Moving forward together: Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy

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Minister message

A world that works for everyone, one that leaves no one behind, may seem beyond our grasp. This is especially true at a time when the world is responding to the broad impacts of COVID-19. Yet if anything, our current situation provides a significant opportunity. We can make the shift towards a more sustainable, just, inclusive and resilient world. We can advance the work that gets us there.

The past year has seen vibrant discussions about addressing the challenges we face. Those challenges are particularly significant for marginalized groups and people in vulnerable situations. The public dialogue in Canada increasingly focuses on how we can build back better for everyone. It asks how we can best advance strong policies that help eliminate barriers facing Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized peoples, and persons with disabilities.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is:

  • a path forward for Canada and the world
  • a global blueprint for building a more peaceful, inclusive, prosperous, resilient and sustainable world
  • people-centred
  • 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to address the most pressing global challenges
  • improving quality of life and meeting people’s needs and priorities, which include:
    • a safe home
    • food security, and
    • a decent job
  • access to health care and services, quality education and a healthy environment

Canada is advancing the 2030 Agenda at home and abroad and accelerating progress on the SDGs throughout the United Nations Decade of Action. Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy is:

  • about building an inclusive enabling environment that supports achievement of the SDGs
  • about leveraging our different strengths and experiences for all of Canada, whether in the Arctic, rural and coastal communities or our large cities
  • about Canadians doing our part as global citizens
  • about acknowledging the important commitments to reconciliation and self-determination with Indigenous Peoples
  • about recognizing commitments to gender equality, a healthy environment, peace, justice and human rights

There are compelling reasons to take on the challenge of the SDGs at home and internationally. Everyone can participate and benefit from turning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into reality. This is true for all levels of government, Indigenous Peoples, civil society, the private sector and our academic, non-profit and voluntary communities.

The Government of Canada believes that together we can build a more inclusive and resilient Canada and a more sustainable world. Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy shows how we can all work together to do just that.

Hon. Ahmed Hussen
Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Hon. Karina Gould
Minister of International Development

The future we want to see

Canadians aspire to achieve the sustainable, peaceful, resilient, inclusive and prosperous world envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy sets out an approach to:

  • accelerate progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Canada, and
  • contribute to their achievement internationally

All members of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda in September 2015. This 15-year global framework centres on a set of 17 SDGs with 169 targets. The SDGs cover sustainable development’s social, economic and environmental dimensions. They also integrate:

  • peace
  • governance, and
  • justice elements

The 2030 Agenda is universal in nature. It calls on both developing and developed countries to implement the SDGs in order to eradicate poverty and leave no one behind.

Canada explored what it means to ‘leave no one behind’ in the Canadian context in Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy. Widespread collaborative efforts and public engagement assessed Canada’s situation. They considered what a Canadian strategy might include. Those insights, the lessons emerging from experiences with COVID-19 and other considerations have resulted in this National Strategy. The Government of Canada’s next step will be a Federal Implementation Plan to advance the National Strategy. It will address a number of considerations:

  1. achieving the 2030 Agenda means addressing and closing gaps:
    • reaching those furthest behind first, and
    • recognizing the gaps in well-being and opportunities facing Indigenous Peoples
  2. incorporating fundamental commitments of diversity and inclusion are crucial to partnerships and results such as:
    • achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls through gender-responsive approaches, and
    • reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples by including them in meaningful ways in decision-making under a rights-based approach that reflects nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown and government-to-government commitments
  3. sharing lessons learned and best practices with partners at home and abroad to help improve actions that support the 2030 Agenda
  4. the Government of Canada will provide leadership by acting at home and at the international level. It will collaborate with partners and stakeholders to help guide a whole of society effort to realize the SDGs

Spotlight: Canada and the SDGs

A whole of society vision: Building on strengths to work together for results

Canada is vast, diverse and complex. There is room for diverse contributions to achieve the SDGs in Canada and abroad under Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy. There is a place for:

  • every institution
  • every part of civil society
  • every level of government
  • every Indigenous community, and
  • every individual

Each can act individually and in concert with others to help to realize the SDGs both in Canada and around the world.


All governments (federal, provincial, territorial, municipal and Indigenous) have roles to play in advancing the 2030 Agenda. They have clear, direct impacts on Canadians on priorities such as:

  • improving health outcomes
  • reducing poverty
  • addressing food insecurity
  • enhancing access to education, and
  • working to improve the many other aspects of ensuring a sustainable, healthy environment

Spotlight: Localizing the SDGs

Their actions to ensure more inclusion and equality are essential to the achievement of the SDGs in Canada. This is especially true for racialized Canadians and marginalized groups as well as people in vulnerable situations. It is true as governments increasingly use gender-responsive approaches.

Governments are also building partnerships to collaborate with civil society that support the 2030 Agenda. It enables greater participation, effectiveness and impacts by working with:

  • Indigenous Peoples
  • civil society
  • the private sector, and
  • other stakeholders in Canada and internationally

A whole-of-society approach includes respect for the inherent right of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination. It sees First Nations, Inuit and the Métis Nation as equal partners in shared efforts to achieve results. Many governments have started to work with partner governments in other countries to move forward on the 2030 Agenda.

First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples

Indigenous Peoples are defining, shaping and achieving progress on the SDGs. They are determining paths to sustainable development for their:

  • lands
  • territories, and
  • resources

This is taking place in line with a commitment to self-determination, and recognizing their jurisdictions and distinctions. The path ahead is drawing on the Government of Canada commitment to nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown and government-to-government relationships.

Indigenous Peoples contribute a broad range of perspectives, knowledge and traditional learning to Canada’s understanding of sustainability issues. They build on traditional knowledge and combine western science as appropriate. This enables them to live in harmony with the natural resources, land and water. Persevering through rapid environmental and social change, Indigenous Peoples continue to enhance their educational attainment while adapting to new ways. Indigenous Peoples are building on their experiences in managing natural resources sustainably. They are showing resilience in the face of environmental change. Indigenous Peoples in Canada and around the world will engage on their own terms toward Indigenous strategies for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. They will do so consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other commitments.

