Proposed Plan of Priorities under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA or the Act) was modernized on June 13, 2023, when Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act (now SC 2023, ch. 12), became law. The amended Act requires the Ministers of the Environment and of Health to develop, consult on and publish a Plan of Priorities (the Plan) with timelines, setting out a multi-year, integrated plan for the assessment of substances as well as other activities that support the management of substances. The Plan will be published no later than June 13, 2025, and will be reviewed within 8 years of its publication, and every 8 years after that.
As per section 73(1) of CEPA, the Plan will specify:
- the substances to which the Ministers are satisfied priority should be given in assessing whether they are toxic or capable of becoming toxic
- activities or initiatives in relation to assessing, controlling or otherwise managing the risks to the environment or to human health posed by substances that are or will be undertaken under an Act of Parliament for whose administration either Minister is responsible and which the Ministers are of the opinion should be prioritized; and
- activities or initiatives to promote the development and timely incorporation of scientifically justified alternative methods and strategies in the testing and assessment of substances to replace, reduce or refine the use of vertebrate animals
Consultation on a proposed Plan of Priorities
On October 5, 2024, the Minister of the Environment published a Notice of the publication of the proposed Plan of Priorities and the opportunity to provide comments on priorities outlined in the proposed Plan. The proposed Plan is open for public comment from October 5, 2024 to December 4, 2024.
Who is the focus of this consultation
We would like to hear from:
- Indigenous Peoples
- General public
- Chemical manufacturers, importers, distributors, formulators and users and their trade associations
- Disposers and recyclers
- Consumer advocacy groups
- Non-governmental health or environmental organizations
- Academic professionals
Privacy Act Notice Statement
The personal information is collected under the authority of subsection 7(1) of the Financial Administration Act and section 5 of the Department of the Environment Act.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is seeking your comments on its Proposed Plan of Priorities 2024. The comments received will be considered when developing the final version of the Plan. Your participation and decision to provide comments is voluntary.
The personal information created, held or collected by Environment and Climate Change Canada is protected under the Privacy Act. The information you provide will be used, disclosed and retained in accordance with the conditions listed in the Personal Information Bank Outreach Activities PSU 938.
Any questions or comments regarding this privacy notice may be directed to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Access to Information and Privacy Division at If you are not satisfied that we have adequately respected your privacy, you have a right to file a complaint. You may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by calling their information center at 1-800-282-1376 or by visiting their contact page.
Join in: How to participate
- Review the document "Proposed Plan of Priorities"
- Make yourself heard. Send your questions, comments, and feedback by email at or by mailing address in the contact information below Please include “Comments on the Proposed Plan of Priorities” in the subject line of your email or document
Any person who provides information to the Minister of the Environment may request that it be treated as confidential under section 313 of CEPA. The request for confidentiality must be accompanied by reasons taking into account the criteria set out in paragraphs 20(1)(a) to (d) of the Access to Information Act.
Next steps
Comments received will be considered in finalizing the Plan, which will be published by June 13, 2025.
Delivery of the proposed Plan of Priorities
The proposed Plan of Priorities includes many activities and initiatives to be developed or implemented over the duration of the Plan. Further information on the development and eventual delivery of proposed priorities (for example, substances prioritized for assessment) is provided at the links in the Information section below. Check regularly for new information on upcoming initiatives regarding priorities in the proposed Plan.
Information on the development and delivery of priorities in the proposed Plan
Proposed Plan of Priorities: substances prioritized for assessment under CEPA
Proposed priorities for assessment under CEPA or for development of an action plan or approach, including information on why these are priorities and timelines to do the work.
Risk management of chemical substances
Actions and activities to manage the risks posed by chemical substances.
Strategy to guide the replacement, reduction, or refinement of vertebrate animal testing
Development of a strategy to guide continued efforts to replace, reduce or refine the use of vertebrate animals when assessing chemicals under CEPA.
Labelling of toxic substances in products
Development of a strategy for labelling of harmful substances in products under CEPA, to provide information for people in Canada.
Watch list
Development of a list of substances of potential concern under CEPA that have been assessed and found to have hazardous properties, but currently do not pose risks to human health or the environment.
A proposed Watch List Approach outlining how Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada will meet the legislated requirement of compiling and amending the Watch List was published on September 28, 2024, followed by a 60-day public comment period.
Collecting information on substances, groups of substances, and products to inform science-based chemicals management decisions.
National Pollutant Release Inventory
Canada’s public inventory of releases, disposals and transfers, tracking over 300 pollutants from over 7,000 facilities across Canada.
Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals
Information related to biomonitoring of environmental chemicals within Canada.
Environmental monitoring and surveillance: chemicals management
Environmental monitoring and surveillance in support of the chemicals management plan.
Provides Parliament and people in Canada with information on the activities conducted under CEPA and results achieved.
Find documents relating to the administration of CEPA including consultations, regulations and other instruments used to manage chemical substances.
An online searchable tool that serves as a method to communicate substance-based information.
Information on assessing and managing the health and environmental risks of chemical substances under the Chemicals Management Plan.
List of toxic substances managed under Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Information on toxic substances and actions being taken to protect humans and the environment from harmful substances.
Information for people in Canada on actions to reduce the risk from certain chemicals and pollutants found in and around the home.
Useful information
Proposed multi-year, integrated plan under CEPA for the assessment of substances in Canada, as well as other activities and initiatives that support the management of substances.
Implementing the modernized Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Government of Canada initiative aimed at reducing the risks posed by chemical substances to people in Canada and the environment.
Consulting on the future of chemicals management in Canada
Information and updates on consultations related to chemical management activities.
Contact us
We want to hear from you!
Chemicals Management Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 351 St. Joseph Blvd
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-800-567-1999 (within Canada) or 819-938-3232 (outside of Canada)
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