Funding: Canada Summer Jobs – Follow-up

Follow up

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Service Canada will begin to inform applicants of the status of their application starting in April, 2024 and will continue into the summer months. All eligibility and funding decisions will be confirmed in writing.

What happens after I submit my application

All assessed applications within a constituency will be ranked according to their assessment score, and a list of recommended projects will be established. Each Member of Parliament will receive the list of eligible projects for their constituency. Based on their knowledge of local priorities and circumstances, Members of Parliament have the opportunity to review the list of assessed projects for their constituencies and to provide feedback to help ensure local priorities are met.

Service Canada will inform you of the status of your application starting in April 2024 and will continue into the summer months. All eligibility and funding decisions will be confirmed in writing. You can also check the status of your application through your GCOS account.


If your application is approved, the “Calculation of Approved Canada Summer Jobs Contribution Amount” document signed by an appropriate delegated authority for Canada will be returned to you, along with other appropriate forms and the name of a contact person to address any questions you may have regarding your agreement.

Activities will not be eligible for reimbursement before your project is approved and an agreement has been signed by both the recipient and Service Canada. The receipt of a completed application does not in itself constitute a commitment on the part of Service Canada. You should not assume any commitment on the part of Service Canada until funding has been approved and a formal agreement has been signed by a representative of Service Canada. Service Canada will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review of your application.

Funded employers and youth participants will be asked to complete questionnaires to provide Service Canada with feedback on their CSJ experience. The mandatory employer questionnaire must be completed prior to submitting a payment claim. It is also mandatory for employers to provide the youth participant questionnaire to youth employees funded through the CSJ program, although completion of the youth questionnaire remains voluntary. Both questionnaires will be provided to organizations when they are notified of project funding.

If financial irregularities are discovered, Service Canada may verify information with the Canada Revenue Agency.


Successful employers may be randomly selected for inspections and audits as per subsection 21.2 of the Articles of Agreement.

Privacy notice statement

The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA). This information may be used to determine your eligibility for Canada Summer Jobs, its administration and for accountability purposes. Participation in the Canada Summer Jobs Program is voluntary, but refusal to provide information may result in your Canada Summer Jobs application not being considered for funding.

As well, this information may be used to support the administration or enforcement of other programs of Employment and Social Development Canada (“the Department” or ESDC), including Service Canada.

The information you provide may also be used for policy analysis, evaluation, and/or research purposes. In order to conduct these activities, various sources of information under the custody and control of the Department may be linked. However, these additional uses and/or disclosures of your personal information will not result in an administrative decision being made about you.

The Department may review results from previous Canada Summer Jobs funding agreements when determining the eligibility of your application. The Department may also review information in the public domain, including but not limited to materials on your website and media articles, when determining the eligibility of your application.

Should your application be deemed eligible, the information you provide will be shared in accordance with the law with your respective Member of Parliament to ensure local priorities are considered. It may also be used by the Member of Parliament to notify employers whose Canada Summer Jobs funding applications have been approved. The Department and your Member of Parliament may also use the information to help promote the program.

Funded employers will be listed on the Canada Summer Jobs website and funded positions will be posted on Job Bank.

In the event of an Access to Information request regarding the approved funding application or any relevant information about the organization in the Department’s possession, the information provided to the Department will be disclosed, subject to applicable exemptions under the Access to Information Act, such as the exemption for personal information.

Your personal information is administered in accordance with DESDA and the Privacy Act and other applicable laws. You have the right to the protection of, access to, and correction of your personal information, which is described in the Personal Information Bank Youth Employment and Skills Strategy ESDC PPU 706. Instructions in obtaining this information is outlined in the government publication available online, entitled Information about programs and information holdings. This information may also be accessed in person or online at any Service Canada Centre. You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding ESDC's handling of your personal information.

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