at BGRS.

You can access your BGRS account 24/7!

  • Book planning session – your 5 day priority status begins upon registration so don’t delay!
  • Understand the CAFRD’s relocation benefits, conditions and limitations, the directive can be found at: Review the relocation website to stay up to date on APS 22 including APS CANFORGEN, amendments to contact lists and/or adjudication forms etc.
  • For Release/IPR relocations upload your IPR election form to the BGRS Member Secure Website (MSW)
  • For OUTCAN relocations ensure the Passport / Visa Applications have been submitted IAW OUTCAN procedures
  • Decide on your intent at Origin (Sell/ Rent) as well as at Destination (Purchase / Rent / Build / PMQ)
  • If you own your home, select a Home Appraiser from the supplier tab on the MSW and have your home appraised.
  • Visit the Knowledge Centre on the MSW to learn from FAQs, Virtual Information Presentations and ReloFacts
  • Understand that some benefits are considered taxable benefits – detailed list can be found at:
  • Your CAF Relocation Coordinator / Release Clerk will be able to assist you with issues you may encounter. A complete list of Relocation Coordinators can be found at: (DWAN) (accessible only on the National Defence network) under Relocation Management

HHT / DIT - Chapter 4

Read Chapter 4 to review the entitlements and limitations (e.g. Dependants on HHT)

  • Request CoC Approval using the HHT/DIT application form found in the documentation section of the MSW
  • Request Advances from BGRS (based on estimates that can be found on the finance tab on MSW) - Funds are usually received, via EFT, within 3-5 business days
  • Submit Travel Request to BGRS via the Trip tab on the MSW
  • Travel Identification Numbers (TINs) may be required for you and your dependants. TINs can be requested at: (DWAN) (accessible only on the National Defence network).

**Dependant TINS MUST be requested prior to your release**

  • Book Hotel within the geographical boundaries of destination. Note Max City rate limitations IAW Accommodations and Car Rental Directory (ACRD) 
  • Book your Car Rental, if applicable, see entitlements at CF IRP Ch 3.3.02
  • Complete HHT Claim - Valid receipts must be scanned and uploaded in order to finalize claim, reconcile advance or received reimbursement (VIA EFT). A list of "Substantiating Documents" required based on benefit entitlement can be found on
  • If a participating TPSP cannot be secured from the BGRS list, members must request assistance from BGRS (email at to secure a TPSP. BGRS will then secure a TPSP and they will be responsible to pay for any rates/fees in excess to the pre-negotiated rates.
  • Upon completion of services, you must complete the Confirmation of Services Rendered (CSR) by simply clicking a checkbox on the MSW.

Phase 2 - During Your Move

Movement of (D)HG&E

  • Complete Movement of HG&E form (D4443). Form & Instructions are available on the documents tab on the MSW. BGRS agents can assist in completion of form, if requested.
  • Submit your completed D4443 form to your local Base Traffic/Orderly Room. List of F&E Offices can be found at this link.
  • Book another planning session via the MSW to discuss travel dates (TNL) and entitlements
  • Expenses for Storage in Transit in excess of limitations within the CF IRP Directive will have to be reimbursed/paid by CAF members.

Third Party Service Providers (TPSPs)

  • Should you chose to use a participating TPSP, a complete listing by location, including contact information, is available via the Supplier tab on the MSW.
  • These include:
    • Home Appraisers (Origin)
    • Real Estate Agents (Origin)
    • Lawyer/Notaries (Origin and/or Destination)
    • Rental Search Agents (Destination)
    • Home Inspectors (Destination)
  • Participating TPSPs are able to invoice BGRS directly through a Supplier Portal. TPSPs should be reminded that they need to allow sufficient time for their payment to be processed by BGRS when they submit invoices (7-10 business days).
  • If/when using a participating TPSP, ensure that you inform the suppliers that you are a CAF member.
  • If using a non-participating TPSP, request advances from BGRS - Funds are usually received, via EFT, within 3-5 business days


  • Submit Travel Request to BGRS via the Trip tab on the MSW

    **Dependant TINS MUST be requested prior to your release**

    • (for OUTCAN): - If travelling by sea, in the absence of the FRT rates, the use of cost comparison for CAL tickets for the member’s travel from origin to destination is acceptable. The quote should be based on travel at least 30 days ahead of time
    • DCBA has approved the use of other currency converters, such as, in order for BGRS to calculate the ROE for locations not available under the Bank of Canada website.
    • If a participating TPSP cannot be secured from the BGRS list, you must request assistance from BGRS. BGRS will then secure a TPSP and they will be responsible to pay for any rates/fees in excess to the pre-negotiated rates.
  • Book Hotel within the geographical boundaries of destination. Note Max City rate limitations IAW Accommodations and Car Rental Directory (ACRD) 
  • Book Car Rental
  • Request Advances from BGRS (based on estimates that can be found on the finance tab on MSW) for your:
    • Interim Lodging Meals and Misc expenses;
    • Travel to New Location;
    • Sundry expenses; and
    • Spousal Employment, if applicable
  • Funds are usually received, via EFT, within 3-5 business days

Phase 3 - After Your Move

Movement of (D)HG&E

Claim and File Reconciliation

  • Ensure all relocation claims, and substantiating documents have been submitted to BGRS such as, but not limited to: Movement Grant, ILM&M, TNL, Vehicle registration/plates
  • A list of required "Substantiating Documents" required based on benefit entitlement can be found on
  • Remember that you are responsible for the retention of all original receipts.
  • Book another planning session via the MSW to discuss your claims and file reconciliation
  • Review the Payment History tab on the MSW to see if your claim is being reconciled against an advance or if you will be receiving funds via EFT
  • Confirm to BGRS that your relocation is complete once you:
    • are at destination;
    • your HG&E has arrived; and
    • all submitted claims have been reconciled
  • Log-on to the Member Secure Website and review your Final Statement of Account. If you are in agreement, check the box to certify that your relocation is now complete. **You are still able to submit claims for forgotten expenses after checking this box! Claims will continue to be processed in accordance with the Relocation Directive**

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