Guidance on biocide application pathways and general requirements: Overview

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This guidance document provides information to help biocide applicants comply with the Food and Drugs Act and Biocides Regulations (the regulations).

You must submit an application to obtain a market authorization to import, sell or advertise a biocide. This document provides information on the application process and requirements for a biocide regulated under the regulations.

To receive a market authorization from the Minister of Health (the Minister), you must provide sufficient information to support the safety, efficacy and quality of a biocide when used in accordance with the label's recommended conditions of use.

The Minister will issue a market authorization if all the following conditions are met:

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Application pathways

Before you import, sell or advertise a biocide in Canada, you must obtain a market authorization for it from the minister. To obtain a market authorization, you must file an application with us that complies with the requirements set out in the regulations.

The pathways to apply for a new market authorization for a biocide are:

These application pathways are described in more detail in this guidance to help you determine the appropriate application pathway for your biocide.

Find out what you need to prepare your application

Full review application

Relevant section of the regulations: subsection 10(1) Fee class: Biocide - full review (tier I, II or III)

For a full review application, you must submit evidence to us to support the safety, efficacy, and quality of the biocide when used in accordance with its conditions of use. These applications require a scientific review as part of their market authorization.

The tier you choose on the application form and associated fee depend on the number of reports of tests and studies with respect to efficacy data (for the basic formulation or confirmatory data) contained in the application:

Use this application pathway if you want to include formulation variations other than differences in fragrances and dyes that are less than or equal to 1.0% of the total formulation.

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Full review - novel biocide application

Relevant section of the Regulations: subsection 10(1) Fee class: Biocide full review - novel biocide

This pathway is for biocides with aspects that have never been authorized for a biocide in Canada, such as a novel:

Your novel biocide application will need to include additional information compared to a biocide full review, which helps to:

The information that may be requested depends on the specific characteristics of the biocide.

This pathway includes biocides with characteristics that have never been authorized for a biocide in Canada and biocides that meet both of these criteria:

If applications are concurrently filed for the same novel characteristic of a biocide, they must be filed through this pathway. For example, biocides with substantially similar formulations and conditions of use. These applications would be treated separately, each paying the novel biocide fee even if filed at the same time. You can also file applications for eligible novel biocides through the use of foreign decisions application pathway if all criteria are met.

Novel protocols or test methods to support the efficacy or safety of a biocide should not go through this pathway unless accompanied by at least 1 of the novel characteristics mentioned above. Contact us to request advice or a pre-submission consultation for a novel protocol being used to test your biocide to obtain feedback on its suitability for it.


Active ingredients

A biocide containing an active ingredient that has never been accepted or authorized in a biocide in Canada would require a full review - novel biocide application.

A biocide containing an active ingredient that has been previously accepted or authorized in a biocide may also require this type of application if:

For example, the benefits and risks of a biocide can vary greatly depending on the concentration of the active ingredient in the biocide. The safety and efficacy of a 0.01% concentration of an active ingredient may be substantially different from a 10% concentration (1000x the initial concentration). As such, these products might not be substantially similar.

A biocide containing a formulant that has never been accepted or authorized in a biocide in Canada does not require a full review - novel biocide application.

Combination of active ingredients

A biocide containing a combination of active ingredients that has never been accepted or authorized in a biocide in Canada would be considered novel. A novel combination of active ingredients could include:

A biocide containing a combination of active ingredients that has been previously accepted or authorized in a biocide may require a full review - novel biocide application if:

For example, the benefits and risks of a biocide can vary greatly depending on the:

Use or purpose, physical form or method of application

A biocide is considered novel if it has a characteristic that has never been accepted or authorized for a biocide in Canada, such as a:

A novel characteristic could include innovative technologies that:

A biocide with a characteristic that has been previously accepted for a previously accepted or authorized biocide may require a full review - novel biocide application if:

For example, the benefits and risks of a biocide can vary greatly depending on:

Therefore, the safety and efficacy of a biocide with a novel characteristic may be substantially different from one biocide composition to another. As such, these products might not be substantially similar.

How to determine if your biocide is novel

A biocide is not always considered novel just because it has a characteristic that has never been accepted or authorized for a biocide in Canada before, such as its:

Contact us to submit a biocide classification request if you:

In support of your biocide classification request, include:

Once you have confirmed that your biocide is a novel biocide, request a pre-submission meeting to confirm application requirements.

