Annex G – Chief of the Defence Staff Commendations and Command Commendations
Table of contents
- The CDS Commendation may be awarded to:
- members of the CF (including members of the Regular Force, Primary Reserve, COATS, Canadian Rangers) and holders of honorary appointments, for a deed or activity beyond the demands of normal duty;
- members of the armed forces of a country other than Canada for an achievement or for meritorious service that is of benefit to the CF or Canada;
- Canadian civilians who are members of a uniformed Canadian government service or organization (such as but not limited to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), Correctional Service of Canada (CSS), etc, working in conjunction with the CF, for a deed or activity beyond the demands of normal duty that is of benefit to the CF; and
- other civilians for a specific deed or activity beyond the demands of normal duty and limited in time, that is of benefit to the CF.
- Further to paragraph d, in all other circumstances the appropriate award for other civilians, such as the recognition of long-term distinguished service or support to the CF, is the Canadian Forces Medallion for Distinguished Service (CFMDS) (refer to Annex H).
- The Command Commendations may be awarded to:
- members of the CF (including members of the Regular Force, Primary Reserve, COATS, Canadian Rangers) and holders of honorary appointments, for a contribution affecting or reflecting well on the command;
- members of the armed forces of a country other than Canada for an achievement or for meritorious service that is of benefit to the command, the CF or Canada; and
- civilians for a deed or activity beyond the demands of normal duty that is of benefit to the command or the CF.
- The CDS grants the authority to specific commanders to award the Command Commendation. In 2014, the CDS directed that only commanders of an official command in accordance with the relevant ministerial organization order, and reporting directly to the CDS, may be granted this authority. The list of commanders who can currently award the Command Commendation is as follows:
- Comd RCN;
- Comd CA;
- Comd RCAF;
- Comd CJOC;
- Comd CFINTCOM; and
- DComd NORAD.
- The insignia for the CDS Commendation is a gold bar with three gold maple leaves.
- The insignia for Command Commendations is a similar silver bar with three silver maple leaves.
- The CDS Commendation is accompanied by a gold-embossed scroll, inscribed with the member’s name and an appropriate citation, and signed by the CDS.
- Command Commendations are accompanied by scrolls signed by an appropriate NDHQ group principal or commander of a command.
- The insignia is worn on the uniform in accordance with A-AD-265-000/AG-001, Canadian Forces Dress Instructions. The insignia may also be worn on appropriate civilian attire (as the situation dictates).
- A recommendation for a CDS Commendation shall be submitted in accordance with Chapter 2.
- A recommendation for a Command Commendation shall be submitted in accordance with instructions issued by the commander of the command or NDHQ group principal concerned. Recommendations from Canadian Contingents to UN and other international missions shall be forwarded to Comd CJOC as noted in Chapter 2, paragraph (1).
- Citations and narratives must note how the activity to be recognized exceeds that expected of peers in rank and experience.
- For equitable selection, the number of awards should be balanced with those for other, higher honours. The maximum permissible number of awards is based on those established for wartime MID (Chapter 2, Figure 2-1). Commendations for peacetime activity should be considerably fewer, as noted.
- The recipient is informed of the award through the chain of command and given two insignias for immediate wear. A CDS Commendation Scroll and two additional insignias are forwarded to the CDS’s office who will make arrangements for the official presentation. Should extraordinary circumstances preclude the CDS from presenting the award, the presentation shall be made by the officer commanding the command or the next senior officer in the chain of command.
- Command Commendation insignias and scrolls shall be presented as determined by the appropriate NDHQ group principal or commander.
- Canadian honours policy prevents visible duplicate recognition for the same activity. Recommendations for decorations and commendations are therefore not processed until a final decision is made on the most appropriate award. Refer to Chapter 2, paragraph 20 to paragraph 22. However, uniquely, CDS and Command Commendations may be awarded to CF members without prejudice for consideration for national recognition. This permits rapid recognition among comrades and peers in the field. A recommendation for a higher national honour shall always note when a CDS or Command Commendation has already been awarded for the same activity in the field to assist with honours administration.
- Upon approval of the national honour, recipients shall return the CDS or Command Commendation insignia and the personal files and central registry records annotated accordingly.
- NDHQ/DH&R will provide two CDS Commendation insignias to the nominating NDHQ group principal or commanders of command.
- Copies of citations shall be placed on recipients’ personal files and recorded in the central honours registry maintained by DH&R for CDS Commendations, or, for Command Commendations, by the staffs of the commanders concerned.
- CF members with Command Commendations from the authorities noted in paragraph 4, prior to the coming into force of this regulation, may request insignia from the last of these authorities to grant an award, providing a certified copy of the citation or citations as proof of qualification.
Other awards
- Nothing in this instruction prevents the award of other non-wearable commendations (medallions, certificates, etc.) for local or specific recognition by any commander at any level.
Page details
- Date modified: