ARCHIVED - Cervical Cancer Screening in Canada: 1998 Surveillance Report


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following contributors, without whom this report would not have been achievable.

  • Provincial cervical cancer screening programs/departments of health.
  • The Cervical Cancer Prevention Network (CCPN).
  • Information Systems Working Group of the CCPN (Appendix A).
  • Writing Committee of this report (Ms. Samina Aziz, Dr. Anna Chiarelli, Ms. Leslie Gaudette, Ms. Lisa Kan, Ms. Brenna Shearer-Hood, and Dr. Linda van Til).
  • Special thanks to Dr. Terry Colgan, President of the Society of Canadian Colposcopists, for his assistance with the Special Topic and Dr. Ru-Nie Gao for analysis of incidence and mortality data.
  • Cancer incidence data used in this project were provided to Health Canada from the Canadian Cancer Registry, formerly the National Cancer Incidence Reporting System, at Statistics Canada. The cooperation of the provincial and territorial cancer registries that supply the data to Statistics Canada is gratefully acknowledged.
  • Mortality data were provided to Health Canada by Statistics Canada. The cooperation of the registrars of vital statistics in the provinces and territories of Canada who make mortality data available to Statistics Canada under federal-provincial agreements is gratefully acknowledged.
  • Judy Snider, Anne-Marie Ugnat, Gavin Stuart, A.B. (Tony) Miller and Howard Morrison for reviewing this report.
  • Scientific Publication and Multimedia Services for preparing the document for dissemination.


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