Annex W – Unit awards
- Unit awards are bestowed upon units or sub-units, composite formations or other military group of the Canadian Forces (CF), or to any similar organization of a foreign armed force working with or in conjunction with the CF. For Commonwealth and foreign group awards, refer to Chapter 6, paragraphs 16, 17 and 18.
Battle honours
- Battle honours are awarded to provide public recognition to combatant units for active participation in battle against a formed, armed and a declared enemy as defined by the GC. For these purposes, combatant units are defined as His Majesty’s Canadian ships, the Artillery and Military Engineer branches as a whole, armour and infantry regiments, and operational flying squadrons, i.e., those units whose functional purpose is to close with and conquer, neutralize or destroy the enemy as an effective fighting force.
- Battle honours are a public recognition of historical significance for soldiers, aircrew and sailors and help forge the identity of the units in which they serve.
- Theatre honours are given out for participation in overall campaigns and are different from the recognition given to individual units for specific battles, such as D-Day in the Second World War and Vimy Ridge during the First World War.
- Battle Honours and Theatre Honours are administered by the Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH 6) and more details can be found in Chapter 3 of A-AD-200-000/AG-000, The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces.
Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation
- The Commander-in-Chief (CinC) Unit Commendation is a group award created in July 2002. It may be awarded to any unit or sub-unit, composite formation or other military group of the CF, or to any similar organization of a foreign armed force working with or in conjunction with the CF (hereinafter referred to as the recipient unit), that has performed a deed or activity of a rare high standard in extremely hazardous circumstances.
- The C in C Unit Commendation is restricted to war or war-like conditions in an active theatre of operations.
- The awarding of the CinC Unit Unit Commendation to groups other than formed units or sub-units shall only be considered where it is not practical to recognize the members of the group individually.
- Service that is considered beyond the demands of normal duty that does not qualify for a C in C Unit Commendation may be considered for the CF Unit Commendation (CFUC)
- The award is administered by the DND on behalf of the Office of the Secretary to the GG (OSGG).
- The award consists of the following elements:
- Scroll
- A gold-embossed scroll inscribed with the name of the formation, unit or sub-unit concerned, bearing an appropriate bilingual citation and signed by the GG as Commander-in-Chief of Canada.
- Where the recipient unit was temporary and no longer exists or is a small group, the scroll shall be presented, as directed by the CF Decorations Advisory Committee (CFDAC), to either the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient unit in accordance with the lead unit identified in the Force Generator (FG) Order or, where there is no such clear single recipient, to the superior formation or HQ.
- Insignia
- An insignia in the form of a gold bar with the Vice-Regal lion in full colour worn by eligible recipients.
- The insignia is worn on the uniform in accordance with A-AD-265- 000/AG-001, Canadian Forces Dress Instructions. The insignia shall be worn for life by members of the recipient unit, or attached to the unit, on duty and directly involved in the activity for which the CinC Unit Commendation was awarded.
- In the case of the awards approved before 1 January 2021 only, individuals posted to the recipient unit subsequent to the award of the CinC Unit Commendation shall wear the insignia only for as long as they are on strength of the unit. These members wear the insignia on the right side and shall return it to their unit quartermaster before leaving the unit as it is a controlled item.
- Pennant
- A pennant showing the Vice-Regal lion in full colour superimposed on a background consisting of three vertical and equal stripes of navy blue, red and light blue.
- The pennant is a permanent symbol of the award and may be flown or openly displayed by recipient units as a public distinction.
- The pennant may be flown or displayed subject to the following rules:
- May be flown in perpetuity by recipient units or openly displayed in unit accommodations as a public distinction.
- May be flown from His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) ships as follows:
- It shall be flown from the starboard yardarm.
- It shall not displace a commissioning or distinguishing pennant (or flag).
- It may be flown at sea for special occasions as approved by the senior officer present.
- It shall be flown in harbour from sunrise to sunset, and when entering or leaving harbour.
- Where the recipient unit was temporary and no longer exists or is a small group, the pennant shall be presented, as directed by CFDAC, to either the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient unit in accordance with the lead unit identified in the FG Order, in which case it may be flown for a period of one year from the date of presentation or, where there is no such clear single recipient, to the superior formation or HQ for historical purposes in which case it is not to be flown.
- Replacements may be requested from NDHQ/DH&R at DH&
- Any additional questions regarding pennant protocols can be directed to the Directorate of History and Heritage.
