Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual

The Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual (CFLPM) is provided electronically in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Portable Document Format (PDF) versions. HTML is provided solely for the convenience of readers. The only official version of the CFLPM under the authority of the Chief Military Personnel (CMP) is in electronic PDF format found on this web site. A printed copy of the official PDF is only accurate as of the time it was printed. Any discrepancies between the HTML and the official PDF versions should be reported to DPPD, DGCB. 


Date of issue: 13 January 2009

Amended: 21 May 2024


Unless otherwise indicated, this manual applies to all members of the Canadian Forces (CF).


The Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual supersedes:

Approval Authority

The Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual is issued under the authority of the Chief Military Personnel (CMP).


Director General Compensation and Benefits (DGCB)/Directorate Pay Policy Development (DPPD).


Source reference - DAOD 5060-0, Leave



Area of Operations


Activities of Daily Living


Canadian Forces Station


Canadian Joint Operations Command


Canadian Special Operations Forces Command


Chief of the Defence Staff


Canadian Forces


Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual


Commanding Officer

COS Date

Change of Strength Date


Fixed Period of Service


Human Resources Management System


Imperative Military Requirements


Leave Reporting System


Multinational Force and Observers


Military Human Resources Records Procedures


Military Occupation Structure Identification


Memorandum of Understanding


North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Non-Commissioned Member


Officer Commanding a Command


Temporary Duty


Unit Identification Code


United Nations


Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

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Chapter 1 – Definitions

1.1 Definitions

1.1.01 Accrued Leave

Accrued Leave is leave that was accumulated prior to 1 April 1996. It is recorded separately from leave accumulated since 1 April 1996. Accrued Leave shall not count against the accumulated leave limits set out in QR&O 16.15, Accumulated Leave.

1.1.02 Accumulated Leave

Accumulated Leave means annual leave not taken during a leave year, carried over into subsequent leave years and remaining separate from annual leave.

For the purpose of leave audits, Accumulated Leave is to mean both Accrued and Accumulated Leave.

1.1.03 Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Activities of Daily Living (ADL) are activities necessary for self-care as defined by Veterans Affairs Canada. These activities include:

1.1.04 Annual Leave

Annual Leave is leave charged against the annual or period of service entitlement

1.1.05 Attached Posting

Attach Posting means an attachment – for less than 365 days – to an establishment or other position, and includes duty travel for the purposes of that attachment.

1.1.06 Calendar Days

Calendar days means days from the calendar.

1.1.07 Calendar Month

Calendar month means the period commencing with the first day of a month and ending on the last day of that month.

1.1.08 Delegate Authority

Where an authority is specifically identified in the CFLPM, there can be no delegation of authority to subordinate officers otherwise specified.

1.1.09 Enrollee

Enrollee means an applicant for enrolment in the Canadian Forces who has been attested.

1.1.10 HRMS

Human Resource Management System is the Human Resource system of record for the Canadian Forces/Department of National Defence.

1.1.11 Imperative military requirements

Imperative military requirements mean a situation or circumstance that precludes a CF member from taking leave or permits a CO to recall a member from leave.

IMR include, but are not limited to:

IMR do not include:

1.1.12 Leave

Leave means absence from duty approved by an approving authority. This includes long leave pursuant to QR&O 16, Section 2; and short leave, pursuant to QR&O 16, Section 3.

1.1.13 Leave Credit

Leave credit means the aggregate of all annual leave, and any accumulated or accrued leave, to which a member is entitled.

1.1.14 Leave Reporting System

The Leave Reporting System (LRS) is the authorized system of record for the Canadian Forces and is stipulated in the Military Human Resources Records Procedures (MHRRP).

1.1.15 Member

Unless this manual otherwise provides, member means a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on active service or is on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service for a period of service of at least 30 consecutive days.

1.1.16 Military Human Resources Records Procedures

The Military Human Resources Records Procedures (MHRRP) is a document stipulating recordkeeping process, procedures and responsibilities pertinent to the gathering of information on CF members for both manual and automated human resources (HR) records.

1.1.17 Month of paid service

Unless this manual otherwise provides, month of paid service means a complete calendar month or part thereof.

1.1.18 Overseas

Overseas means outside Canada and continental United States (including Alaska). For example, in consideration of the CF leave policy, the islands of Puerto Rico and Hawaii are overseas.

1.1.19 Paid Service

Paid Service means all service except:

1.1.20 Posting

A posting is the normal method of assigning a member to or between UICs, establishments and geographic locations.

1.1.21 Retirement Leave

Retirement Leave means leave granted to a member of the Regular Force immediately prior to release or transfer from the Regular Force and can include accrued leave, accumulated leave, annual leave, special leave and rehabilitation leave.

1.1.22 Shift Worker

A shift worker is a person who does not necessarily have a working day schedule of Monday to Friday with Saturday, Sunday and designated and/or statutory holidays scheduled as non-working days.

1.1.23 Unit Records Support (URS)

Pursuant to MHRRP, Chapter 2 - URS, the Unit Records Support (URS) in general terms means the agency authorized to act in a specialist role for the maintenance of each element of a Canadian Forces member's Unit Personnel Record (UPR).

1.1.24 Working Day

Working day means a day of paid service on which an officer or non-commissioned member is regularly scheduled to perform duty.

1.1.25 Year

Includes part of a year, rounded up to two decimal places.

1.1.26 Years of service

Years of service means the number of years of service in the Canadian Forces that is determined in accordance with QR&O 16.14(6).

Section 1.2 References

1.2.01 Source References

1.2.02 Related References

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Chapter 2 – General Administration

Section 2.1 Leave Request/Authorization Form

2.1.01 Leave authorization documents

Leave authorizations are to be documented on one of the forms listed in MHRRP (formerly A-PM-245-001/FP-001) for that purpose. These forms are to be used as the source record for recording leave into the Leave Reporting System (formerly HRMS).

2.1.02 Leave Transactions

All leave transactions listed below are designated for control and shall be recorded in the HRMS leave module:

2.1.03 Process

When members are authorized leave, they shall be issued a Canadian Forces Leave Request/Authorization, CF 100, completed and administered in accordance with MHRRP, Chapter 16 - Leave.

When members are authorized sick leave for less than three days, either a sick chit signed by a Medical Officer or a CF 100 shall be completed if the sick leave is approved by the CO.

A CF 100 shall be issued to a Regular Force member granted Leave Without Pay (LWOP) following enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force.

