Consultation summary: Guidance on enhancements to the credit and debit card code

In March 2016, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) called for public comment on its proposed Commissioner’s Guidance related to the enhancements of the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada (the Code). FCAC considered all of the comments from its stakeholders and modified the guidance documents where appropriate. FCAC will review and update these guidance documents as required.

The summary below recaps the submissions received from stakeholders and provides FCAC’s responses to those comments.

Overview of stakeholder comments

The proposed guidance documents were well received by stakeholders who appreciated the templates and examples. The payment card network operators (PCNOs), along with other key stakeholders, including card issuers and acquirers, independent sales organizations (ISOs), and service providers such as terminal leasing firms (collectively Participants) noted they preferred receiving guidance made in consultation with them.

Recommendations by stakeholders resulted in several amendments to the guidance documents. For example, as requested by Participants, FCAC developed examples of Information Summary Boxes to guide the industry as they designed their own Information Summary Boxes. In addition, as requested by stakeholders, FCAC developed guidance to provide an example of clear, simple and non-misleading disclosure of applicable fees charged to merchants. 

The final versions of the following three Commissioner’s Guidance are available on FCAC’s website:

FCAC thanks all stakeholders who submitted comments during the consultation. Stakeholder feedback is key to improving FCAC’s ability to deliver on its mandate. 

Summ​ary of submissions

1. Amended Commissioner’s Guidance 10: Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada – Increased disclosure in sales and business practices and cancellation of contracts without penalty (CG-10)

2. New Commissioner’s Guidance 15: Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada – Information Summary Box examples (CG-15)

3. New Commissioner’s Guidance 16: Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada – Fee disclosure boxes (CG-16)

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