Civil society, the not-for-profit and voluntary sector and individuals

A vibrant civil society is where individuals come together to address issues of shared importance to them and their communities. It is central to achieving the SDGs at home and abroad. Community-based and philanthropic groups are at the centre of much of that work across Canada. Many engage in local, national and international work that helps advance the 2030 Agenda, including by:

  • improving environmental health
  • reducing marginalization to achieve greater equity, and
  • allying with partners for peace and justice

People who are active in Canadian civil society are working hard at home and abroad to realize the SDGs. They can benefit from access to more data, knowledge, networks and expertise to engage their communities more and make an even greater impact.

The private sector

The 2030 Agenda requires employers who can contribute to:

  • sustainable growth
  • quality jobs, and
  • the well-being of employees and the communities in which they operate

More Canadian firms and workplaces are acting in ways that advance the SDGs in their operations and outcomes. Many in Canada’s private sector are taking a leadership role in this work. They are addressing sustainability challenges to improve resilience and adaptability in a rapidly evolving global economy. The private sector can play an even more significant role in achieving the 2030 Agenda in Canada and internationally by:

  • creating jobs that alleviate poverty
  • advancing innovation and sustainable development solutions
  • contributing to sustainable production and consumption patterns, or
  • participating in innovative financing and social impact mechanisms to achieve the SDGs

Academia, think tanks and researchers

Canada has a strong, diverse body of research expertise to contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda. Canadians are well-represented among leading thinkers and researchers. Their insights and expertise help shape:

  • effective government policy responses, and
  • locally-driven solutions to global and domestic SDG challenges

Academics and researchers are adding to a global body of knowledge of how community-based and non-profit groups can contribute to 2030 Agenda results. Some of their work shows how innovation can generate benefits in Canada and in other countries, particularly developing ones. They are often working to build capacity so others can create the knowledge to address their own SDG priorities.

International partners and Canada’s role in international implementation

Spotlight: Canada in the world

We are all connected. Everyone deserves to have a life with dignity and opportunity. The presence or absence of peace, prosperity and sustainability in other parts of the world affects Canadians’ quality of life. This is why Canada is helping to realize the SDGs around the world with attention to progress on:

  • eradicating poverty and inequality
  • promoting and protecting human rights
  • enabling access to health care and services
  • education
  • energy
  • inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent jobs
  • action to address climate change, and
  • leveraging fair and inclusive trade to raise incomes and broaden its benefits for under-represented groups, such as:
    • women, and
    • Indigenous Peoples

Canada engages in a range of multilateral institutions, collectives and bilateral relationships to move the 2030 Agenda forward. Those efforts recognize a need to work together to attain the SDGs.

Core objectives for engagement and action

Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy is about building an environment that enables everyone and every sector of Canadian society:

  • to see how they can be part of achieving the SDGs, and then
  • act in ways that are right for them

It aims to reflect the diversity, strengths and resources of Canada. It seeks to engage people and groups – and then do even more through collaborations for even greater results.

The Government of Canada is making progress on the 30 specific actions it set for itself in “Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy”. Details on that progress are at the end of this document.

The government will build on that progress through a new Federal Implementation Plan. The plan will clarify the steps the federal government will take for:

  • an environment that enables Canadian success toward the 2030 Agenda, and
  • its own specific actions

That plan will reflect the following 5 core objectives.

Objective 1: Fostering leadership, governance and policy coherence

The 2030 Agenda is an ambitious undertaking. It seeks to galvanize global commitment to sustainable development. Every level of government in Canada should act consistently and strategically to do its full part to achieve the 17 SDGs. A first step can be to review how well their own policies and programs align with the SDGs. This may help them notice gaps to address.

Governments also may see opportunities to strengthen the coherence, effectiveness and impact of their policies and activities. The results of this work may encourage other institutions and organizations to analyze their own efforts. For example, all stakeholders may learn from the experiences and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples regarding natural resources stewardship and management.

Objective 2: Raising awareness, engagement and partnerships

The ambitious nature of the 2030 Agenda recognizes that success requires global collective action. People must reach beyond their traditional networks to mobilize their communities to achieve the SDGs. This can be true for:

  • people as individuals
  • members of groups and communities, and
  • experts in their fields or in official public roles

This objective can lead to expanded existing partnerships. It can foster new ones across sectors for broader and more inclusive strategies. There can be new networks for collaboration and engagement to support the 2030 Agenda. All this should result in a greater sense of ownership and empowerment. It should translate into more action on the SDGs at all levels:

  • community
  • national, and
  • international

Objective 3: Accountability, transparency, measurement and reporting

Canadians expect concrete evidence that government actions towards the 2030 Agenda are generating results. Effective tools and resources must be in place to capture information on SDG-related actions. Analysis and reporting can lead to improved strategies. Canada will draw on the SDG Data Hub. It uses many data sources to ensure transparent reporting on Canada’s progress under the global SDG indicator framework. The Hub will also include indicators that will be part of the Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF).

Other Canadian stakeholders may benefit from drawing on these resources. They may measure and report on their own initiatives in ways that are appropriate to their particular capacities and priorities. This will help them communicate how they are contributing towards results under the 2030 Agenda.

Objective 4: Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda

The Government of Canada commits to:

  • the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action
  • the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Calls to Action, and
  • the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The government’s approach to implementing the SDGs aims to respect the right of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination. It aims to respect the distinctions among First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation governments, institutions and peoples. A commitment to free, prior and informed consent will guide decision-making. These commitments will be important in all SDG-related plans, including those relating to the lands, territories and resources of Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous-owned data and indicators will help enable progress tracking under the 2030 Agenda. They can benefit First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation governments and institutions. This will make the Canadian evidence base of data and knowledge more comprehensive and useful for all partners. It will have global value as First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation engage with Indigenous Peoples around the world. The results expected under this National Strategy will help address Canada’s commitment to reconciliation. They will help achieve the 30 federal Actions and 2030 Agenda throughout all regions of the country including rural and remote regions.