2.1.04 Weekends and Holidays

Weekends and Holidays are included on Form CF 100 when they form part of a leave period in conjunction with other types of leave that are reckoned in working days. A CF 100 is not required for a member proceeding exclusively on weekends and/or designated or other holidays, except when:

2.1.05 Inspection and Medical Treatment

A member shall produce form CF 100:

2.1.06 Ration Accounting and Service Aircraft

Form CF 100 may be used as a:

2.1.07 Offences

Defacing, failing to process form CF 100 and unauthorized alteration of leave records may constitute offences under the National Defence Act.

Section 2.2 Reckoning Time

2.2.01 Reckoning Time

Except in the case of short leave, leave begins at 0000 hours on the commencement date and ends at 2400 hours on the last day of leave.

Weekends, designated holidays and other holidays (listed in Annex A of this chapter), or in the case of shift workers, their scheduled non-working days (designated as weekends on the CF100); shall not be charged against any leave that is granted in working days although such days will normally form part of the leave period.

Section 2.3 Dress While on Leave

2.3.01 Dress While On Leave

QR&O 17.04, When Uniform To Be Worn governs the wearing of a uniform while on leave.

Section 2.4 Medical or Dental Treatment While on Leave

2.4.01 Medical or Dental Treatment on Leave

When medical or dental treatment is required during a period of leave, a member of the Regular or Reserve Force authorized under QR&O 34.07, Entitlement to Medical Care, and QR&O 35.04, Entitlement to Dental Treatment, should report to the nearest CF medical or dental facility. If this is impractical, the procedure to be followed in obtaining and accounting for emergency medical or dental treatment is specified on the member's copy of the CF 100 leave request/authorization form.

When a member on leave is admitted to hospital, leave shall terminate on the day prior to the date of admission.

When a member is hospitalized or requires dental treatment while on retirement leave, detailed instructions are provided in Chapter 10 – Regular Force Retirement Leave.

Section 2.5 Students, Secondment, Exchange or Liaison

2.5.01 Members' Responsibility

Members who are in full-time attendance at an educational institution; attached or seconded to another government department or agency; or posted to exchange or liaison positions, as defined in CFAO 10-4, Canadian Forces Exchange and Liaison Programmes, remain subject to all the terms and conditions concerning the CF leave policy.

These members are personally responsible for ensuring that any periods during which they are not required to perform academic or military duties or are not at work are covered by periods of authorized leave and that such leave is recorded by their applicable URS.

Additional provisions for students are detailed in Chapter 5 - Special Leave and Chapter 8 - Leave Without Pay and Allowances.

For members posted to exchange positions, the ability to take leave is governed by the MOU between Canada and the host nation for the exchange position. Leave may be approved by the host country and, when granted, must be recorded on form CF 100 and a copy submitted to the appropriate URS.

Section 2.6 Foreign Travel/Contact With Foreign Nationals

2.6.01 Policy (amended 24 June 19)

The CF policy for foreign travel and contact with foreign nationals is provided in the CANFORGEN 058/19, Travel and contact security program.

It is the policy of the CF to provide defensive security briefings and debriefings to CF personnel prior to and after travel, or contact with foreign nationals, as applicable. In certain instances, members are required to report travel or contact with foreign nationals to the appropriate local security authority.

Travel taken without notification could result in exposure to unnecessary and potentially serious danger. Failure to notify may be cause for disciplinary action and/or the re-examination of a member's security clearance.

2.6.02 Permission to Proceed to Another Country (amended 24 June 19)

Restrictions on leave travel outside Canada apply in situations where the physical safety of the CF member may be in jeopardy, or where considerations of security make such restrictions necessary.

When a member wishes to proceed outside Canada or outside the country in which they are serving, they shall indicate the countries to which they intend to travel in the appropriate block on Form CF 100. In such cases, the approving authority for granting the leave shall be as designated by the CDS.

Foreign locations may warrant special travel precautions. Prior to approving the leave, the member's CO shall ensure that any requirements of CANFORGEN 058/19 are met which may include the necessity for a member to complete the Notification of Intent to Travel Form.

In extreme circumstances, travel on leave may be prohibited by the CO based on the advice received from a variety of sources including: the Canadian Forces National Counter Intelligence Unit (CFNCIU); reliable assets within the intelligence community; multi-national forces; and /or the Task Force.

2.6.03 International Crisis or State of Emergency

In the event that an international crisis occurs in the country in which a CF member is travelling or a state of emergency is declared by the Governor in Council of Canada, the member on leave shall, depending on their whereabouts, request instructions from:

Contact information for CDLS in Washington and CDLS in London is noted on the form CF 100.

Section 2.7 Withholding and Recall From Leave

2.7.01 Policy

The policy for withholding of and recalling from leave is directed in QR&O 16.01, Withholding of and Recall from Leave.

2.7.02 General Administration

If a CF member on leave is recalled to duty, the CO shall ensure that the member's URS is notified of the details of the altered leave period.

Pursuant to CBI 209.54, Reimbursement of Expenses When Recalled From or On Cancellation of Leave and CBI 209.50, Transportation on Leave, a member who is recalled from leave may be entitled to reimbursement of additional expenses.

Section 2.8 Shift Work

2.8.01 Scheduling

The concept of a weekend for a shift worker is not restricted to Saturdays and Sundays. Shift workers may follow a schedule that differs from a Monday to Friday working week, but it is a schedule nonetheless. In scheduling the working days of a shift worker, the CO is responsible for specifically identifying both the working and non-working days so as to ensure that the amount of time off is equivalent to the weekends and statutory holidays provided to CF members working a Monday to Friday work-week.

In order to provide members with rest time associated with weekends and statutory holidays, care must be exercised to ensure the equivalent time off is given at regular intervals and not accumulated over long periods of time.

When working on a compressed schedule, time off must be earned in order to be taken (i.e. four days of work on a compressed schedule for three days off in a week). When a member requests annual leave, this leave must be granted based on a normal working week (i.e. not compressed) in order to ensure a member is not granted more than the allotted annual leave entitlement.

Example:A member who works four (4) 12-hour shift days in a scheduled work week (Monday to Thursday), earns a three-day long weekend (time off, Friday to Sunday), totalling seven days in a week. The member then takes a week of leave using five annual days (Monday to Friday, where each day counts as a normal uncompressed workday) plus two weekend days, totalling seven days.

2.8.02 Reckoning Time

Reckoning time is described in the table below. All CF 100 forms for shift workers shall clearly identify the member is a shift worker.

