Guide to reporting medical device shortages and discontinuations: When and how to report

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When to report

The following shortage scenarios illustrate a few examples of how to report shortages and discontinuations in a variety of situations and describe manufacturer and importer reporting obligations. Medical device shortage and discontinuation reporting is not limited to the scenarios below. These scenarios are intended as examples only for the purpose of this guidance document.

Scenario 1: A manufacturer also manufactures a substitute medical device, component, accessory or part that can be substituted for the device in shortage and is able to meet the demand for it in Canada

No shortage report is required (subsection 62.23(9)).

Scenario 2: A back-order of less than 30 calendar days


No shortage report is required (subsection 62.23(7)).

Scenario 3: A back-order of more than 30 calendar days


A shortage report must be submitted:

Scenario 4: An initial back-order of less than 30 calendar days is extended to more than 30 calendar days


A shortage report must be submitted:

Scenario 5: A manufacturer/importer discovers a medical device is in shortage and hasn't anticipated the shortage

A shortage report must be submitted:

Scenario 6: A manufacturer/importer becomes aware that a medical device for which it had already reported an anticipated shortage is now in shortage

A shortage report update must be submitted:

Scenario 7: The information a manufacturer/importer submitted to Heath Canada about a medical device shortage has changed


A shortage report update must be submitted within 2 business days of becoming aware of the change (subsection 62.23(5))

Scenario 8: The shortage for a medical device has ended


An end-of-shortage report must be submitted:

Scenario 9: The shortage of a medical device has been avoided


A manufacturer/importer must report that a shortage has been avoided if they reported an anticipated shortage to us and have found a solution to avoid the shortage before the start date of an anticipated shortage

The end-of-shortage report, including the rationale for why the shortage has been avoided, must be submitted:

Scenario 10: Reporting the discontinuation of the sale of a medical device listed on the List of Medical Devices - Notification of Shortages

A manufacturer or designated importer must report that the manufacturer is discontinuing the sale of a specified medical device in Canada if the discontinuation may cause a shortage (subsection 62.23(2)).

The report needs to be submitted:

How to report

To report a shortage

To report a shortage, complete the following electronic reporting form and choose the 'Initial' option under the 'Type of Report(s)' section at the start of the form.

At a minimum, the following information is required when submitting a medical device shortage report, update report or final report to Health Canada:

One shortage reporting form may be used for multiple shortage reports as long as the devices being reported are from the same manufacturer. The form contains separate sections for reporting up to 10 device shortages. You must provide the information listed above for each additional device.

To report a shortage status update or provide additional information

Choose the 'Update' option under the 'Type of Report(s)' section at the start of the reporting form. Include your Health Canada-issued shortage report number, if known.

To report an avoided shortage

The manufacturer of a Class I to IV device and an importer of a Class I device must report the shortage has been avoided if they:

This report must be submitted to Health Canada within 2 business days of becoming aware of the change.

In these cases, complete the following form and indicate the rationale for why the shortage has been avoided under the 'Rationale for why the shortage has ended' section:

To report the end of a shortage, complete the following form:

A shortage may be considered resolved when:

To report a discontinuation, complete the following form:

A manufacturer or designated importer must report a discontinuation of a specified medical device to Health Canada if:

At a minimum, the following information is required when submitting a medical device discontinuation report or update report to Health Canada:

This does not affect the obligation of an MDL holder to report a discontinuation under section 43(3) of the Regulations. This section states that if the MDL holder discontinues the sale of the medical device in Canada, the licensee shall inform the Minister within 30 days after the device has been discontinued. The licence will be cancelled at the time that the Minister is informed.

If an actual or anticipated shortage of the reported discontinued medical device occurs before the reported discontinuation date, the manufacturer of a Class I to IV device and importer of a Class I device must report this as a shortage.

If you are not sure whether to notify us about a shortage or discontinuation of a particular device, email us at

Compliance and enforcement

Health Canada undertakes compliance and enforcement activities in accordance with the Compliance and enforcement policy for health products (POL-0001). This policy describes our national compliance and enforcement approach for all health products regulated under the Food and Drugs Act and its Regulations. Compliance and enforcement actions are based on the risk posed to the health and safety of people living in Canada and the seriousness of the non-compliance.

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