Blessures de stress post-traumatique chez le personnel de la sécurité publique – subventions Catalyseur

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[ Communiqué ]

Les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) ont financé 22 projets par l'entremise du concours de subventions Catalyseur sur les blessures de stress post-traumatique (BSPT) chez le personnel de la sécurité publique. Ces subventions sont conçues pour soutenir la recherche visant à comprendre, à mettre en évidence, à atténuer ou à prévenir les BSPT et les problèmes de santé mentale chez le personnel de la santé publique.

Remarque : Les titres des projets sont fournis dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été soumis par le chercheur.

Chercheur Établissement de recherche Projet
Greg Anderson Justice Institute of British Columbia, New Westminster (Colombie-Britannique) Development and validation of a mental health screening tool for public safety professionals
Alain F. Brunet Centre de recherche de l'hôpital Douglas (Québec) Standard vs. enhanced reconsolidation therapy for public safety personnel: a pilot study
Dr R. Nicholas Carleton Université de Regina Evaluating critical incident management and peer-support programs for public safety personnel
Dr R. Nicholas Carleton Université de Regina Pan-Canadian public safety personnel: ongoing knowledge translation and strategic development
Nicola Cherry Université de l'Alberta Mental ill-health in firefighters deployed to the Fort McMurray fire
Steve Geoffrion Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal Psychological first aid for emergency medical technicians to prevent post-traumatic Stress injuries after exposure to a traumatic event: can it work?
Dianne L. Groll Université Queen's Understanding the prevalence of mental health disorders in provincial correctional officers - a national study
Stéphane Guay Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal A smartphone ecological momentary assessment 'app' for collecting real-time data on post-traumatic stress injuries in firefighters
Simon Hatcher Institut de recherche de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa Suicide among public safety personnel compared to the general population in Ontario: a case-control study.
Ji Hyun Ko Université du Manitoba Do cognitive behavioral therapy skills classes increase a resiliency-related brain connectivity pattern to post-traumatic stress disorder?
Joy C. MacDermid Université Western Cross-jurisdiction and contextual evaluations of mental health resiliency training in firefighters
David C. Malloy Université de Regina Compromised conscience: towards managing moral injuries in public safety personnel
Michelle C. McCarron Saskatchewan Health (Regina) Research 101 for public safety personnel: Course development and pilot testing
Meghan McConnell Université d'Ottawa Unpacking the sociocultural characteristics of operational stress injury among paramedics: a mixed methods approach
Margaret McKinnon Université McMaster A randomized control trial examining the treatment efficacy of a novel approach to cognitive remediation in public safety personnel with post traumatic stress disorder and co-morbid conditions
Sandra Moll Université McMaster "e-Ami": Co-designing a mobile health approach to PTSI prevention and peer support with Ontario public safety personnel
Janine V. Olthuis Université du Nouveau-Brunswick (Fredericton) Firefighters accessing care for trauma: a clinical case series testing the efficacy of distance-delivered narrative exposure therapy in reducing PTSD symptoms
Rose Ricciardelli Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve Understanding the impact of prison work on the mental health of correctional officers employed by Correctional Services Canada: beginning a longitudinal study
Rose Ricciardelli Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve An interdisciplinary and mixed method analysis of the Correctional Services Canada Academy's 13-week Correctional Personnel Training program: building a 'toolbox' for correctional officer mental health and occupational success by identifying ways to optimize the impact of training for public safety personnel
Kathryn E. Sinden Université Lakehead, Thunder Bay (Ontario) Identifying the impact of formal and informal critical incident interventions on firefighters' exposure to post-traumatic stress injury in a Northwestern Ontario fire service
Eliana Suarez Université Wilfrid-Laurier, Waterloo (Ontario) Mapping resilience pathways and preferences for help-seeking among police forces in the context of post-traumatic stress injuries: A community engaged research project in Ontario
Akshya Vasudev Institut de recherche en santé Lawson (London, Ontario) The SKIP study: Sudarshan Kriya Yoga In Post-traumatic stress injury (SKIP), an randomized control trial for public safety personnel

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