When a shift worker requests annual leave on a day scheduled as... then the leave granted on...
a working day that day is charged against the member's leave balance.
non-working day the scheduled day off shall not be charged against the member's leave balance, although such days will normally form part of the leave period.

Section 2.9 Leave Beyond Change of Strength Date

2.9.01 When Posted in North America

When posted in Canada or to the continental United States, leave beyond a member's Change of Strength (COS) date may be approved only by, or with the concurrence of, the CO of the gaining unit.

2.9.02 When Returning from Overseas Posting or Attached Posting

Members returning to Canada following an overseas posting or attached posting may be granted special leave (if applicable), annual leave and accumulated leave on the authority of the CO of the losing unit. Leave beyond the COS date is limited to a maximum total of annual, accumulated and special leave (if applicable) of 20 working days. Any additional leave shall be approved only by, or with the concurrence of, the gaining unit CO.

Section 2.10 Leave Transportation Assistance

2.10.01 Leave Transportation Assistance

An expense claim for leave transportation assistance shall be completed, supported and submitted in accordance with CBI 209.50, Transportation on Leave.

Section 2.11 Civil Custody

2.11.01 Policy

When a member is serving a sentence in civil custody, the CO may grant annual or accumulated leave, or both, if requested and within the member's entitlement. Leave other than annual or accumulated leave shall not be granted.

Section 2.12 Service Personnel Holding List (SPHL) and the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG)

2.12.01 Policy

Modified 29 Mar 23

Members posted to the SPHL or the CAF TG are subject to the normal administrative procedures of the CF, and as such:

Although a member on sick leave cannot be ordered on annual leave, the CO must ensure that annual leave is taken between periods of sick leave, whenever possible. Members on the full-time Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Serving Members (VRPSM) are not excused from taking annual leave, and they are obligated to expend their annual leave entitlement within the constraints of the program.

Section 2.13 References

2.13.01 Related References (amended 24 June 19)

Annex A – Designated and Other Holidays

Serial Holiday Date Comments
1 New Year's Day 1 January Notes 1,3,4,5
2 Good Friday TBD Notes 3,4
3 Easter Monday TBD Notes 3,4
4 Victoria Day/Queen's Birthday Monday preceding 25 May Notes 3,4
5 Canada Day 1 July Notes 1,3,4
6 Labour Day First Monday in September Notes 3,4
7 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 30 September Notes 1,3,4
8 Thanksgiving Day Second Monday in October Notes 3,4
9 Remembrance Day 11 November Notes 1,3,4
10 Christmas Day 25 December Notes 2,3,4,5
11 Boxing Day 26 December Notes 2,3,4
12 Any day appointed by proclamation by the Governor in Council to be observed as a fast, thanksgiving or holiday. These holidays will be granted on the authority of the Officer Commanding the Command    
13 One provincial or local civic holiday per leave year may be observed at the discretion of the Officer Commanding the Command    


  1. When 1 January, 1 July, 30 September or 11 November fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday will be taken as the designated holiday.
  2. When Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday the following Monday and Tuesday will be taken as the designated Christmas/Boxing Day holidays. When Christmas falls on a Friday, the following Monday will be taken as the designated Boxing Day holiday.
  3. Serials 1 to 11 are designated holidays.
  4. Outside Canada, an officer with the powers of an Officer Commanding a Command may alter the days to be observed as designated holidays to conform to local custom.
  5. The days that may be granted as Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) are specified in Annex A of Chapter 5, Special Leave.

(Effective 1 Sep 21)

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Chapter 3 – Annual Leave

Section 3.1 Regular and Reserve Commonalities

3.1.01 Policy

Annual leave is an entitlement. The purpose of annual leave is to sustain initiative and enthusiasm and to encourage the physical and mental wellbeing of CF members by providing periodic opportunities for rest and relaxation.

As a fundamental key to sustaining good performance, COs shall establish leave plans which will ensure that the entire complement of annual leave is granted with due consideration given to IMR.

3.1.02 Management

Annual leave does not have to be earned before it is used; however, over expenditures of annual leave shall be recovered.

3.1.03 Annual Leave at Fiscal Year End

Annual leave shall commence in the year of entitlement; however, it may be granted to extend into the next fiscal year if the annual leave starts no later than on the last working day of the year of entitlement. The portion that extends into the next fiscal year shall be charged against the old fiscal year entitlement. Annual leave from the new fiscal year entitlement may also be granted in the same leave period to form a continuous leave period.

3.1.04 Reckoning Time

Annual leave is reckoned in working days and may be granted in single days.

3.1.05 Approving Authority

This table describes the approving authority.

When... the approving authority is...
A member of a unit requests annual leave The CO or an authority designated by the CO
The CO of a unit requests annual leave The OCC or an authority designated by the OCC
The OCC or formation commander requests annual leave The CDS
The CDS requests annual leave The Minister of National Defence
A member serving in National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) requests annual leave The Director and more senior NDHQ appointment or an authority designated by them

3.1.06 Ordering Members on Annual Leave

The CO may order a member on annual leave. Prior to doing so, the following factors should be considered:

The Commandant of a CF school, training or educational facility may require that personnel take annual leave prior to reporting for long courses, as the course curriculum may not permit granting leave.

3.1.07 Opportunities for Annual Leave

In normal circumstances, members should be granted at least two or three weeks annual leave during the summer period. Upon request and subject to IMR, all CF members shall be offered an opportunity to take at least ten days annual leave during the months of July and August. COs are encouraged to schedule annual leave opportunities in conjunction with other suitable occasions, such as but not limited to, school breaks, school professional development days and statutory holidays.

COs should ensure that members take an appropriate amount of annual leave before proceeding on posting/attached posting.

3.1.08 Individual Responsibility

Members are responsible to ensure that only annual leave within their entitlement is requested and that leave granted at the time of release or transfer is in accordance with their entitlement.

Section 3.2 Annual Leave – Regular Force

3.2.01 Policy

The annual leave policy for members of the Regular Force is pursuant to QR&O 16.14.

3.2.02 Entitlement

The annual leave entitlement for members of the Regular Force is prescribed in QR&O 16.14(4) and is summarized as follows:

The calculation for years of service is prescribed in QR&O 16.14(6) and is as follows:

A + B – C + [0.25 × (D – E – F)]


A is the number of years of service in the Regular Force;

B is the number of years of service in the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service;

C is the number of years of leave without pay granted under article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances);

D is the number of years of service in the Primary Reserve, the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service or the Canadian Rangers, other than on Class B or C Reserve Service;

E is the number of years of exemption from Primary Reserve duty and training, other than years of exemption under articles 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) and 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Parental Purposes); and

F is the number of years of being declared Primary Reserve non-effective strength.