How to request a meeting

Substantial similarity search

Before submitting a biocide classification request, you should determine if your biocide has novel characteristics by:

When establishing substantial similarity for characteristics of your biocide, you may reference characteristics of other biocides, including those with 1 of the following:

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Evidence-based justification

An evidence-based justification to support comparability of your biocide could include references to one or multiple products to support your rationale.

You should consider in your justification the comparability of their:

Pre-submission meeting

For biocides that are confirmed to be novel through the biocide classification request, you should request a voluntary pre-submission meeting to:

Once a market authorization has been issued for an application for a novel biocide (including through the use of foreign decisions application pathway), a subsequent application for a market authorization may be eligible to be filed through the full review application pathway if:

Additional information for biocides that are not required to file a full review - novel biocide application may be requested during a full review application. This will help us to better understand the impacts of the formerly novel characteristic within the context of the data provided to support the biocide.

Monograph application

Relevant section of the regulations: subsection 10(1) Fee class: Biocide monograph

This application pathway applies to biocides with a use or purpose (claim) that meet the parameters outlined in the Biocide monograph. This pathway allows for an abbreviated review process for biocides that have well-characterized benefits and risks under specific conditions of use and labelling requirements.

You can submit a monograph application if your biocide is completely in accordance with the Biocide monograph including its:

Your application must comply with all the parameters specified within a monograph. For aspects not specified within the monograph, you will need to include supporting information. For example, if the monograph does not specify the:

When a biocide goes beyond the parameters outlined in the monograph, you must submit evidence to support its safety, efficacy and quality through either a:

Refer to the efficacy requirements guidance for more information on the data requirements to support biocide claims and to the safety requirements guidance and quality requirements guidance for information on what to include in a monograph application.

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Application based on comparison

Relevant section of the regulations: subsection 10(2)

You can apply for a market authorization for a biocide based on a comparison to an authorized biocide. This is typically demonstrated through a licensing agreement. In these agreements, the licensor provides access to information about the comparison biocide to the licensee for sale under the second party's name and a different brand name.

The Biocides Regulations do not permit a comparison to be made to a biocide that was already authorized based on comparison. Licensees may not act as licensors for other applications based on comparison.

Market authorization holders of biocides that received a market authorization using one of the following pathways are eligible to be a comparison biocide (licensor) for applications based on comparison:

To compare to a biocide authorized through the UFD pathway, these names should be the same:

If they are not the same, you will need to provide information in your application to demonstrate that they are affiliated. This means they must fit one of the following criteria:

This information can be included in the letter of confirmation from the licensor (holder of the biocide UFD market authorization that is being compared to).

There are 2 application pathways based on comparison:

They apply to biocides that don't require data review before market authorization as they are based on comparison to an authorized biocide. More differences are permitted between your biocide and the comparison biocide in the comparison – labelling only pathway, as outlined in the sections below.

Applications filed under both of these pathways must meet the requirements outlined in subsection 10(2) of the regulations:

You can compare to a biocide that has its market authorization partially suspended but only the versions of the biocide that are not suspended, if there are any. Any such applications would need to be filed through the biocide comparison - labelling only application pathway.

If the application based on comparison does not meet the requirements as outlined in subsection 10(2), use whichever is most appropriate:

Learn about post-authorization obligations for licensors and licensees for authorizations based on comparison

Comparison - administrative application

Fee class: Biocide comparison - administrative application

This pathway requires a letter of confirmation from the market authorization holder of the comparison biocide (licensor) attesting that they have provided you with the other biocide's:

The letter must confirm that they provided these in support of your application for the same biocide.

All aspects of this application, including labelling materials, need to be identical to those of the comparison biocide, with the exception of the:

The biocide in the application must have the same formulations as the comparison biocide.

If there are any differences between your biocide and the comparison biocide other than the name of the applicant and/or biocide, the application will not be eligible for processing under the comparison - administrative pathway. Depending on the differences, any other differences will require you to file either a:

Comparison - labelling only application

Fee class: Biocide comparison - labelling only

This application pathway applies to biocides that require an assessment of their labelling as part of their application for a market authorization. Additional supporting data do not need to be included in the application unless:

In cases where the owner of the comparison biocide is not the same, this pathway also requires a letter of confirmation from the licensor. It must attest that they have provided you with the other biocide's:

The letter must confirm that they provided these to you to support your application for the same biocide.

