Canada Revenue Agency’s 2020 to 2021 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Year-End Report

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Revenue, 2021

ISSN: 2564-2197


On this page

1.  Introduction to the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 

2.  Sustainable development in the CRA

3.  Departmental performance by FSDS goal

4.  Report on integrating sustainable development

Canada Revenue Agency’s 2020 to 2021 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) Year-End Report

The Canada Revenue Agency tabled its 2020 to 2021 DSDS Interim Report in May 2021. This CRA 2020 to 2021 DSDS Year-End Report is the follow-up to the interim report.

This report on progress supports the commitment in the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA) to make environmental decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament. It also contributes to an integrated, whole of government view of activities supporting environmental sustainability. 

The departmental information reported accounts for information previously prepared in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency’s 2020 to 2023 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

1. Introduction to the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 

The 2019 to 2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) presents the Government of Canada’s sustainable development goals and targets, as required by the FSDA. In keeping with the purpose of the Act, to provide the legal framework for developing and implementing a FSDS that will make sustainable development decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has developed this report to demonstrate progress in implementing its Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy. 

2. Sustainable development in the CRA

The CRA’s 2020 to 2023 DSDS describes the department’s actions in support of achieving the FSDS goal of greening government. This report presents available results for the departmental actions pertinent to this goal. Previous years’ reports are included in the supplementary information tables of the CRA’s Departmental Results Report web pages. 

3. Departmental performance by FSDS goal

The following tables provide performance information on departmental actions in support of the FSDS goal of greening government.

Context: Greening Government

The CRA pursues sustainable development (SD) within the context of our corporate mandate to administer taxes, benefits, and related programs for governments across Canada. The CRA is committed to contributing to the economic and social well-being of Canadians in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

As an employer of more than 46,000 people, we recognize the impact we have in the communities in which our employees live and work. We continue to commit to:

This logo, in the form of an office building from which two leaves emerge at the base, surrounded by a circle, is used for sustainable development.

Greening Government: The Government of Canada will transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient and green operations

2020 to 2023 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy: 2020 to 2021 Year-End Results

FSDS target(s)

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from federal government facilities and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 (with an aspiration to achieve this target by 2025) and 80% below 2005 levels by 2050 (with an aspiration to be carbon neutral)

*As a tenant organization, the CRA is only responsible for fleet GHG emissions reductions.

1. GHG Emissions Reduction
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
Fleet management will be optimized including by applying telematics to collect and analyze vehicle usage data on vehicles scheduled to be replaced. Develop a strategic approach by November 2020 and take action to reduce emissions from the CRA fleet, including consideration of applying telematics and purchasing hybrid or zero-emissions vehicles where practical. Performance Indicators:
  • Overall fuel consumption in litres per gasoline equivalent (LGE)
  • Average fuel consumption rate (LGE/100km)
  • GHG emissions rate in grams per carbon dioxide equivalent (gCO2eq) per 100km travelled

The CRA’s fleet management services provider was engaged and delivered a proposed strategic approach in December 2020. Recommendations will be integrated into the CRA’s overall fleet strategy where appropriate based on the CRA’s current operational environment and related considerations.

The following performance indicators were new for 2020-2021 and the results will be used as the base year to compare future results:

  • Overall fuel consumption (LGE): 47,774
  • Average fuel consumption rate (LGE/100km): 15.0
  • GHG emissions rate (gCO2eq/100km travelled): 346,000

FSDS: Actions that reduce fleet GHG emissions

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

Publicly disclose detailed environmental performance information on government operations—in particular, a complete inventory of federal greenhouse gas emissions and energy use—on the Greening Government website each year Measure and report on GHG emissions from the CRA fleet using the Federal Greenhouse Gas Tracking Protocol

Starting Point: GHG emissions from base year 2005-2006: 397 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Fiscal Year 2018-2019 GHG emissions was: 215 tCO2e.

Performance Indicators:

  • GHG emissions from fleet in fiscal year 2005 to 2006 (base year): = [X] kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (ktCO2e)
  • GHG emissions from fleet in current reporting fiscal year = [Y] ktCO2e
  • Percentage (%) change in GHG emissions from fleet from fiscal year 2005-2006 to current reporting fiscal year = [1-Y/X] %

Target: Fleet emissions are 40% below 2005 levels by 2030

GHG emissions from the CRA fleet were 111 tonnes, which represents a 72% decrease from 2005-2006 levels. The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the significant reduction in GHG emissions. The CRA’s focus on right-sizing and greening its fleet will further contribute to reduced emissions.

