CVITP learning guide

CVITP learning guide

How to prepare tax returns for eligible individuals as a CVITP volunteer.

This learning guide is for CVITP volunteers only. Do not share it with anyone not participating in the CVITP.

Volunteer guidelines

What’s new this filing season – CVITP

Find out about the latest program news and updates – updated February 2024.

Get ready to volunteer

Review the CVITP roles, responsibilities, registration requirements and other information to get you started.

Procedures for tax preparation

Use these guidelines and tips to prepare tax returns as a volunteer.

UFile overview

A tutorial on how to navigate the tax software and send a tax return.

CRA tax information

What’s new this filing season – tax return

Find out about the latest tax-related updates – updated February 2024.

Tax guide for volunteers

Overview and a screen-by-screen guide of income, deductions, credits and other expenses; concepts related to identification and marital status.

Tax considerations for newcomers and Indigenous Peoples

Specific tax information and concepts related to newcomers and Indigenous Peoples.

CRA electronic services

Overview of EFILE, Auto-fill my return (AFR), Represent a Client requirements and ReFILE for CVITP volunteers.

Important note

In instances where the information provided in this learning guide varies from content found on the website,, the content found on the website takes precedence.


This learning guide uses screenshots from prior versions of the UFile CVITP software. Consequently, the images may differ slightly from the current version of the UFile CVITP. The content is accurate and generally the only difference will be the tax year being referenced. If significant changes to the current year’s software occur, a new screenshot will be published as soon as possible.

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