Medical device shortages: Report a discontinuation

Health Canada is conducting a consultation on draft regulations and draft guidance for health product shortages. Learn about the consultation and how to provide your feedback. The consultation closes on March 8, 2025.

On this page

Report a discontinuation

Who should report

Manufacturers and designated importers :

You must report to Health Canada if your medical device is:

How to report

field form (with checkboxes)

Option 1. I am discontinuing a medical device that will lead to a shortage

Option 2. I am discontinuing a medical device that will not lead to a shortage

We also encourage you to voluntarily report discontinuations that will lead to a shortage for devices not found on the List of medical devices - Notification of shortages.
The requirements to report when you are discontinuing to sell a medical device are outlined in sections 62.23(2) and 43(3) of the Medical Devices Regulations. The regulations specify when you must report a discontinuation as well.

If you are not sure whether to notify us about a discontinuation of a particular device, email us at

What to include in your report

Include the following information in your discontinuation reports:

You must complete these fields when you submit a medical device discontinuation report or update report to Health Canada.

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