For audit purposes, grandfathering notes with respect to qualifying service for the calculation of annual leave entitlement for the Regular Force are detailed in Chapter 11 paragraph 11.1.03 of this manual.

3.2.03 Qualifying Service in the Year of Release or Transfer from the Regular Force

The following periods are not considered qualifying service in calculating a members’ annual leave entitlement in the fiscal year of release or transfer from the Regular Force:

If a period of retirement leave overlaps from one fiscal year into the next, then rehabilitation leave taken in the old fiscal year counts as qualifying service for annual leave in the old fiscal year but not in the fiscal year of release.

3.2.04 Limitation on Extension of Release Date

Notwithstanding the annual leave entitlement in the year of release or transfer from the Regular Force, annual leave shall not be used to extend a member's service beyond an authorized release date. Therefore, the member and the releasing unit shall ensure that annual leave commences at a date early enough to allow for the granting of all annual leave before the authorized release date.

Section 3.3 Annual Leave – Reserve Force

3.3.01 Policy

The annual leave policy for members of the Reserve Force is pursuant to QR&O 16.14.

3.3.02 Premium in Lieu of Leave (PILL)

A member of the Reserve Force on Class A Reserve Service or on Class B or C Reserve Service for periods of less than 30 consecutive days is not entitled to annual leave. In addition to pay, they shall receive a premium in lieu of leave (PILL) pursuant to CBI 204.55, Premium In Lieu Of Leave – Reserve Force. Periods of Reserve service of less than 30 days are referred to as PILL-eligible periods of service.

When a member of the Reserve Force serves two or more consecutive PILL-eligible periods of service and the combined period of service duration exceeds 29 days, these consecutive periods of service count as one period of service and will result in Annual leave entitlement instead of PILL. There is no requirement for these periods of service to be for the same employment, rank, position number, organization or within the same location. To maintain PILL benefits, there must be a break of at least one day between periods of PILL-eligible service.

Under no circumstances shall members on Class B or C Reserve Service for periods of 30 days or more be granted premium in lieu of leave (PILL) for any portion of that service.

3.3.03 Entitlement

The annual leave entitlement for member of the Reserve Force on Class B or Class C Reserve Service is pursuant to QR&O 16.14(10). A member of the Reserve Force who is on Class B or Class C Reserve Service is entitled to annual leave of one working day for each completed period of 15 consecutive days during a period of service of at least 30 consecutive days, to a maximum of 24 working days in a fiscal year.

3.3.04 Management of Annual Leave for Members of the Reserve

Annual leave for members of the Reserve Force shall be managed within their period of service.

Annual leave for members of the Reserve Force on Class B or C for periods of service of 30 or more continuous days is granted based on their period of service, which can start and end at any point during the leave year.

In cases of multi-year consecutive periods of service, the yearly management of leave commences on the first day of the period of service and expires on the day preceding the anniversary date of the period of service.

3.3.05 Multi-Year Consecutive Periods of Service

Notwithstanding multi-year consecutive periods of service, unless there is an imperative military requirement that precludes taking annual leave, the annual leave earned during each yearly cycle shall be taken during the yearly cycle in which it is earned.

3.3.06 Extension and carry over options

Annual leave earned during a period of service shall be taken prior to the scheduled end of the period of service. For un-forecasted reasons, when a period of service is about to end and unused annual leave remains, the following options are available to the member, subject to approval by the losing CO:

Notwithstanding any option to extend a period of service or to carry-over unused annual leave to another period of service, any unused annual leave remaining at the end of a period of service spanning multiple consecutive years shall be dealt with in accordance with Section 3.3.05 – Multiyear consecutive periods of service. 

Under no circumstances shall a new Reserve employment offer be made for the sole purpose of allowing a member to take leave.

3.3.07 Transfer to the Regular Force

If a member of the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service transfers without a break in service to the Regular Force, any annual leave earned in accordance with QR&O 16.14, Annual Leave but not taken during the Class B or C Reserve Service shall be dealt with under CBI 205.75, if the leave was not taken.

Section 3.4 Reduction for periods of non-paid service

3.4.01 Policy

Modified 29 Mar 23

A member of the Regular Force shall be advanced a number of days of annual leave that is equivalent to their anticipated entitlement to annual leave for a fiscal year:

Effective 1 April 2015, annual leave shall be reduced for any complete calendar month that a member is on Retirement Leave or until a member is no longer in service.

Effective 1 April 2015, annual leave shall be reduced at the following rates for each complete calendar month of non-paid service granted or imposed in a fiscal year:

Effective 1 April 2015, for periods of LWOP spanning across two fiscal years, annual leave shall be reduced in the following manner for all leave entitlements:

For greater clarity, if a CAF member has not completed 12 months of paid service by the end of a fiscal year (March), their entitlement is only two or two and a half days per month as detailed in QR&O 16.14(4).

Effective 1 November 2008, annual leave shall be reduced at the following rates, for each complete calendar month of non-paid service granted or imposed in a fiscal year:

Reduction from 1 April 1980 to 31 Oct 2008 was effected at the rate of two days for each complete calendar month of non-paid service. This applied to all members regardless of their annual leave entitlement.

Reduction prior to 1 April 1980 was effected at the rate of two working days for each 30 consecutive calendar days. This applied to all members, regardless of their annual leave entitlement.

The maximum reduction in any fiscal year shall be the member's annual entitlement.

Annual leave shall be reduced as a result of the application of any of the following QR&O articles:

Section 3.5 Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave

3.5.01 Policy

The policy for a payment in lieu of annual leave is provided in CBI 205.75, Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave.

Where, at the end of any leave year after 31 March 1996, an officer or non-commissioned member of the Canadian Forces has an entitlement to annual leave that has not been granted in respect of that leave year and that may not be carried over as accumulated leave in accordance with article QR&O 16.15, Accumulated Leave, the member shall be paid an amount equal to the value of the unused annual leave in lieu of being granted that leave.

3.5.02 Approval Authority

Such payments are made under the authority of the Formation Commander or, where there is no Formation Commander, the OCC. The approval authority cannot be delegated.