FSDS: Actions that reduce fleet GHG emissions

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

FSDS target(s)

Our administrative fleet will be comprised of at least 80% zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2030

2. GHG Emissions Reduction
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
Fleet management will be optimized including by applying telematics to collect and analyze vehicle usage data on vehicles scheduled to be replaced

As a step toward the FSDS 2030 target, ensure 75% of new light-duty unmodified administrative fleet vehicle purchases will be ZEVs or hybrids

Ensure all new executive vehicle purchases will be ZEVs or hybrids

Starting Point: Number of vehicles in the administrative fleet in 2018 to 2019 was 54, of which 7 (13%) were hybrid vehicles

Performance Indicators:

  • Total number of vehicles in administrative fleet
  • Percentage of annual administrative fleet purchases that are ZEV or hybrids
  • Percentage of ZEV in administrative fleet
  • Executive vehicle ZEV or hybrid purchases

Target: Fleet comprised of 80% ZEVs by 2030

There were 51 vehicles in the administrative fleet, of which 14% were ZEVs. Six administrative fleet vehicles (and no executive vehicles) were purchased to replace existing vehicles. This included four plug-in hybrid minivans, one hybrid utility truck, and one plug-in hybrid small utility truck.

FSDS: As conventional vehicles are replaced with ZEVs, and/or the size of the fleet is reduced, a greater proportion of the fleet will be ZEV, where operationally feasible

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

FSDS target(s)

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

3. GHG Emissions Reduction
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
CRA-specific commitment  By 2023, the CRA will minimize the environmental impacts of its real property portfolio by effectively managing the floor space per full time employee (FTE) by continuing to modernize workplace through new and innovative methods, maintaining a maximum general purpose office space utilization rate of 16.4m2/full-time equivalent

Starting Point: The CRA office space utilization rate was ~15.7m2/FTE in 2018 to 2019 (base year), which exceeded the target Government of Canada utilization rate of 16.4m2/FTE or less

Performance Indicators: 

Number of square metres (m2) of general purpose office space divided by the number of FTE

Number and percentage of completed new fit-up and major refit projects measured at project close-out that implemented Workplace 2.0

Target: Government of Canada utilization rate of 16.4m2/FTE or less

As of April 1, 2021, the CRA office space utilization rate was 15.8 m2/FTE, slightly up from the base year, but still significantly below the target.

Nine new fit-up or major refit projects were completed. All (100%) were CRA Workplace 2.0 compliant and below the target utilization rate.

Due the pandemic, only 10% of the office space was utilized as the majority of CRA employees worked from home.

FSDS: Right-sizing space that is within the CRA’s real property portfolio will help minimize energy use and therefore GHG emissions from heating and electricity 

SDG: SDG 13 Climate Action

FSDS target(s)

By 2022, departments have developed measures to reduce climate change risks to assets, services and operations

Climate Change Adaptation
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
Increase training and support on assessing climate change impacts, undertaking climate change risk assessments and developing adaptation actions to public service employees, and facilitate sharing of best practices and lessons learned By 2021, departments will take action to understand the climate change impacts that could potentially affect federal assets, services and operations across the country

Starting Point: CRA has business continuity plans in place for all critical services and a robust approach to corporate risk management

Performance Indicators:

  • Begin departmental climate risk assessment in 2020 to 2021
  • Measures developed to reduce climate change risks to assets, services, and operations by end of 2022 to 2023

Target: By 2023, the CRA has developed measures to reduce climate change risks to assets, services and operations

All CRA Sustainable Development Centre of Expertise (SD CoE) personnel have taken the Federal Training on Climate Information and Risk Assessments. 

Work began on a Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment on CRA services and operations, which will be completed by March 31, 2022. This assessment will be used to develop measures to reduce climate change risks to assets, services, and operations by March 31, 2023.

FSDS: By factoring climate variability and change into policy, programs and operations, the CRA will be able to adapt to a changing climate and protect our public assets and resources while strengthening planning and decision making 

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

FSDS target(s):

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

Sustainable Travel and Commute
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
CRA-specific commitment 

By 2023, the CRA will reduce GHG emissions from business-related air travel by a minimum of 40%, relative to 2008-2009 levels*

*The baseline year is different from the other GHG emissions targets in order to be consistent with previous CRA DSDSs and facilitate comparison across time. 