Objective 5: Investing in the SDGs

Public finance alone is insufficient to achieve the SDGs domestically and internationally and to fund the 2030 Agenda. This points to a need for substantial financial resources from the broadest array of sources. The following can play important roles:

  • private sector
  • financial institutions
  • venture capitalists
  • foundations
  • multilateral organizations, and
  • other stakeholders

They can ensure that communities in Canada and developing countries have the needed resources to achieve sustainable development objectives.

It will be important to harness the power of bonds and other established financial instruments. It will also be valuable to help grow social finance and impact investing opportunities by improving policy and regulatory frameworks. These actions will help all stakeholders generate greater social, economic and environmental benefits towards the 2030 Agenda. Governments can also act through:

  • reviews of existing legacy subsidies
  • increasing capacity for domestic resource mobilization and tax collection, and
  • combatting global illicit financial flows

These efforts can all help governments mobilize resources and align the use of public funds efficiently and effectively with achievement of the SDGs. They can also help attract private capital by addressing perceived risks.

Impacts of an enabling environment

Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy seeks to advance progress on the SDGs through widespread, collaborative engagement and action. The intended result is all partners contributing in their unique ways and with others toward achieving the SDGs. The impacts of an enabling environment should become visible in many ways through examples such as:

  • growing awareness and understanding of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs among Canadians
  • groups working toward achievement of the SDGs on their own terms:
    • particularly those who are marginalized, under-represented or in vulnerable situations
  • innovative and experimental initiatives involving partners who may not have collaborated in the past
  • identification of best practices in pursuit of 2030 Agenda goals, and
  • creation and use of more knowledge that will help in the achievement of the SDGs, including:
    • Indigenous knowledge, and
    • traditional ways of knowing

More coordinated and integrated information will enable the Government of Canada to track and report on progress. That reporting will draw on resources such as the United Nations Global Indicator Framework (GIF). It also will draw on the Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF), which will ensure a robust reporting mechanism. All partners may be able to draw on this information to track and report on their individual and collaborative sustainable development actions.

The CIF may be complemented by other government, local, community-driven and Indigenous-owned approaches to measurement. Those approaches can enable a more holistic reporting of sustainable development. They should enable a deeper understanding of the situations and experiences of marginalized and under-represented groups as well as people in vulnerable situations. This will improve the effectiveness of strategies and actions to leave no one behind. It can empower communities to act on the SDGs.

Conclusion: A shared commitment to action to shape the world we want to see

Achieving the SDGs will be challenging. Yet, it is a challenge that is essential to realize a more peaceful, prosperous, inclusive, resilient and sustainable world. The vision set out in the 2030 Agenda is one of urgency to overcome the most pressing global challenges. It is a call to action to eradicate poverty and inequality – and to preserve the planet for generations to come.

The 2030 Agenda highlights the importance of ensuring the benefits of sustainable development reach everyone. It highlights the centrality of achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls in realizing the SDGs. It is relevant across all regions of Canada and in communities of all kinds. It matters to:

  • remote communities in the North
  • across rural and coastal Canada, and
  • in towns and cities of all sizes

No one person, institution or country can alone drive success in the face of global challenges. Our world is one where we are all connected. So, the path forward requires broad and diverse participation to accelerate progress. In a time when the COVID-19 pandemic challenges all countries, this National Strategy seeks to create an enabling environment. The strategy:

  • focuses on drawing on the best efforts of all stakeholders to build back better
  • calls for innovation and collaboration to make the most of all available resources, and
  • reinforces the need to support effective multilateral institutions that can guide and support global efforts for sustainable development

Implementation of Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy should reflect experience and emerging knowledge on how best to achieve sustainable development. It recognizes the strengths of our diversity. Every one can contribute to shaping the world envisioned in the 2030 Agenda – both through their own actions and with others.

This National Strategy seeks to create an environment for action. Everyone can participate and contribute to achieving the SDGs – for the benefit of our entire planet.

Spotlight: Federal actions to date

Canada and many Canadians actively support the concept of sustainable development. It first achieved wide recognition in 1987 in Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda by Canada and all other United Nation Member States represents an important step forward for that concept. It has already led to Government of Canada actions.

Canada presented its first Voluntary National Review (VNR) to the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2018. The VNR took stock of actions by Canada to advance the SDGs at home and abroad. It also charted Canada’s path forward.

In June 2019, Canada released Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy. This was an important step to move the 2030 Agenda forward. It established:

  • structures
  • processes, and
  • activities

It highlighted the many actors involved in achieving the SDGs. Moreover, to get results, it indicated the required:

  • partnerships
  • innovations, and
  • investments

As a first step toward the National Strategy, it proposed 30 concrete federal actions to help address key strategic priorities. It grouped them in 5 high-level core objectives that continue to guide Canada’s approach. It drew on extensive public consultations and in-person feedback. More than 2,500 Canadians took part in events in more than 30 cities across all provinces and territories. The consultation process reached almost 42,000 people online. The results showed support among Canadians for the SDGs – and underlined the substantial work needed to increase awareness of the 2030 Agenda.

Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy includes a preliminary iteration of the Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF). Statistics Canada is developing indicators that will help to measure federal government ambitions and targets in an updated CIF by June 2021. The CIF will lay the foundation for Canada to track and report on its progress on the 17 SDGs. It will complement the Global Indicator Framework used to track and report Canada’s progress on the global indicators for the SDGs.

A Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program is now in place to advance progress on the 2030 Agenda. Through this program, Canada is investing up to $59.8 million over 13 years (2018-2019 to 2030-2031). Funding will:

  • raise awareness and improve knowledge of the SDGs
  • develop new partnerships, and
  • advance innovative approaches to drive sustainable development forward

To date, the SDG Funding Program is supporting 98 projects, for a total of approximately $17 million.