3.5.03 Budgetary Responsibility

The approving authority, as applicable, is responsible for payments under their authority and will absorb associated expenditures. Alternatively, the approving authority may choose to have expenditures charged to the budget of the CO.

In circumstances where commanders are forced to provide payments in lieu of annual leave because of an incremental NDHQ tasking, a substantiated request for reimbursement of these funds as a tasking cost may be made to NDHQ/VCDS through the chain of command and the applicable operational commander.

3.5.04 Impact of Other Legislation

Payments in lieu of annual leave are subject to the provisions of the:

Payments in lieu of annual leave are not subject to deductions for contributions under the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act.

3.5.05 Administration

Military Pay Administrative Instructions (MPAI) 7-5 provides the instructions for completion of form DND 2393 Authorization of Leave Accumulation or Mandatory Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave for Regular Force.

Section 3.6 Annual and Accumulated Leave – Members at an Educational Institution

3.6.01 Granting of Leave

Annual or accumulated leave, or both, may be granted to a member of the Regular Force or Reserve Force on Class B or C service who is in full time attendance at an educational institution, as follows:

IF attending at... THEN annual leave to a maximum of 20, 25 or 30 working days as prescribed in QR&O 16.14, or any accumulated leave entitlement, may be granted if
public expense such leave does not interfere with the member's academic or military duties.
member's own expense or under the provisions of QR&O 203.20, Regular Force – Limitation Of Payments the member is proceeding to or returning from completed summer training in the current leave year and is not otherwise denied leave because of IMR.

Section 3.7 References

3.7.01 Source References

3.7.02 Related References

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Chapter 4 – Regular Force Accumulated Leave

Section 4.1 Accumulated Leave

4.1.01 Purpose

Accumulated leave allows CF members to be granted leave to which they were entitled in a previous leave year, but which they were not granted.

4.1.02 Policy

Effective 1 April 1996 the automatic accumulation of unused annual leave not taken in a fiscal year ceased to be an entitlement. Pursuant to QR&O 16.15(6), accumulation may only occur if the annual leave was withheld because of an imperative military requirement. Accumulation of leave shall not be authorized for personal reasons.

Pursuant to QR&O 16.15(7), the maximum amount of annual leave, other than leave accumulated prior to 1 April 1996 (i.e., accrued leave), that may be carried over to the credit of an member as accumulated leave commencing 1 April 1996 shall not exceed:

Should a member use accumulated leave throughout their career, then the member may accumulate up to the maximum allowable credit in accordance with QR&O 16.15(7) more than once in their career, but a member shall never exceed 25 days of accumulated leave.

4.1.03 Approving Authority

The CO may approve personally accumulation of up to five days unused annual leave.

The Formation Commander, OCC, CDS or the Minister may approve accumulation of more than five days of unused annual leave, to the maximum allowed. This authority may not be further delegated. Approving authority level should be the closest possible to the requesting member.

4.1.04 Administration

Permission to accumulate leave shall be sought in writing at least one month prior to the end of the leave year. Military Pay Administrative Instructions (MPAI) 7-5 provides the instructions for completion of form DND 2393 Authorization of Leave Accumulation or Mandatory Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave for Regular Force.

4.1.05 Action if Accumulation is not Approved

Where permission to accumulate is refused, the CO shall order the member on leave for a period equal to the number of days of unused annual leave.

If the new leave year has already commenced then a forced payment in lieu of annual leave shall be made pursuant to CBI 205.75, Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave.

4.1.06 Limitations on Granting Accumulated Leave

A member shall not be granted accumulated and/or accrued leave until all current year annual leave has been granted unless the accumulated and/or accrued leave is part of retirement leave.

If a period of accumulated and/or accrued leave is granted and extends into a new leave year, it shall not be counted against the new leave year annual leave entitlement.

4.1.07 Reckoning Time

Accumulated leave is reckoned in working days.

4.1.08 Limitation on Extension of Release Date

Although a member may be granted all accumulated leave entitlements as part of retirement leave on release or transfer from the Regular Force, accumulated leave shall not be used to extend service beyond an authorized release date. Therefore, the member and the releasing unit shall ensure that accumulated leave commences at a date early enough to allow for the granting of all accumulated leave before the authorized release date.

4.1.09 Individual Responsibility

Members are responsible to ensure that only the accumulated leave within their entitlement is requested and that leave granted at the time of release or transfer from the Regular Force is in accordance with their entitlement.

Section 4.2 Payment in Lieu of Accumulated Leave

4.2.01 Policy

The policy authorizing payments in lieu of accumulated leave is pursuant to CBI 205.76, Payment in Lieu of Accumulated Leave.

A member may request at any time a payment in lieu of leave accumulated since 1 April 1996.

The cashing out of leave accumulated prior to 1 April 1996 (i.e., accrued leave) is not normally authorized outside of national cash out programs, which are centrally funded and approved by the CDS. In extraordinary circumstances, when there is proof of significant personal or financial hardship, requests to cash out accrued leave outside of a national cash out program may be submitted through the chain of command for consideration and approval by the CDS.

4.2.02 Approval Authority

The approval authority for payment in lieu of leave accumulated since 1 April 1996 is the Formation Commander, OCC, CDS or the Minister. The approval authority shall not be delegated.

4.2.03 Budgetary Responsibility

The cost of such payments shall be held against the approving authority's Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget.

4.2.04 Impact of other Legislation

Payments in lieu of accumulated leave are subject to the provisions of the:

Payments in lieu of accumulated leave are not subject to deductions for contributions under the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act.

4.2.05 Personal Liability

CF members who receive payments in lieu of accumulated leave in excess of entitlement are legally required to refund no more or less than the excess.

CF members shall not use in year annual leave entitlements or future year annual leave entitlements to offset the debt; however, they may elect to use accumulated leave in order to offset the overpayment.

4.2.06 Administration

Military Pay Administrative Instructions (MPAI) 7-5 provides the instructions for completion of form DND 2393 Authorization of Leave Accumulation or Mandatory Payment in Lieu of Annual Leave for Regular Force and this form shall be used for a payment in lieu of leave accumulated since 1 April 1996.

Section 4.3 References

4.3.01 Source References

4.3.02 Related References

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Chapter 5 – Special Leave

Section 5.1 General Information

5.1.01 Purpose

The purpose of Special Leave is to provide CF members with paid time away from duty for specific reasons created by the unique circumstances of service in the CF.