Starting Point: GHG emissions from business air travel in 2008 to 2009 were 9,447 tonnes. In 2018 to 2019, the GHG emissions was 5,577 tonnes 

Performance Indicators: 

  • Annual GHG emissions from business-related air travel compared to fiscal year 2008 to 2009 
  • Percentage reduction in GHG emissions compared to 2008 to 2009

Target: 40% reduction in emissions compared to 2008 to 2009 

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, GHG emissions from business-related air travel were 81.5 tonnes, representing a 99.1% reduction compared to the 2008-2009 baseline year. 

FSDS: The CRA will continue to review and refine its business travel programs to ensure that low carbon travel options are prioritized to help reduce GHG emissions

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

CRA-specific commitment Enable telework where feasible to provide CRA employees the opportunity to be flexible in where they complete their work  Performance Indicators: Number of telework pilot programs in place

Due to the pandemic, the telework pilots are on hold, as the majority of employees are currently working from home. However, this has provided the opportunity for the CRA to develop a workplace of the future vision, which would include the adoption of a larger telework ratio and the creation of CRA hubs and shared workspaces. Increased telework and commute options to a worksite closer to the employee’s home will reduce GHG emissions. 

In addition, a more efficient and effective use of space for CRA employees and operations is expected to result in an overall reduction of space. Real property accounts for a significant portion of GHGs as buildings require heating, cooling, air management and power; by occupying less space the CRA will reduce GHGs.

FSDS: The promotion of telework options can help reduce GHG emissions while encouraging employees to be more conscious of environmental impacts of their daily travel 

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

CRA-specific commitment Promote sustainable travel and revise the CRA Travel Directive and Procedures to include sustainable business travel training as a requirement for all travellers

Starting Point: In 2018 to 2019, sustainable business travel was promoted during Environment week and 53 employees completed the sustainable business travel course

Performance Indicators: 

  • Travel Directive and Procedures with requirement to complete the sustainable business travel training approved
  • Messages issued and events held to promote sustainable travel
  • Number of sustainable business travel courses completed

Target: Revised Travel Directive and Procedures are approved in 2020 to 2021; sustainable travel is promoted during at least 2 national events

The CRA promoted sustainable business travel during the Earth Day, Environment Week, and Waste Reduction Week national events. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic reduced business travel, there was less focus on this messaging.

The CRA’s sustainable business travel course provides employees who travel for business with information to help them make sustainable decisions. Since the 2018 to 2019 base year, 479 employees have completed the course, including 24 employees this past year. 

It is anticipated that there will be a decreased need for business travel in the future given new technology that allows for virtual meetings.

FSDS: The promotion of sustainable travel options and the inclusion of the sustainable business travel training as a requirement for travellers can help reduce GHG emissions while encouraging employees to be more conscious of environmental impacts of travel

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action 

FSDS target(s):

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

Waste Reduction/Diversion
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
CRA-specific commitment in support of the Government of Canada commitment to divert at least 75% of non-hazardous and plastic waste (by weight) from landfills by 2030. The CRA will work with Public Services Procurement Canada to promote waste reduction initiatives to employees including:
  • Holding educational and awareness sessions on proper usage of recycling systems
  • Identifying priority locations for composting programs
  • Using waste audits to inform targeted interventions
  • Emphasizing the importance of minimizing contamination of the recycling streams
  • Promoting reduction of single-use plastics in government operations, events and meetings

Starting Point: N/A

Performance Indicators: 

  • Number of composting pilot programs initiated
  • Number of awareness events held

Target: Divert at least 75% of non-hazardous and plastic waste (by weight) from landfills by 2030

In 2021, the CRA installed a mechanical composter at the CRA headquarters building that will convert organic waste to biofuel. However, due to the majority of employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the pilot project is on hold until the sufficient return of employees to the office.

Awareness messages were included during the Earth Day and Environment Week national events to promote waste reduction, recycling, and reuse, and to communicate this initiative to employees.

