Canada Revenue Agency research on clients’ service feedback experiences

Current status: Closed

This consultation was open on June 4, 2024 and closed on August 9, 2024.

As part of its People First approach, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has committed to making information more helpful and easier to understand, providing more convenient access to services and support, and ensuring that Canadians feel understood, respected and valued. In an effort to provide consistent and ongoing opportunities for Canadians to give feedback on its services and information, the CRA conducted consultations with clients to understand the experiences and challenges they face when they file feedback with the CRA’s Service Feedback Program.

What we did

An online questionnaire was conducted with clients who had submitted a service complaint and whose service feedback file had recently been closed

What we are learning

To learn more about how the CRA is working to make sure Canadians have a more positive service experience, go to Putting people first at the Canada Revenue Agency.

Additional information

To learn more about how the CRA is working to make sure Canadians have a more positive service experience, go to Putting people first at the Canada Revenue Agency.

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