This funding has supported:

  • national and local events
  • youth-focused policy activities
  • SDG mapping projects
  • learning tools
  • research
  • policy briefs, and
  • reports

Spotlight: Canada and the SDGs

A series of 17 fact sheets highlights the Canadian context for each of the SDGs. Each one includes:

  • short, focused information and statistics relating to an SDG and its underlying indicators, and
  • a community spotlight to feature work by Canada's non-profit organizations and charities

Additionally, the SDG Data Hub is the online portal to report on SDG indicators.

Spotlight: Localizing the SDGs

Kitchener, Ontario is a leader in making the SDGs meaningful at the local level. The city of Kitchener is using them to frame its governance. It is starting with performance measurement related to:

  • implementation of its strategic plan, and
  • to inform decision-making and engagement processes

Kitchener is also developing an interactive online public dashboard to measure and demonstrate its progress against the SDGs.

The Government of Yukon is establishing a report on territorial wellbeing of its citizens, based on the SDGs and the Canadian Index of Well-Being. This will raise Yukoners’ awareness on the 2030 Agenda. It also will encourage territorial authorities and citizens to engage on what matters most to them. It is helping to identify and measure Yukon’s progress on advancing the SDGs.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) works in collaboration with its members and through its programs. Green practices and technologies are one key focus of work. These help Canada fight climate change and achieve sustainability. The international efforts of FCM enable Canadian municipalities to connect with counterparts to share their expertise and build relationships in other countries. This peer-to-peer approach seeks to:

  • foster lasting economic development
  • strengthen local governments, and
  • encourage civic participation

Expected results include:

  • more accountable local governments
  • stronger local economies, and
  • increased environmental sustainability

Spotlight: An Indigenous approach to impact investing

Raven Indigenous Capital Partners is an Indigenous-owned and led social finance organization driving economic reconciliation in Canada. Raven’s mission is to empower Indigenous entrepreneurs with the capital and expertise they need to succeed. Raven is embedding SDGs and Indigenous ways of knowing into community-driven projects and connecting investors to initiatives with measurable social outcomes.

By aligning the Raven Impact Measurement Framework with the SDGs, Raven is able to define SDG markers for projects in development. This also ensures the measurement process is consistent and complementary. It enables people to identify project impacts down to the community level. Raven’s approach supports Indigenous enterprises, entrepreneurs and communities, with competitive returns for investors. It focuses on 4 themes:

  • vibrant communities
  • empowering women
  • job creation, and
  • social justice

Spotlight: Partnerships for the goals

On May 20, 2020, the third annual national SDG conference took place. Together|Ensemble 2020 was hosted by the Waterloo Global Science Initiative, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Canada and Université Laval. The conference built upon a growing whole-of-society conversation to track Canada’s progress in achieving the SDGs. Partners from across the country participated virtually for the first time. The recorded sessions are a unique, online SDG educational resource and historical record. They include more than 100 speakers covering topics from equity to economy, culture to collaboration.

Nationwide, 44% of Canadians 15 years of age and older (12.7 million Canadians) volunteer an average of 154 hours per year. Volunteer Canada is developing a national strategy to promote volunteering as a key component in achieving the 17 SDGs. The goal is to strengthen and increase volunteering to help achieve the SDGs. In April 2019, it released its report The Sustainable Development Goals and the Volunteer Factor.

Spotlight: Better business for 2030

The private sector is critical to achieving the 2030 Agenda, with many Canadian businesses recognizing their role as an essential provider of sustainable solutions. Global Compact Network Canada functions as an extension of the United Nations Global Compact – the largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative in the world. To date, 128 Canadian firms participate in the United Nations Global Compact. It is driving businesses to help achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Approximately, 230 Canadian companies have earned certification as B-Corporations. These businesses meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit with purpose. As of December 2020, 269 Canadian companies had disclosed their carbon emissions under the Carbon Disclosure Project. To manage their environmental impacts, the international not-for-profit organization runs a global disclosure system for:

  • investors
  • companies
  • cities
  • states, and
  • regions

The Canadian Business Youth Council for Sustainable Development is Canada’s largest youth-led movement to change the way we do and teach business. These business students and young business professionals believe in giving youth the knowledge and tools to build a more just, sustainable and prosperous world. Over 50 youth organizations, representing over 500 young leaders have united to focus on critical topics in sustainability and the future of business.

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) began to develop, fund and house corporate sustainability benchmarks aligned with the SDGs. WBA is developing tools for measuring and comparing corporate performance. These include benchmarks for:

  • gender equality
  • climate action
  • digital inclusion, and
  • seafood stewardship

They have a compliance approach to the SDGs and aim to incentivize “companies to initiate positive change” by spotlighting their performance.

Spotlight: Education and the SDGs

Colleges and institutes are playing a critical role in preparing a workforce ready to meet the challenges of sustainability. Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) is engaging its members to strengthen the sector’s awareness of the SDGs and build on leading practices that involve students, faculty, staff, employers and the broader community.

  • CICan’s bilingual SDG webinar series reaches hundreds across Canada, while its SDG community of practice includes 300 participants from more than 80 institutions
  • The monthly ImpActful Updates newsletter highlights SDG-relevant news and opportunities
  • During Global Goals Week 2020, CICan signed the Global SDG Accord to advance the role that education has in delivering the SDGs
  • It launched the SDG Toolkit for Canadian Colleges and Institutes, a practical guide to the SDGs for post-secondary institutions
  • CICan is also taking a lead role within the international college community. It hosted an SDG webinar that featured college leaders from Senegal and Kenya. It also initiated an SDG affinity group through the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics

Spotlight: Canada and the world

The United Nations is the preeminent international forum for advancing the 2030 Agenda and engaging with partners from around the world. Canada participates annually at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum as the main mechanism for follow-up and review on the SDGs.

Canada actively engages in multilateral forums and bilateral relationships to advocate for and move forward on the 2030 Agenda. These include:

  • the United Nations system
  • the World Bank, and
  • other international financial institutions (IFIs)

It extends to the G7, G20 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Canada is using its place at the table in many ways. As an example, Canada supports SDG implementation through global pandemic recovery efforts. Canada is co-leading with Jamaica and the Secretary-General of the United Nations the Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond initiative. This is a pragmatic and solutions-oriented conversation on how to foster a large-scale, coordinated and comprehensive multilateral response to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19.

Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy supports an enabling environment for the SDGs. Strengthening the rules-based international system is a core element of that environment. Fostering and upholding human rights and democracy, encouraging sustainable and inclusive growth, and lasting peace and security are also essential. Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy guides Canada’s overall international approach to implementing the 2030 Agenda to reach the poorest and most marginalized. Canada sees its inclusive approach to trade as an engine for eradicating poverty. That approach can broaden the benefits of trade to under-represented groups, such as:

  • women, and
  • Indigenous Peoples

Canada is at work in many international forums that focus on protecting the planet. Many seek to advance climate, biodiversity and environmental protection. This includes:

Canada also takes advantage of opportunities to share knowledge and best practices. We learn from other countries and partners to help improve overall implementation of the SDGs. One example is our work on data and indicator development with the United Nations Inter-Agency and Expert Group. Others involve exchanges on best practices such as:

Spotlight: Federal government leadership

The Minister of Families, Children and Social Development has a mandate to lead Canada’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda. That mandate involves collaborating with all other ministers and their departments. The Minister of International Development leads Canada’s efforts to advance SDGs internationally.

The Sustainable Development Goals Unit (SDG Unit) at Employment and Social Development Canada is responsible for coordinating a whole-of-government, whole-of-society National Strategy. It has 2 main responsibilities:

  • monitoring and reporting on Canada’s progress towards the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, with Statistics Canada, who will collect, compile and report on the Canadian and Global Indicator Frameworks, and
  • aligning federal reporting and mechanisms to enable the integration of the SDGs into strategies, policies and programs

By working with key partners and stakeholders, the SDG Unit seeks to raise awareness of the 2030 Agenda. It also supports new partnerships and fosters innovation to drive progress on SDGs. It has begun to collaborate with Indigenous peoples as key partners.

The SDG Unit is working with other government departments and agencies to develop a Federal Implementation Plan. The plan will support delivery of the National Strategy in many ways. It will set out a federal governance structure. It will indicate the roles and responsibilities of federal departments and agencies to ensure leadership. It will also define the federal process for reporting on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

The Government of Canada will develop a Federal Implementation Plan beginning in early 2021. This will build on existing federal efforts to advance the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. It will include mechanisms for ongoing dialogue with other levels of government and stakeholders, such as:

  • an external advisory group of experts
  • multi-stakeholder tables to advance implementation of SDGs, and
  • an online engagement platform to highlight SDG activities led by the Government of Canada and external partners

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy reflects the environmentally-focused SDGs. The strategy includes several of Canada’s national biodiversity targets as well as goals related to climate change, clean growth and sustainable communities. It also showcases what the Government of Canada is doing to reduce emissions from its own operations.

The Canadian Gender Budgeting Act ensures that every federal budget considers gender and diversity. The Gender Results Framework helps guide federal policy decisions and is a tool to monitor and analyze progress on gender equality.

The Government of Canada has committed to better incorporating quality of life measurements into government decision-making and budgeting. It is drawing on lessons from other jurisdictions such as:

  • New Zealand, and
  • Scotland

The 2020 Fall Economic Statement commits the government to shape investment priorities by:

  • continuing to draw on best practices internationally
  • obtaining advice from experts on the determinants of quality of life, and
  • engaging with Canadians on what matters to them for a good quality of life

The Department of Justice Access to Justice Secretariat accelerates Justice Canada’s leadership role on Sustainable Development Goal 16. It is a focal point for the Government of Canada’s efforts to promote access to justice for all, domestically and internationally. It does this through partnerships with governments and civil society actors at home and abroad.

Global Affairs Canada’s SDG Strategy aims to integrate a sustainable development lens across all departmental business lines in support of the 2030 Agenda.

All federal Departmental Plans to Parliament now have a new element. They describe how departments intend to support Canada’s efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda at the SDG level.

Spotlight: Canada’s 30 actions to 2030

The Government of Canada released Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy in June 2019. It proposed 30 federal government actions to advance progress on the 2030 Agenda.

Of the 30 actions, 23 are on track. The other 7 require additional attention, often because those actions involve more complex challenges. They will take longer to address.

The 30 actions tracker at the end of this document has more detail on the status of each individual action.

Actions taken, on track

The SDG Funding Program is helping to advance progress on the 2030 Agenda. It is supporting new partnerships and collaboration, as well as advancing research. It has supported new tools to better monitor and report on the SDGs. This includes advancing data collection at the local level as well as data disaggregation to better understand the unique challenges of underrepresented populations.

The SDG Funding Program supports awareness building, collaboration and SDG programming. People and organizations are creating and using new tools to engage Canadians on the 2030 Agenda. In 2021 to 2022, reports will begin on results of projects initiated in 2019 to 2020.

The Program has Engagement Partnership Agreements with the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. These aim to ensure that implementation of the 2030 Agenda reflects the priorities and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples.

In May 2020, the SDG Funding Program supported the organization of Together | Ensemble 2020. This was a national forum to advance a national dialogue, monitor progress and help advance the SDGs in Canada. In addition, Canada’s delegation to the 2020 United Nations High-level Political Forum was diverse. It included representatives from:

  • diverse backgrounds
  • all levels of government
  • Indigenous People
  • civil society
  • academia
  • youth, and
  • the private sector

Progress slower than expected, attention required

Through the National Strategy, the Government of Canada commits to preparing an annual, whole-of-society progress report. It also commits to creating an external advisory committee to help inform implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

The federal government continues to advance efforts to enhance policy coherence across departments and agencies. It is working to integrate the SDGs into federal strategies, policies and programs, as appropriate. It is also advancing work to improve data disaggregation for vulnerable groups. However, all of this work will require time and support from various actors.

