ARCHIVED - Cervical Cancer Screening in Canada: 1998 Surveillance Report


Appendix E

Detailed Participation and Cytology Data

Table E1: Self Reported Pap Smear Usage Within Previous 3 Years, Among Women aged 20-69, Canada and Provinces, by 10 Year Age Group, 1998/99
Age Group Can % BC % ALTA % SASK % MAN % ON % QUE % NB % NS % PEI % NFLD %
Source: National Population Health Survey, 1998/99
20-29 80 76 80 91 86 77 81 84 92 84 92
30-39 86 83 85 85 88 87 82 96 92 89 91
40-49 82 79 89 82 83 80 83 80 90 83 85
50-59 77 79 70 74 90 77 78 73 69 77 67
Total (20-69) 79 77 81 80 85 78 78 80 83 82 80

Table E2: Women Participating in Cervical Cancer Screening by Age Group and Province, 1998
Age group BC 1998 MAN 1998 ONTTable E2 - Footnote 1a 1998 NSTable E2 - Footnote 2b 1997 PEI 1998 NFLDTable E2 - Footnote 2b 1997
aAs data capture in Ontario includes only 45% of all smears, numbers presented have been adjusted to represent the entire province.
bMost recent data available are for 1997.
Source: Data compiled at Health Canada as provided by provincial programs and departments of health.
15-19 25,053 7,826 34,046 8,665 729 5,761
20-29 129,183 35,035 165,099 38,160 4,395 23,418
30-39 156,888 37,925 193,548 40,866 4,813 21,875
40-49 124,939 32,203 147,212 30,854 4,161 17,383
50-59 66,879 21,663 94,270 19,491 3,041 9,280
Total (15-69) 536,452 147,257 684,567 147,867 18,848 81,195

Table E3: Number of Women in Population by Age Group and Province, 1997-98
Age group BC
MAN 1998 ONTTable E3 - Footnote 1a 1998 NSTable E3 - Footnote 2b 1997 PEI 1998 NFLDTable E3 - Footnote 2b 1997
aAs data capture in Ontario includes only 45% of all smears, numbers presented have been adjusted to represent the entire province.
bMost recent data available are for 1997.
Source: Data compiled at Health Canada as provided by Statistics Canada
15-19 128,720 38,924 361,024 31,084 5,069 21,736
20-29 275,045 76,127 776,867 64,004 9,023 41,013
30-39 335,846 87,346 984,163 78,959 10,574 46,224
40-49 321,045 82,655 876,454 72,396 10,065 44,436
50-59 220,503 58,252 623,738 50,970 7,494 29,365
60-69 156,696 43,878 464,609 37,946 5,432 20,118
Total (15-69) 1,437,855 387,182 4,086,855 335,359 47,657 202,892

Table E4: Women Participating in Cervical Cancer Screening by Age Group and Province, 1996-98
Age group British Columbia
Nova ScotiaTable E4 - Footnote 1a 1995-97 Prince Edward Island
aMost recent data available are for 1995-1997
Source: Data compiled at Health Canada as provided by provincial programs and departments of health
20-29 216,520 58,104 58,882 6,996
30-39 264,004 66,736 65,871 8,077
40-49 210,234 56,532 51,290 7,198
50-59 111,819 36,729 31,031 5,013
60-69 61,722 23,292 17,157 2,960
864,299 241,393 224,231 30,244

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