Only use this pathway when an existing authorized biocide:

Examples of acceptable differences between the biocide that is subject of the comparison application and the other biocide in this pathway are:

Further editorial changes between the comparison biocide label text and the label text included in the application may be acceptable. These types of changes allow you to capture minor variations in the way you present the same information on labels. However, they must not change the meaning or interpretation of a given statement.

The shelf life of the biocide is expected to remain the same as that of the comparison biocide. However, an alternative shelf life can be reviewed within this application pathway if supporting stability information is included in the application. Refer to the quality requirements guidance for information on when stability data should be included in a biocide application to support the benefits, risks and uncertainties.

All other aspects of the biocide in this application must be the same as those of the comparison biocide as outlined in subsection 10(2) of the regulations. If they are not, depending on the differences, you can file either a:

Learn more about stability data

Use of foreign decisions application

Relevant section of the Regulations: section 26

Fee class: Biocide - use of foreign decisions

This pathway allows you to leverage the decision of a trusted foreign regulatory authority when applying for a market authorization for the same biocide in Canada. By doing so, this pathway helps to reduce:

Although safety, efficacy and quality data is not required under this pathway, additional information may be requested when necessary to determine whether the market authorization can be issued. For example, we may request additional information if there are concerns about the risks, benefits or uncertainties of the biocide outlined in the application.

You may submit an application through this pathway if the application and the biocide meet the criteria outlined in section 26 of the regulations, including:

A biocide is not eligible for this pathway if the foreign biocide was authorized under the types of applications that are ineligible, as outlined in the List of Foreign Regulatory Authorities.

The List of Foreign Regulatory Authorities includes some types of applications that are ineligible for the foreign biocide. For example, the following pathways from the United States Environmental Protection Agency would not be eligible to apply under this pathway:

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For every application, you must select the appropriate application pathway, which will populate the corresponding fee on the biocide application form.

If your application information and documents do not correspond with the application pathway selected and corresponding fee, your application may be rejected during the screening period.

Do not include advance payment when filing the application. After reviewing your application, we will issue an invoice, typically when we accept the application into review. Payment is due 30 days from the date of invoice issuance.

Fees will be adjusted once a year to keep up with inflation.

You must pay a fee for the right to sell a biocide each year that the biocide is on the Canadian market. This fee applies to the market authorization. Only 1 fee will be required for multiple brand names or formulation variations included in one market authorization.

Issuance of a market authorization

The Minister will issue you a market authorization once the requirements of section 11 of the regulations have been met. These requirements include the Minister having sufficient evidence to determine that the benefits associated with the biocide outweigh the risks associated with it, taking into account any uncertainties relating to the benefits and risks. The market authorization permits you, the applicant, as the market authorization holder, to market the biocide in Canada. The market authorization contains information that is specific to the biocide as authorized by the Minister. A biocide must be labelled, advertised, and sold in accordance with its market authorization.

We will also assign an 8-digit identification number specific to that biocide, which will be included in the market authorization.

If a biocide is authorized to be sold under multiple brand names or formulation variations, these will be included within the market authorization.

Terms and conditions

We may impose terms and conditions on the market authorization in exceptional circumstances. For example, if there are significant uncertainties relating to the benefits or risks associated with the biocide (especially for novel biocides). Exceptional circumstances may include significant uncertainties with the safety, efficacy or quality of a biocide, which cannot be addressed by other means before authorization, such as labelling and test data.

The following are examples of circumstances when terms and conditions may be imposed on a biocide market authorization:

Terms and conditions are not intended to:

The Minister must have sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the benefits of a biocide outweigh its risks, taking into account related uncertainties to authorize a biocide for sale.

Before adding or amending terms and conditions, we'll consider if the requirements under the Food and Drugs Act are able to address these significant uncertainties.

These terms and conditions should:

Examples of terms and conditions we may impose in exceptional circumstances include the requirement to conduct:

Contact us

Contact us if you have any questions about the information in this guidance document.


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