FSDS: Diverting waste from landfill reduces GHG emissions associated with transport waste and its decomposition at in landfills. Material recovery via recycling reduces emissions for the extraction and production of virgin materials

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action 

FSDS target(s):

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

Green Procurement
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
The CRA will reduce the environmental impacts associated with its procurement decisions and practices  Ensure all acquisition card holders as well as procurement and materiel management specialists are trained in green procurement (such as, the Canada School of Public Service course on green procurement, or equivalent) within one year of being identified

Starting Point: Number (and percentage) of procurement officers and materiel management specialists that have been trained in green procurement in 2018 to 2019 (base year): 100% 

Performance Indicator: 

  • Percentage of procurement and materiel management specialists trained in green procurement within one year of being identified
  • Percentage of acquisition card holders trained in green procurement

Target: 100% of procurement officers and material management specialists receive training with one year of being identified. By March 31, 2021, 50% of existing acquisition card holders are trained in green procurement. By March 31, 2022, 100% of acquisition card holders are trained in green procurement. 

All 41 (100%) procurement and materiel management functional specialists were trained in green procurement within one year of being identified as a specialist. (This excludes those who have had their authority suspended or cancelled due to extended leave or assignments).

All 107 (100%) new acquisition cardholders were trained in green procurement. The CRA is changing acquisition card suppliers during fiscal year 2021 to 2022, and all existing acquisition card holders (923 employees) will be issued a new card. To acquire their new card, it will be mandatory for cardholders to be trained in green procurement to meet the March 31, 2022 target of 100% trained.

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The CRA will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions

Explore opportunities to add commodity or client-specific sustainable development clauses/requirements through the use of procurement Requests for Information (RFI)

Ensure that the CRA Procurement Policy provides the flexibility to use alternative procurement methods to take advantage of opportunities to further the achievement of sustainable development objectives

Starting Point: N/A

Performance Indicators:  

  • Identify commodities and/or clients to participate by March 31, 2021
  • Develop sustainable development clauses for RFIs by March 31, 2022
  • Implement new clauses/requirements by March 31, 2023
  • Review the CRA Procurement Policy and update as required by March 31, 2021 

Target: Commodity or client-specific sustainable development clauses/requirements that can be used in CRA contracts are implemented by March 31, 2023

Two commodities (office supplies and records management) were identified to develop sustainable development clauses for procurement contracts. An action plan was developed, approved and implemented to conduct market analysis and industry engagement. Management and Contracting Officers were engaged to solicit their input on green procurement and consultations took place with Public Services and Procurement Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat Office of Greening Government Operations to collaborate and share lessons learned.

The CRA’s Procurement Policy was updated and published in February 2021. The updated policy strengthens sustainable development and environmental stewardship in Agency procurement.

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Support for green procurement will be provided including guidance, tools and training for public service employees Ensure that heads and their designated managers of procurement and material management have green procurement included in their performance evaluations

Starting Point: Percentage of designated officials with green procurement in their performance evaluations in 2018 to 2019 (base year): 6 or 100%

Performance Indicator: Percentage of heads and their designated managers of procurement and materiel management that have green procurement included in their performance evaluations

Target: 100% of designated officials have performance evaluations that include green procurement

100% of the CRA’s 6 managers and heads of procurement and materiel management have performance evaluations that include green procurement

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

CRA-specific commitment Engage the Sustainable Development Centre of Expertise (SD CoE) on environmental considerations for all non-confidential contractual arrangements valued over $250K

Starting Point: Percentage of non-confidential contracts over $500K reviewed for SD considerations in 2018 to 2019 (base year): 100%

Performance Indicator: Percentage of non-confidential contracts valued over $250K that the Sustainable Development Centre of Expertise reviewed for potential sustainable development considerations

Target: 100% of non-confidential contracts over $250K reviewed for SD considerations

Seventeen new non-confidential contracts over $250,000 were awarded. The SD CoE reviewed 15 (or 88%) for SD considerations, and the other 2 contracts were awarded on an emergency basis.

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

FSDS target(s):

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

Paper Reduction
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
CRA-specific commitment By 2023, the CRA will reduce internal multipurpose office paper use per employee by 65% from 2005 to 2006 levels

Starting Point: Reduce paper use from 2005 to 2006 (base year) 6,407 sheets/FTE; paper use in 2018 to 2019 was 2,639 sheets/FTE or 59% reduction from 2005 to 2006 levels

Performance Indicator:

  • Annual amount of office paper use per employee
  • Percentage reduction in annual office paper use from previous year
  • Percentage reduction in annual office paper use relative to the 2005 to 2006 baseline

Target: 65% reduction of office paper use per employee from 2005 to 2006 levels

The annual amount of office paper use per employee was 563 sheets, representing a 79% decrease from 2019 to 2020, and a 91% decrease from 2005 to 2006. The absence of employees in the office during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced paper use significantly.