5.1.02 Application

Unless otherwise directed, Special Leave applies to members of the Regular Force and Reserve Force if the member is on Class B or C Reserve Service for a period of service of at least 30 consecutive days.

Section 5.2 Limitation on Delegated Authority

5.2.01 Limitation on delegation

Pursuant to QR&O 16.20, a member may be granted special leave not exceeding 30 calendar days by or under the authority of the CDS. A grant of any period of special leave that would result in the member receiving more than 30 days of special leave must be approved by the Minister.

Section 5.3 Special Leave (Community Affairs)

5.3.01 Policy

Special Leave (Community Affairs) may be granted at the discretion of the approving authority to provide CF members with paid time away from duty for the purpose of:

5.3.02 Approving Authority

The CO may approve Special Leave (Community Affairs) up to 7 consecutive calendar days. The Formation Commander, or the the OCC where there is no Formation Commander in the member's chain of command, may approve up to 14 consecutive calendar days, inclusive of any Special Leave (Community Affairs) already granted by the CO.

5.3.03 Limitations

The following limitations apply to Special Leave (Community Affairs):

Section 5.4 Special Leave (Academic Advancement)

5.4.01 Policy

Special Leave (Academic Advancement) may be granted at the discretion of the approving authority when in their opinion such academic advancement is in the interest of the CF.

Studies may include but are not limited to:

5.4.02 Application

Special Leave (Academic Advancement) applies to members of the Regular Force and members of the Reserve Force on Class B or C continuous Reserve Service for 180 days or greater.

5.4.03 Approving Authority

The unit CO may grant up to 14 calendar days Special Leave (Academic Advancement) per occurrence. The Formation Commander, or the OCC where there is no Formation Commander in the member’s chain of command, may grant up to 30 calendar days Special Leave (Academic Advancement) per occurrence, inclusive of that granted by the CO.

Special Leave (Academic Advancement) may be granted at the discretion of the approving authority when in their opinion such academic advancement is in the interest of the CF. It is not limited by fiscal year nor limited to once in a career. Each occurrence may be part of the same course of study, or for different courses, and represents situations such as, but not limited to, studying time, exam/term paper writing, conference attendance, etc. However, this type of leave is not intended to provide continuous paid leave for full-time studies; LWOP Academic or Technical Training (Section 8.6) shall be considered for this instance.

5.4.04 Limitations

Special Leave (Academic Advancement) shall not be granted in conjunction with Retirement Leave.

Section 5.5 Special Leave (while on Military Courses)

5.5.01 Policy

Special Leave (while on Military Courses) addresses special situations created when CF members are students and also required to perform military duties. It is an essential management tool, particularly during the Christmas/New Year's holiday period, course rescheduling and training breaks or for situations arising from a lack of accommodation or other military imposed reasons.

Special Leave (while on Military Courses) may be appropriate for the observation of local holidays or customs when members attend military courses or foreign educational institutions.

5.5.02 Application

Special Leave (while on Military Courses) applies to Regular Force or Reserve Force members on Class B or C reserve service who are in full time attendance on military courses or in full time attendance at educational institutions including Canadian or international military colleges.

5.5.03 Approving Authority

The Formation Commander, or the OCC where there is no Formation Commander in the member's chain of command, or the Commandant of a Canadian Military College or a military school may grant up to 14 consecutive calendar days Special Leave (while on Military Courses) to a student who is under instruction or awaiting a course of instruction.

5.5.04 Limitations

Special Leave (while on Military Courses) may only be granted:

Section 5.6 Special Leave (Education)

5.6.01 Policy

Special Leave (Education) may be granted under the following circumstances for members attending an educational institution at public expense:

5.6.02 Application

Special Leave (Education) applies to Regular Force members attending an educational institution at public expense, including a Canadian Military College.

5.6.03 Approval Authority

Pursuant to QR&O 16.20(a), the OCC or the Commandant of a Canadian Military College may grant up to 30 consecutive calendar days Special Leave (Education).

5.6.04 Limitations

All annual and accumulated leave must be granted before Special Leave (Education) may be granted.

Section 5.7 Special Leave (Isolated Post Travel)

5.7.01 Policy

A member proceeding on leave from an isolated post, other than Alert, may be granted the lesser of 3 working days Special Leave (Isolated Post Travel) or the actual time required for round trip travel from the isolated post to the nearest point of departure as designated in CBI 11.04.01, Point of Departure.

5.7.02 Approval Authority

The CO may grant Special Leave (Isolated Post Travel).

5.7.03 Limitations

Modified 30 Jun 23

Special Leave (Isolated Post Travel) applies to all isolated posts designated in the table to CBI 11.2.03, Classification Levels at Isolated Posts, except CFS Alert.

Special Leave (Isolated Post Travel) may be granted once in a leave year to members serving at an isolated post classified level 1,2, or 3 and twice in a leave year to members serving at a post classified level 4 and 5.

Section 5.8 Special Leave (CFS Alert)

5.8.01 Policy

Special Leave (CFS Alert) is offered as an incentive for repeat tours of duty to CFS Alert to promote the maintenance of morale, and to promote operational effectiveness.

5.8.02 Approving Authority

The CO CFS Alert shall grant 21 consecutive calendar days Special Leave (CFS Alert) inclusive of traveling time to members attached posted to CFS Alert for a period in excess of four months.

Subject to paragraph 5.8.03, the CO CFS Alert may grant one working day of Special Leave (CFS Alert) for each completed period of 15 consecutive days to members attached posted to CFS Alert for a period of four months or less.

Special Leave (CFS Alert) may be granted to the CO CFS Alert by the respective Formation Commander.

5.8.03 Limitations

If a member attached posted in excess of four months is not afforded the full 21-day Special Leave (CFS Alert) entitlement due to IMR, the following limitations apply:

The following limitations apply to Special Leave (CFS Alert) granted to a member attached posted to CFS Alert for a period of four months or less:

5.8.04 Transportation Assistance

Modified 30 Jun 23

Transportation assistance pursuant to CBI 11.4.05, Alert Leave Travel Benefit (ALTB), is available to members attach posted to CFS Alert for a period in excess of four months.

Section 5.9 Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's)

5.9.01 Policy

Special Leave (Christmas/New Year’s) may be granted to provide time away from duty for the observance of the Christmas or New Year’s holiday period.

Members who do not take Special Leave (Christmas/New Year’s) or Short Leave (see Chapter 9) in conjunction with either the Christmas or New Year’s holiday period may be granted an equivalent period of Special Leave.