- Scroll
Summary of the dispositions for the award elements
C in C Unit Commendation | Insignia | Pennant | Scroll |
Unit/Sub-Unit | Worn for life by recipient unit members directly involved in the action. For awards approved before 1 January 2021 only, worn (on the right side of the uniform) by all members of the unit only while at the recipient unit. |
Flown by recipient unit in perpetuity. | Held by recipient unit in perpetuity. |
Temporary/ad hoc formation | Worn for life by recipient group members directly involved in the action only. | Flown by recipient group while in existence. If no longer in existence, either (1) flown for one year from date of presentation of the award by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held in perpetuity for historical purposes (not flown) by the superior formation or HQ in perpetuity. |
Held by recipient group while in existence. If no longer in existence, either (1) held by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held by the superior formation or HQ in perpetuity. |
Small group | Worn for life by recipient group members directly involved in the action only. | Flown by recipient group where practical and appropriate. If not appropriate, either (1) flown for one year from date of presentation of the award by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held in perpetuity for historical purposes (not flown) by the superior formation or HQ. |
Held by recipient group where practical and appropriate. If not appropriate, either (1) held by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held by the superior formation or HQ in perpetuity. |
- Recommendations shall be prepared and forwarded to NDHQ/DH&R, through the senior Canadian officer in the active theatre of operations and the chain of command. Recommendations will be considered at the next available CFDAC.
- Civilian members attached to or working with a unit recommended for award of the CinC Unit Commendation must be identified and their approval to receive and wear the insignia will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
- Recommendations shall contain a narrative in support of the nomination with an account of what the unit did to merit the award, including such matters as a full description of events that gave rise to the recommendation, the location and the time frame. It shall not exceed two typewritten pages, excluding annexes and attachments.
- Submissions shall contain a short, proposed citation of 150 words maximum summarizing the narrative. Refer to DND 2448, Recommendation for Individual Unit Awards Form.
- Submissions shall include a full roll of the eligible individual members of the recipient unit as per sub-section 11 b (2) above to facilitate the issuance and administration of the insignia.
- The CDS, on the recommendation of the CFDAC, shall submit the nominations to the GG for approval.
- The scroll and pennant shall be presented by the Commander-in-Chief of Canada. Should the Commander-in-Chief of Canada be unavailable, presentation arrangements may be delegated to the CDS.
Insignia administration
- Members, who are released or posted from the recipient unit prior to being presented with their insignia can request it through Army G1 Honours and Awards representative for awards made until 2020 and the Honours and Awards representative of the Force Employer for awards made from 2021 onwards. For serving members, upon verification of the eligibility, the Army G1 or Force Employer Honours and Awards representative will forward the details on how to order the insignia to the concerned unit who will be responsible to order the insignia and make arrangements for an official and dignified presentation to the recipient by the CO or a delegate.
- In the case of retired members, the Army G1 (for awards prior to 2020) or Force Employer Honours and Awards representative (for awards made from 2021 onwards) will verify the eligibility and forward an insignia to the member.
- Serving Members who are entitled to wear the insignia for life can visit their local Clothing Stores to get a replacement of their broken insignia on a one for one exchange basis. Members who are entitled to wear the insignia for life and are no longer serving with the honoured unit should submit their request for replacement of a broken insignia to NDHQ/DH&R by email at Upon receipt of the broken insignia, DH&R will verify the retired member’s MPRR to confirm eligibility of the award before sending a replacement insignia.
- Home units are responsible to record the CinC Unit Commendation in Guardian on the MPRR.
Canadian Forces Unit Commendation
- The Canadian Forces Unit Commendation (CFUC) is a group award created in November 1980 to recognize distinguished service by a military unit.
- Awarded to any unit, sub-unit, composite formation or other military group of the CF, or to any similar organization of a foreign armed force working with or in conjunction with the CF (hereinafter referred to as the recipient unit), that has performed a deed or activity considered beyond the demand of normal duty. It may be awarded to winners of competitions only under very exceptional circumstances.
- The awarding of the CFUC to groups other than formed units or sub-units shall only be considered where it is not practical to recognize the members of the group individually.