In addition, the new collective agreement between the CRA and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) was signed on November 13, 2020. With the previous collective agreement, 30,000 copies were printed to provide each PSAC employee with a paper copy. In order to reduce paper, the new collective agreement was provided to employees electronically unless they opted to receive a paper copy. As a result, only 3,500 copies of the agreement were printed, which resulted in a paper savings of 3.6 million sheets of paper. 

FSDS: Paper reduction initiatives prioritize materials and solutions that minimize our impact on the environment

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


CRA-specific commitment By 2023, redesign web-forms to allow employees, managers and administrative assistants the ability to electronically complete and approve compensation transaction requests

Starting Point: In 2018 to 2019 (base year) there were 72 web-forms

Performance Indicator: Number of Web-forms redesigned per year

Target: Modernize an additional 62 web-forms over the next 3 years 

The CRA modernized 18 web-forms to enable electronic completion and approval of compensation transactions requests. This initiative saved an estimated 54,500 printed compensation forms (54,500 sheets of paper).


FSDS: Paper reduction initiatives prioritize materials and solutions that minimize our impact on the environment

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

CRA-specific commitment By 2022, convert web-based repository for compensation processes and procedures to the Electronic Performance Support System, eliminating the need to print records

Starting Point: For 2020, 8 compensation processes will be converted to the Electronic Performance Support System   

Performance Indicator: Number of process converted to the Electronic Performance Support System

Target: By 2022, convert 100% of compensation processes (84 processes)

The CRA converted 62 compensation processes to the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), which is used by over 300 compensation agents. EPSS is easily accessed electronically and the conversion results in a saving of 9,300 printed sheets per year.

FSDS: Paper reduction initiatives prioritize materials and solutions that minimize our impact on the environment

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

CRA-specific commitment Reduce paper use by:
  • Maintaining a minimum of 86% digital filing rate for individual (T1) returns and 91% digital filing rate for business (T2) returns
  • Maintaining current usage of online mail and electronic document storage

Starting Point: N/A

Performance Indicators: Paper savings estimate due to T1 digital filing, T2 digital filing, online mail, and electronic document storage

Target: N/A

The digital filing rate for individual T1 returns was 94%. Paper filing was reduced by 12.6% or 439,295 returns compared to the previous year. This resulted in a paper savings estimate of 4,832,245 sheets of paper (based on an average T1 return of 11 sheets of paper).

The digital filing rate for business T2 returns was 95%. Paper filing was reduced by 22% or 41,602 returns compared to the previous year. This resulted in a paper savings estimate of 291,214 sheets of paper (based on an average T2 return of 7 sheets of paper).

There were 32.4 million pieces of online mail issued to individuals and businesses, which represents a 35% increase compared to the previous year. This resulted in a paper savings estimate of 32.4 million sheets of paper (based on an average piece of correspondence of 1 sheet of paper).

There were 1.17 million electronic documents received by the CRA’s document storage system, which represents a 20% decrease compared to the previous year. This resulted in a paper savings estimate of 1.17 million sheets of paper (based on an average submission of 1 sheet of paper)*. The number of electronic document submissions this year was lower due to major program suspensions as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.

*In previous fiscal years, the paper savings for this indicator were provided in pages rather than sheets of paper. As a result, the 2.94 million pages reported in 2019-2020 was equivalent to 1.47 million sheets of paper.

FSDS: Paper reduction initiatives prioritize materials and solutions that minimize our impact on the environment 

SDG: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns







FSDS target(s):

Actions supporting the Goal: Greening Government

Promote Sustainable Practices
FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Starting point(s)
Performance indicator(s)
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and target
CRA-specific commitment Maintain the national SD section of the external CRA website to promote SD information to employees and SD results to the public

Starting Point: SD CRA internet and intranet pages are up-to-date and relevant to employee needs

Performance Indicators: Percentage of SD webpages reviewed annually

Target: 100% of SD webpages are reviewed by March 31, 2023

The CRA updated several SD internet and intranet webpages related to the DSDS and national events, such as Earth Day, Environment Week, and Waste Reduction Week. This included updates to provide employees with suggestions on how to reduce their energy usage and waste in the remote working environment. The CRA is currently reviewing and updating the remaining SD webpages.

FSDS: Employee mobilization supports the overall strategy to green government by encouraging employee-led efforts to change behaviour towards more environmentally friendly outcomes. This ultimately helps the Government of Canada to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, and waste.