5.9.02 Approving Authority

The CO may grant two days Special Leave (Christmas/New Year’s), as prescribed at Annex A.

5.9.03 Limitations

Special Leave (Christmas/New Year’s) shall not be granted in conjunction with Retirement Leave.

When granted in conjunction with either the Christmas or New Year’s holiday period, the two days Special Leave (Christmas/New Year’s) is limited to either the Christmas or New Year’s holiday period, not both.

Section 5.10 Special Leave (Relocation)

5.10.01 Policy

It is the policy of the CF to ensure members have the time they need away from duty to resolve administrative matters arising from the compulsory relocation of themselves, their family members and Household Goods and Effects (HG&E) on posting and attached posting within Canada, to or from places of duty outside of Canada and between places of duty outside Canada.

Special Leave (Relocation) is available to ensure members are available to attend to the packing/loading and unloading/unpacking of HG&E and preparation of insurance claims related to the relocation.

In addition, Special Leave (Relocation) may also be granted, at the discretion of the home unit CO, for members who are away from their home unit on duty for operations/training exercises, career courses or incremental taskings within or outside Canada.

5.10.02 Reckoning time

Special Leave (Relocation) is reckoned in working days and shall not be reckoned against weekend days or statutory holidays. It will be granted normally in consecutive days, but the CO may authorize the leave to be taken in non-consecutive days, as required, in consideration of a compulsory relocation on a posting or attached posting.

5.10.03 Approving Authority

Special Leave (Relocation) is approved by the CO or, when applicable, the Task Force Commander when deployed to an international operation overseas.

5.10.04 Withholding or Limiting Leave

Special Leave (Relocation) in consideration of a compulsory relocation on posting or attached-posting may be denied, withheld or limited only because of exigencies of the service such as time constraints in the event of a rapid deployment or operational reasons beyond the control of the CO. The authority that withholds or limits Special Leave (Relocation) in these situations shall be no lower than the Formation Commander or, in consideration of deployments to an international operation overseas, the force employing operational commander.

Special Leave (Relocation) in consideration of a member being sent away from their home unit on duty for operations, training exercises, career courses or incremental taskings, on a status other than posting or attached-posting (such as, but not limited to, Temporary Duty), may be denied, withheld or limited at the discretion of the CO.

Special Leave (Relocation) that is withheld or limited and cannot be reinstated prior to relocation is forfeited.

5.10.05 Elements of Special Leave (Relocation)

Special Leave (Relocation) has the following four elements: personal administration, movement of HG&E, embarkation and disembarkation. More than one of the elements may apply concurrently depending on the circumstances pertaining to the relocation.

5.10.06 First Element - Personal Administration

The personal administration element is intended to permit members to attend to administrative needs in preparation for or on completion of a compulsory relocation. Personal administration may include, but is not limited to, making arrangements for banking, insurance, public utilities, school enrolment, daycare, licensing, local taxation and provincial health insurance.

5.10.07 Second Element - Movement of HG&E

The HG&E element is intended to permit the member’s presence during the packing, loading, unpacking and unloading of HG&E. This protects the member’s right to claim reimbursement for any losses or damage to HG&E caused by the relocation.

5.10.08 Third Element - Embarkation

The embarkation element provides additional leave for personal or family needs in Canada or the continental United States prior to departure on relocation overseas.

Within this context, this element may apply also to pre-deployment considerations pertaining to:

When a member is relocated between units within Canada or the continental United States, or relocated between overseas units, the portion of Special Leave (Relocation) intended for embarkation shall not be granted.

5.10.09 Fourth Element - Disembarkation

The disembarkation element provides additional leave to be taken in Canada or the continental United States immediately following a return from an overseas relocation. This element facilitates adjustment to the North American environment, recovery from time zone changes, and helps prepare the member for continuing service in the CF.

Within this context, this element may also apply to post-deployment considerations pertaining to:

For members returning from deployment, upon request, the disembarkation element may be deferred:

The disembarkation element may be taken in non-consecutive days; however, it must be taken immediately upon completion of the PWP and the above-mentioned exceptional circumstances or it shall be forfeited.

When a member is relocated between units within Canada or the continental United States, or relocated between overseas units, the portion of Special Leave (Relocation) intended for disembarkation shall not be granted.

Leave associated with disembarkation is not granted if the member is returning to Canada for the purpose of being released.

(Amended 20 Jun 16)

5.10.10 Relative to a Posting

Special Leave (Relocation) may be granted to a member who is posted when it involves a move to a new geographical area. The authority for granting the leave and the amount of Special Leave (Relocation) that may be approved at each end of a posting, based on the posting situation, are prescribed within Annex B, Table 1.

Special Leave (Relocation) shall not be granted to a member who is posted within their geographical area.

Special Leave (Relocation) may be granted to both members of a service couple who are posted or attached posted. If only one member of a service couple is posted, then annual leave must be taken for the member who is not posted.

The Special Leave (Relocation) granted remains exclusive of and distinct from the travel time authorized for the relocation of members and families between locations.

When a member’s COS date is prior to their move, the CO of the gaining unit may grant the member the leave at both ends of the move.

Special Leave (Relocation) is not intended and shall not be used to compensate for a member having worked weekends or statutory holidays.

5.10.11 Relative to an Attached Posting or Relocation on Other Status

Special Leave (Relocation) relative to an attached posting or to relocation on another status may be granted in the situations described in Annex B, Table 2. The authority for granting the leave and the amount of Special Leave (Relocation) that may be approved based on time away from home unit on duty are also prescribed within Annex B, Table 2.

For the purpose of calculating the number of days of Special Leave (Relocation) that may be granted, time away from home unit on duty includes travel time.

Special Leave (Relocation) intended for pre-deployment/embarkation cannot be deferred, accumulated or taken at the end of an attached posting/deployment. If not taken before departure it is forfeited.

Special Leave (Relocation) intended for post-deployment/disembarkation cannot be deferred or accumulated. Any part not taken immediately after attached posting/deployment is forfeited.

5.10.12 Reserve Force

When a member of the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service is relocated and has been authorized a cost move by DCBA, the applicable Special Leave (Relocation) (IAW Annex B, Table 1) shall only be authorized and included in that period of service when:

Special Leave (Relocation) shall not be authorized for the purpose of a return move following the completion of that period of service.

When a member of the Reserve Force is attached posted on a period of Class B or C Reserve Service (IAW Annex B, Table 2) the applicable Special Leave (Relocation) shall be included in that period of service.

