Organizational Structure

Parole Board of Canada organizational chart description
The Chairperson of the Parole Board of Canada reports to Parliament through the Minister of Public Safety.
The Executive Vice-Chairperson reports to the Chairperson. The Director, Board Member Secretariat, reports to the Executive Vice-Chairperson.
The Deputy Chairperson reports to the Chairperson. All five Regional Directors General; the Director General, Policy and Operations; the Director General, Corporate Services; the Director, Public Affairs and Partnerships; and the Director, Clemency and Record Suspensions, report to the Deputy Chairperson.
All five Regional Vice-Chairpersons as well as the Vice-Chairperson, Appeal Division; the Senior Legal Counsel; the Chief of Staff and the Chief Financial Officer report to the Chairperson.
The Parole Board of Canada (PBC) is headed by a Chairperson who reports to Parliament, through the Minister of Public Safety. The Minister, however, does not have statutory authority to give direction to the Chairperson or other members of the PBC in the exercise of their decision-making powers regarding the conditional release of offenders. This structure helps to ensure the PBC's impartiality and the integrity of the parole decision making process.
Outcomes of the PBC’s daily work can be found in the annual Performance Monitoring Reports. The report provides performance results and statistical information for the past five years on parole and other conditional release programs.
The PBC's national office is located in Ottawa and there are five regional offices located in: Moncton (New Brunswick), Montreal (Quebec), Kingston (Ontario), Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)/Edmonton (Alberta) and Abbotsford (British Columbia). The Appeal Division of the Board is also located in the national office.
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