Spotlight: Enhancing policy coherence

To foster the leadership, effective governance and coherent actions necessary to advance the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, government organizations can:

  • develop and implement long-term strategic visions that support policy coherence
  • improve policy integration that brings together economic, social and environmental policy areas
  • ensure effective and inclusive institutional and governance mechanisms such as whole-of-government coordination to address policy interactions
  • engage with other levels of governments and relevant stakeholders to exchange on and promote coordinated actions
  • use responsive tools to assess social, economic and environmental impacts of policies:
    • this will include attention to long-term and transboundary impacts, particularly on developing countries
  • integrate gender-responsive approaches into SDG strategies and actions, and
  • incorporate Indigenous knowledge/ways of knowing in creating leadership models

The OECD Recommendation on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development presents a set of principles and best practices for promoting policy coherence for sustainable development.

Spotlight: Fostering partnerships

Alliance 2030 is a national network of organizations, institutions and individuals across Canada committed to achieving the SDGs. Alliance 2030 is building a searchable database of work across Canada, amplified by high-quality storytelling through blogs and podcasts. This digital space allows member organizations to connect with like-minded Canadians. Expected results include:

  • sharing learnings
  • finding needed support, and
  • staying up to date on the state of the SDGs

Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the national leadership organization for Canada’s 191 local community foundations. A key contributor in advancing the SDGs in Canada, CFC has a project called Vital Signs. It uses local knowledge to measure the vitality of a community and encourage action towards improving collective quality of life. Data gathered through the program can enable evidence-based, locally relevant solutions to improve quality of life.

In Canada, many local organizations’ partnership initiatives help connections across sectors, audiences and geographies. This helps move the needle on issues no one actor could address alone. Local organizations include:

  • not-for-profits
  • businesses, and
  • learning and research institutions

Canada’s Policy on Civil Society Partnerships for International Assistance sets out a feminist approach to enhancing cooperation with:

  • Canadian organizations
  • international organizations, and
  • local civil society organizations

It recognizes that a stronger and more vibrant civil society sector can maximize the impacts and results of Canada’s international assistance.

Spotlight: Ensuring accountability and transparency

Strong shared accountability and transparency is critical to the 2030 Agenda’s success. This requires regular tracking and reporting to Canadians. It also calls for enabling all partners to participate in dialogues and processes related to reporting. To do that, Canada needs to measure SDG progress using:

  • the right data
  • indicators, and
  • information

The data needs to be transparent and publicly available.

Organizations across Canada are working toward proactively and transparently reporting on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. One example is the Tracking-Progress Tool. It enables communities to easily track and visualize progress on the SDGs. The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) created the tool with support from the ECHO Foundation and Natural Resources Canada’s GeoConnections Program. Developed in partnership with the United Way of Winnipeg, the data dashboard reflects a decade of experience with community-led measurement in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Other organizations are adopting the tool to measure progress. Examples are in place in Bridgewater and Cumberland, Nova Scotia as well as the Calgary Local Immigration Partnership. In 2021, the Community Foundations of Canada will use the tool. It will link its Vital Signs program to the SDGs in up to 70 municipalities.

Local and regional governments across Canada have shown interest in creating Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) to report on community progress tied to the SDGs. In Winnipeg, the IISD and local United Way intend to work with the City of Winnipeg. Their goal is a VLR in 2021.

Internationally, Canada participates annually in the United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF). Member states prepare voluntary reviews to report on their progress in implementing the SDGs. On July 17th, 2018, Canada presented its first Voluntary National Review at the United Nations. It reported progress in implementing the 2030 Agenda. Canada intends to prepare at least one additional VNR before 2030.

Statistics Canada leads many international activities related to data and reporting for the SDGs. This includes co-chairing the Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. That group developed the Global Indicators and provides the Global Report to the HLPF. Statistics Canada is also a member of the United Nations Economic Commission For Europe Steering Group on Statistics for SDGs. That body elaborated a Roadmap setting out the steps to help countries implement effective SDG reporting.

Since 2011, Canada has joined a number of international initiatives and partnerships committed to transparency. One is the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), which aims to make development aid spending information easier to find, use and compare. It includes features to tag and attribute activities to SDG targets and indicators. Canada also takes into account feedback from other sources. For example, shadow reports to Canada’s official VNR prepared by civil society organizations, and external reviews by the Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).

Spotlight: Reconciliation and the 2030 Agenda

Canada’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda must support reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, with full regard for their rights. This reflects:

  • the Principles respecting the Government of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples
  • the Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and
  • the Calls to Justice arising from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

The SDGs are grounded in human rights principles, as is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Together they provide a common guide for conversations among Canada’s diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and non-Indigenous people.

Indigenous peoples are frequently at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the population. Thus, the overall focus of the 2030 Agenda on human rights principles and standards, leaving no one behind and reducing inequalities is highly relevant. Upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination will enable Canada to help achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Implementation of the 2030 Agenda can raise awareness about Indigenous ways of knowing. This is through:

  • ongoing dialogue and collaboration with National Indigenous Organizations and Indigenous communities, and
  • connecting the past, present and future experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities to help advance the SDGs

Spotlight: Leveraging new financing opportunities

Canada committed to implementing the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development. That Agenda focuses on access to resources so developing countries can advance the SDGs. It emphasizes mobilizing all sources of development financing, including from the private sector, to implement the 2030 Agenda.

Canada has been a leader in the global Financing for Development discussion. This includes co-chairing the United Nations Group of Friends of SDG Financing since 2016. The Group of Friends has been an important platform to engage United Nations member states, the private sector and institutional investors on development financing issues.

Launched in February 2018, Canada’s development finance institution, FinDev Canada provides commercial financing for private sector investment in developing countries. This complements investment through traditional financial institutions and Official Development Assistance. Canada also has an:

Both fund innovative finance projects that catalyze private sector expertise and capital. As well, they complement and leverage development financing from FinDev Canada and International Financial Institutions (IFIs).