SDG: SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

CRA-specific commitment Promote SD training and awareness opportunities, best practices, and guidance documents to employees (e.g., National SD events, online SD awareness products and SD-related guides and best practices)

Starting Point: Employees are aware of the CRA’s SD priorities

Performance Indicators:

  • Number of events promoted
  • Visits to SD pages on the CRA’s intranet

Target: 3 National SD events are promoted annually

Three national SD events were promoted: Earth Day, Environment Week, and Waste Reduction Week. Planning kits were shared with the SD Network and promotional activities took place throughout the week of the events. Events were promoted through the CRA’s intranet site, senior management emails, intranet banners, and social media.

FSDS: Employee mobilization supports the overall strategy to green government by encouraging employee-led efforts to change behaviour towards more environmentally friendly outcomes. This ultimately helps the Government of Canada to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, and waste.

SDG: SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

CRA-specific commitment Promote and manage the CRA’s strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process and support proposal developers looking for assistance in assessing environmental effects

Starting Point: In 2018-2019 (base year) 33 preliminary SEA scans were completed 

Performance Indicators:

  • Percentage of SEAs and preliminary scans completed annually
  • Public statements available on CRA website

Target: Continued full compliance with the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment Policy

Twenty preliminary SEA scans and one detailed SEA were completed. The detailed SEA related to an initiative which will help remote First Nations communities access the benefits for which they are eligible. This initiative is expected to result in paper savings due to simplified and shortened forms to access the benefit entitlements. A public statement on the effect of this paper savings will be made once the results have been realized.

FSDS: The SEA process helps incorporate environmental considerations into the CRA’s proposal development process, including considering whether expected outcomes of a proposal could affect any of the FSDS goals and targets

SDG: SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

CRA-specific commitment Integrate SD considerations into corporate policy instruments (CPI) during their review cycles, as appropriate and feasible

Starting Point: 2019 to 2020 (base year)

Performance Indicators: Percentage of CPIs that are renewed that are reviewed for SD considerations

Target: 100% CPIs reviewed will consider sustainable development

The SD CoE reviewed 31 CPIs (100%) and proposed SD considerations for inclusion where appropriate.

FSDS: The corporate policy review process further integrates SD considerations into the CRA’s policy development portfolio. This includes considering whether expected outcomes of a policy could affect any of the FSDS goals and targets.

SDG: SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

CRA-specific commitment Support and provide guidance to employees responsible for the management of the CRA’s halocarbon-containing systems (for example, in refrigeration, air conditioning, and fire extinguishing systems)

Starting Point: Halocarbon requirements are understood at the CRA

Performance Indicator: Employees responsible for the management of the CRA’s halocarbon-containing systems are provided guidance on how to handle local halocarbon-containing systems

Target: All requirements of the Federal Halocarbon regulations are followed

The SD CoE provided guidance on individual requests pertaining to halocarbon containing systems. In addition, the content on the CRA’s intranet web site contains guidance on halocarbon handling for employees.

FSDS: Actions that reduce the emission of halocarbons into the atmosphere will lead to reduction in GHGs from government operations

SDG: SDG 13: Climate Action

CRA-specific commitment Manage the CRA’s battery recycling program; support facilities that want to become battery collection points; and report on the total annual weight of the CRA batteries sent for recycling 

Starting Point: In 2018 to 2019 (base year) 2,849 kg of batteries were sent for recycling

Performance Indicator: Weight of batteries sent for recycling each year

Target: Maintain program

The total weight of batteries sent for recycling was 579 kg, which represents an 80% decrease compared to the 2018 to 2019 base year. The absence of employees in the office during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly reduced the quantity of batteries sent for recycling.

FSDS: Actions to reduce waste will help to reduce Scope 3 emissions for the Production, transport and disposal of material. Diverting waste from landfill reduces landfill gas and transport waste hauling emissions

SDG: SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

4. Report on integrating sustainable development

The Canada Revenue Agency will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of FSDS goals and targets through its strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process. A SEA for a policy, plan or program proposal includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on relevant FSDS goals and targets.

Public statements on the results of the Canada Revenue Agency’s assessments are made public when an initiative that has undergone a detailed SEA. Please the CRA’s Sustainable Development Organization – Public Statements. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that the environmental effects, including the impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been considered during proposal development and decision-making.

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