- The CFUC includes three elements:
- A gold-embossed scroll, inscribed in both official languages with the name of the recipient unit concerned and an appropriate bilingual citation, bearing the signature of the CDS. Where the recipient unit was temporary and no longer exists or is a small group, the scroll shall be presented, as directed by the CDS, to either the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient unit in accordance with the lead unit identified in the FG Order or, where there is no such clear single recipient, to the superior formation or HQ.
- A twelve-sided gold coloured medallion, 76 mm across the points, bearing on the obverse the superimposed symbols of the three services: the anchor, the crossed swords and the flying eagle, topped by the Royal Crown, the whole superimposed on four maple leaves within a raised circle, on the edge of the medallion appear, between branches of laurel leaves, the inscriptions "COMMENDATION" and "MENTION ÉLOGIEUSE". The reverse displays a wreath of laurel and maple leaves around the perimeter leaving the center plain to allow the engraving of the recipient unit's name. An appropriate representation of the medallion may be permanently displayed at the brow on the ceremonial kisbie stand on HMC ships, with the years of the award lettered in gold. Where the recipient unit was temporary and no longer exists or is a small group, the medallion shall be presented, as directed by the CDS, to either the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient unit in accordance with the lead unit identified in the FG Order or, where there is no such clear single recipient, to the superior formation or HQ
- A special commemorative flag showing the superimposed symbol of the three services: the anchor, the crossed swords and the flying eagle, topped by the Royal Crown and surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves on a field (background) consisting of three horizontal and equal stripes of navy blue, red and light blue. The flag may be flown or openly displayed by recipient units as a public distinction for a period of one year from the date of the presentation of the award. Thereafter, the flag may be kept as a historical artifact and memento of the award. Where the recipient unit was temporary and no longer exists or is a small group, the flag shall be presented, as directed by the CDS, to either the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient unit in accordance with the lead unit identified in the FG Order, in which case it may be flown for a period of one year from the date of presentation or, where there is no such clear single recipient, to the superior formation or HQ for historical purposes in which case it is not to be flown. On His Majesty's Canadian (HMC) ships during the year of public display, the flag:
- shall be flown from the starboard yard arm;
- shall not displace a commissioning or distinguishing pennant (or flag);
- may be flown at sea for special occasions as approved by the senior officer present; and
- shall be flown in harbour from sunrise to sunset, and when entering or leaving harbour.
- Any additional questions regarding flag protocols can be directed to the Directorate of History and Heritage.
Summary of the dispositions for the award elements
CFUC | Pennant | Medallion and Scroll |
Formation, Unit/Sub-Unit | Flown by recipient unit for one year from date of presentation of the award. | Held by recipient unit in perpetuity. |
Temporary/ad hoc formation | Flown by recipient group for one year from date of presentation of the award. If no longer in existence, either (1) flown for one year from date of presentation of the award by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held in perpetuity for historical purposes (not flown) by the superior formation or HQ. |
Held by recipient group while in existence. If no longer in existence, either (1) held by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held by the superior formation or HQ in perpetuity. |
Small group | Flown by recipient group for one year from date of presentation of the award where practical and appropriate. If not appropriate, either (1) flown for one year from date of presentation of the award by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held in perpetuity for historical purposes (not flown) by the superior formation or HQ. |
Held by recipient group where practical and appropriate. If not appropriate, either (1) held by the unit which was the main contributor to the recipient group; or (2) where there is no such clear single recipient unit, held by the superior formation or HQ in perpetuity. |
- A recommendation for a CFUC shall be submitted by the nominated unit’s superiors. Suggestions for an award from outside the chain of command shall be referred to the appropriate superior authority. The recommendation shall be submitted through normal channels, personally reviewed by the officer commanding the command or the appropriate NDHQ military group principal, and forwarded to DH&R.
- A narrative in support of a recommendation must contain an account of what the nominated unit did to merit the award, including a full description of any event that gave rise to the recommendation, the degree of involvement of all unit personnel (e.g. 60 percent of all unit personnel, or four out of six squadron aircraft, etc.), the time frame and the location.
- For a CFUC, a short, proposed citation of 150 words maximum summarizing the narrative shall be provided. Refer to DND 2448, Recommendation for Individual Unit Awards Form.
- Recipient units are first informed of their award by their chain of command. The scroll, commemorative flag and medallion are sent to the CDS’s office for presentation. Presentation arrangements will be made by that office.
- Replacement flags may be requested from NDHQ/DH&R by email at DH&
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