Canada is delivering $2.65 billion in climate finance to developing countries by 2020 to 2021. Canada also supports climate action abroad through public and private partner investments. Some of those investments are through Canada’s support for multilateral development banks and major climate funds. Others involve mobilizing additional private investments. Together, they all seek to help developing countries achieve cleaner economic growth and build climate resilience.

Canada is a relatively prosperous country, yet our communities still face persistent and complex social problems. These affect some groups more than they affect others such as:

  • Indigenous people
  • seniors
  • youth
  • immigrants, and
  • women fleeing violence

New and innovative approaches can help to tackle these social issues. Domestic initiatives such as the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy for Canada are steps forward. They will assist community organizations in creating positive solutions to social problems, including those faced by vulnerable populations.

Spotlight: Measuring progress on the 2030 Agenda

The Global Indicator Framework (GIF) is the primary mechanism for monitoring and reporting on the SDGs at the international level. It includes:

  • 169 targets, and
  • 231 unique indicators

Statistics Canada is the statistical focal point for Canada. It leads the collection, compilation and reporting of statistical data. This takes place through the SDG Data Hub, an online platform available to all Canadians.

To support domestic monitoring and reporting, countries are developing the country-specific indicators best suited to their national context. In Canada, this began with a preliminary version of the Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF) in June 2019. An updated version will launch in June 2021. The CIF will support SDG progress measurement in the Canadian context and will enhance national reporting. Canada intends to present at least one more Voluntary National Review (VNR) by 2030. It also will report on progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda National Strategy.

Other measurement frameworks are also useful for whole-of-Canada reporting on the SDGs:

  • environmental indicators help measure progress towards environmental sustainability. They help report to Canadians on the state of the environment. The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators program (CESI) is a leading example. It includes data and information relevant to issues like:
    • climate change
    • air quality
    • water quality/availability, and
    • protecting nature
  • many provincial governments and municipalities use measurement frameworks that align with the SDGs. These tools can complement the CIF for gathering, tracking and reporting information on Canada’s progress towards implementing the 2030 Agenda
  • several non-governmental organizations and academic institutions have data-oriented initiatives. Community Foundations Canada, the University of Waterloo and others are pursuing a range of projects. Some strengthen data capacity and measure progress made by vulnerable groups of Canadians. Others develop data visualization that presents Canada’s progress on the 2030 Agenda. This data is instrumental for Local Voluntary Reviews and whole-of-Canada reporting on the SDGs
  • many Statistics Canada initiatives provide relevant SDG statistics:
    • the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics includes sex-disaggregated indicators. These address factors such as education, economic participation and prosperity, leadership, gender-based violence, and health and well-being
    • the Infrastructure Statistics Hub includes a set of statistical statements. They record the economic, social and environmental impacts related to Canadian production and use of infrastructure

30 actions to 2030 tracker

Federal actions Status Progress
1. Demonstrate leadership in implementing the 2030 Agenda, both at home and abroad, by coordinating a whole-of-Canada national strategy for the 2030 Agenda and measuring progress made on the SDGs. On track Canada is releasing the 2030 Agenda National Strategy and finalizing the Canadian Indicator Framework.
2. Align federal reporting mechanisms and support the integration of the SDGs into new and existing strategies, policies and programs across federal departments and agencies to increase policy coherence. Attention required Federal departments include narrative and optional reporting on SDGs in their annual Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports tabled in Parliament. More work will need to take place to align reporting mechanisms and systematically integrate the SDGs into federal strategies, policies and programs.
3. Develop training materials on the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs for federal public servants across all departments and agencies. On track The federal government is developing SDG training material targeting federal public servants.
4. Ensure diverse representation at the United Nations High-Level Political Forums from all levels of government, including the provinces and territories, self-governing Indigenous governments and peoples, communities, municipalities and cities. On track

Canadian delegations at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum include representatives from groups such as:

  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments
  • Indigenous partners, and
  • civil society, academic and youth
5. Develop long-term inclusive engagement plans with Indigenous partners and communities, National Indigenous Organizations, Modern Treaty organizations and self-governing Indigenous governments to further implement the 2030 Agenda. Identify opportunities for collaboration and for integrating Indigenous perspectives, priorities and ways of knowing into the SDGs, support capacity building and increase awareness about the 2030 Agenda. On track As a first step, the Government of Canada established three-year engagement partnership agreements with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), the Métis National Council (MNC) and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). They seek to identify Indigenous priorities related to the SDGs, build capacity and raise awareness about the 2030 Agenda.
6. Foster collaboration with communities, cities and municipalities to further implement the 2030 Agenda locally, and support action to achieve the SDGs. On track Employment and Social Development Canada manages the SDG Funding Program. It supports initiatives that advance local implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
7. Share best practices and identify opportunities for collaboration and for localizing the SDGs across all levels of government and with communities and local organizations. On track Employment and Social Development Canada is developing an online platform. This will enhance collaboration and share best practices from the SDG Funding Program and that other partners identify.
8. Work with partners on compelling storytelling and calls to action, and highlight stories of Canadians who are taking action on the SDGs from coast to coast to coast. On track Work is underway to communicate stories from organizations that are advancing SDGs across Canada with SDG Funding Program support.
9. Support a national SDG Forum that brings together diverse stakeholders to discuss the 2030 Agenda and to collaborate on innovative approaches to advance progress on the SDGs in Canada. On track The SDG Funding Program is supporting national forums such as Together|Ensemble 2020. These bring together diverse stakeholders to advance progress on the SDGs.
10. Work in partnership with organizations and communities to ensure that vulnerable and marginalized groups are aware of and engaged in the 2030 Agenda. On track The SDG Funding Program is supporting activities aiming at raising awareness of the 2030 Agenda in vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups.
11. Enable horizontal partnerships and collaboration that promote the sharing of best practices, ideas and experiences relating to the 2030 Agenda. On track The SDG Funding Program is supporting horizontal partnerships to share knowledge and experience on the SDGs. Developing an online platform will further enhance this work.
12. Leverage opportunities at key international and regional events and forums like the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous People, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the G7 and G20 summits and the OECD to share best practices in implementing the 2030 Agenda, showcase Canada’s efforts and collaborate with other countries to increase the impact of the SDGs and help build momentum. On track Canada is engaging multilaterally and bilaterally on the SDGs. Canada has showcased its efforts in advancing the SDGs at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. They are also reflected through global leadership on Financing for the SDGs, including the Prime Minister’s Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond initiative.
13. Support First Nations, Métis and Inuit-led research initiatives, protocols and governance structures, and partner with schools, universities, academic institutions and research networks to support research, development, resource sharing and youth engagement in the SDGs. On track As a first step, the SDG Funding Program is supporting Indigenous-led university and academic research and partnerships. These will increase youth awareness and engagement in the SDGs.
14. Establish a representative external advisory committee of experts to guide the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Canada. Attention required The federal government plans to create an external advisory committee of experts in 2021. This was delayed due to the pandemic.
15. Support research in areas that help identify gaps in Canada’s efforts to meet the SDGs or improve the understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of under-represented populations who are at risk of being left behind. On track The SDG Funding Program supports research on SDG implementation gaps. This includes attention to populations at risk of being left behind.
16. Participate annually in the High-Level Political Forum and present at least one additional Voluntary National Review to the United Nations before 2030. On track Canada participates in the High-Level Political Forum annually. It will present one additional Voluntary National Review to the United Nations before 2030.
17. Advance data disaggregation and explore local or community-driven measurement to ensure the Framework reflects and monitors under-represented and marginalized groups. Attention required The SDG Funding Program is supporting work to advance data interoperability and data disaggregation. Improved data will enable better understanding of the challenges of under-represented and marginalized groups. However, much work remains on data disaggregation, including at the federal level. The Federal Implementation Plan will include attention to options for that work.
18. Enhance data disaggregation and the recognition of Indigenous identity across the Canadian Indicator Framework to the extent possible, and enhance the future integration of Indigenous-owned, community-based data, building on work like the National Outcome-Based Framework’s development of Indigenous indicators of poverty, health and well-being. On track As a first step, partnership agreements are in place with National Indigenous Organizations (AFN, MNC, ITK). These support development of Indigenous-owned indicators and data.
19. Present a report that covers Canada's national strategy regularly, and report annually to Canadians on progress made in the Global Indicator Framework. Attention required Canada reports annually on the Global Indicator Framework through Statistics Canada’s SDG Data Hub. Canada has not yet released an annual whole-of-society report. This report would cover progress made on key ambitions, targets and indicators in the Global and Canadian Indicator Frameworks. The 2030 Agenda National Strategy commits to annual reporting on the SDGs.
20. Support independent review mechanisms and peer review processes as a means to enhance Canada’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda. On track Canada supports independent review mechanisms and peer review processes. This includes annual shadow Voluntary National Reports on Canada’s progress towards the SDGs prepared by civil society organizations. Canada participates in the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development leads that work for Canada. INTOSAI is currently evaluating countries’ implementation of the SDGs.
21. Support sub-national reporting to highlight new and existing actions locally that are making progress on the SDGs. On track The SDG Funding Program supports sub national reporting activities on local actions advancing the SDGs.
22. Implement the 2030 Agenda with full regard for the rights of Indigenous peoples by protecting and promoting these rights, as reflected in the Principles respecting the Government of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples, the TRC’s Calls to Action, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls to Justice and the UN Declaration. On track The 2030 Agenda National Strategy recognizes the importance of embedding the rights of Indigenous peoples in 2030 Agenda implementation. This must occur at a whole-of-society level. It also commits to ensuring implementation of the 2030 Agenda reflect Indigenous perspectives.
23. Consult with National Indigenous Organizations and Indigenous communities to ensure that the 2030 Agenda is implemented collaboratively and in ways that respect the rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis to self-determination, and support participation in implementation, follow-up and review processes. On track National Indigenous Organizations (AFN, MNC, ITK) were engaged in the development of the 2030 Agenda National Strategy. The federal government will continue to engage them on implementation through partnership agreements.
24. Raise awareness about Indigenous ways of knowing among all Canadians. On track The SDG Funding Program is supporting activities to identify Indigenous ways of knowing related to the SDGs. The SDG online platform currently under development will help share this knowledge.
25. Support the development of resources that connect the past, present and future experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities in Canada to the 2030 Agenda. On track Partnership agreements established with National Indigenous Organizations (AFN, MNC, ITK) support new resources to connect Indigenous experiences to the 2030 Agenda.
26. Enhance collaboration between different levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors and research communities, and support the development of new and innovative partnerships, approaches and breakthroughs to advance multiple SDGs. On track The SDG Funding Program is helping to develop new and innovative partnerships. These link governments, the private and non-profit sectors and research communities.
27. Encourage philanthropic organizations, private sector firms and private investors to contribute to achieving the SDGs though opportunities for collaboration which could include: sustainable production and procurement processes; resource efficiency, clean energy and the regenerative use of natural resources; improved social protection for labour; the adoption of circular economic approaches, ESG-compliant investment in emerging and frontier markets; and corporate social responsibility initiatives. On track The SDG Funding Program supports collaboration with philanthropic organizations and private sector firms to achieve the SDGs.
28. Partner with organizations to encourage SDG implementation in the business community, including corporate social responsibility initiatives. On track The SDG Funding Program is supporting partnerships with the business community to encourage SDG implementation in the private sector.
29. Engage with partners to develop, test and deploy innovative and flexible financing tools that will mobilize new investments to achieve the SDGs in Canada and abroad. Attention required Engagement with partners to develop, test and deploy innovative and flexible financing tools has not started in Canada yet. However, Canada is leading work to mobilize additional development financing to reach the SDGs in developing countries. This includes our 2018 G7 Presidency, the establishment of FinDev Canada and the International Assistance Innovation Program.
30. Measure the economics and the effectiveness of the impacts of successful SDG implementation, different resourcing requirements and potential types of funding. Attention required Work on measuring the economics and impacts of successful SDG implementation has not begun.

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