5.10.13 New Enrollees

Special Leave (Relocation) may be granted to a member who has attained career status for the member’s MOC and:

Special Leave (Relocation) shall not be granted:

5.10.14 Upon Release

Special Leave (Relocation) shall not be granted:

Special Leave (Relocation) may be granted to a member serving in Canada at an isolated post, overseas or the continental US who is being released from the CF as the CF must post the member back to a functional point in Canada to facilitate all release requirements. However, the five days for disembarkation will not be granted.

Section 5.11 Special Leave (Mission)

5.11.01 Policy

Special Leave (Mission) provides CF members deployed on international operations with an opportunity to leave the mission area and relieve stress in a non-threatening location, usually back in Canada.

Special Leave (Mission) may only be withheld or a member recalled from such leave because of IMR. Workload is not an imperative military requirement as Commanders are responsible for creating leave plans that permit all members to take leave.

5.11.02 Application

Special Leave (Mission) applies to members of the CF deployed on international operations who serve for at least 30 continuous days in the Area of Operations (AO).

For UN or MFO missions where no UN or MFO policy exists, Special Leave (Mission) may be granted by the Commander CJOC at the rate of two and one half calendar days per thirty continuous days in the AO.

5.11.03 Approving Authority

The approving authority for Special Leave (Mission) is detailed in the table below. The Operational Commander may delegate to the next level in the chain of command.

IF Canadian Forces members are deployed on... THEN the Operational Commander that may approve the leave is the...
Non-Canadian operations VCDS
International operations under Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) Commander CJOC
UN or MFO missions when no UN or MFO policy exists
International operations under Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) Commander CANSOFCOM

5.11.04 Calculations

The table below depicts the number of Special Leave (Mission) days that can be authorized.The approving authority may petition the CDS for an increase in the amount of Special Leave (Mission) authorized for a particular mission.

When... Then Special Leave (Mission) may be granted...
Deployed on Non-NATO/UN/MFO missions to a maximum of two and a half calendar days for every 30 continuous days served in the AO.
No UN or MFO policy exists
Deployed on NATO/UN/MFO missions in accordance with the NATO/UN/MFO mission policy, which may vary from mission to mission.

5.11.05 Limitations (amended 5 May 18)

The limitations for Special Leave (Mission) are as follows:

  1. the date on which the ship comes under operational command for a specified mission and the date the ship is released from operational command, returns to the previous place of duty or arrives at the newly assigned place of duty (whichever comes first); or
  2. a member who joins an HMCS or allied ship en route or already at the Area of Operations, the date on which the member boards the ship and the date the ship returns to the previous place of duty or arrives at a newly assigned place of duty; or
  3. a member who departs an HMCS or allied ship prior to the end of the operation, the date on which the ship departs for the Area of Operations and the date the member departs the ship.

Section 5.12 Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave)

5.12.01 Policy

Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) provides for unexpected circumstances when IMR demand the withholding of or recall from Special Leave (Mission) that cannot be subsequently compensated for while the member is on the mission.

5.12.02 Application

Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) applies to members of the CF deployed on international operations who have served for at least 30 continuous days in the AO. If conversion of Special Leave (Mission) is approved, Special Leave (In Lieu of Mission Leave) is granted following repatriation.

5.12.03 Reckoning Time

Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) will normally be granted in consecutive days, but the approving authority may authorize the leave to be taken in non-consecutive days, as required. Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) shall not be reckoned against weekends or statutory holidays.

5.12.04 Approving Authority

The Operational Commander for the mission may approve the conversion of Special Leave (Mission) into Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave).

5.12.05 Conversion Rate

Unused Special Leave (Mission) is calculated using a conversion factor of 0.7 (five working days vice seven calendar days) in order to ensure fairness in standardization between time off during and following a tour of duty.

In all cases, the converted amount is rounded to the nearest whole number. Example: a member has four days unused Special Leave (Mission), 4 days x 0.7 = 2.8, rounded to the nearest whole number is an entitlement of three days Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave).

5.12.06 Limitations

Special Leave (Mission) that is not converted into Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) is forfeited.

For naval operations, calculation of the continuous time deployed in the area of operations credited toward Special Leave (In Lieu of Mission Leave) is based on the same criteria as per Section 5.12.05 Special Leave (Mission).

Section 5.13 Special Leave (Mission Travel)

5.13.01 Policy

The purpose of Special Leave (Mission Travel) is to provide for travel time in conjunction with Special Leave (Mission).

5.13.02 Application

Special Leave (Mission Travel) applies to members of the CF under the command of a Canadian Operational Commander who are granted Special Leave (Mission) during deployments on international operations.

5.13.03 Responsibility of Commanders

The Operational Commander shall establish and publish in the mission Operation Order the maximum travel time to and from the area of operations applicable to the mission.

The Task Force Commander shall publish the Special Leave (Mission Travel) time applicable to the mission in the Task Force Standing Orders.

Operational Commanders are to monitor travel time requirements for each mission in consultation with welfare travel coordinators, and revise the travel time within the limits if travel conditions change.

5.13.04 Approving Authority

Subject to the limitations on travel time specified for the mission by the Operational Commander, the Task Force Commander may approve Special Leave (Mission Travel).

5.13.05 Limitations

Special Leave (Mission Travel) that is not granted is forfeited.

Special Leave (Mission Travel) that may be granted for any mission will be travel time as required.

The travel time for a member traveling to a third location shall be actual time required to reach the destination but in any case shall not exceed the maximum time which would have been granted had the member returned to Canada.

(Amended 30 Sep 16)

Section 5.14 Additional Special Leave For Operational Deployments

5.14.01 Policy modified 14 May 24

For the purpose of addressing extraordinary demands associated with a particular mission, Operational Commanders may petition for additional Special Leave in support of operations.  

This option is not intended to compensate for missed statutory holidays or high operational tempos during the mission.

5.14.02 Application

Additional Special Leave for operational deployments applies to CF members serving on international operations who have served in an AO for at least 30 continuous days.

5.14.03 Approving Authority

IF Canadian Forces members are deployed on... THEN the Operational Commander that may approve additional special leave is the …
Non-Canadian operations VCDS
International operations under CJOC command Commander CJOC
UN or MFO missions when no UN or MFO policy exists
International operations under CANSOFCOM Commander CANSOFCOM

Section 5.15 Special Leave (Judicial Proceedings)

5.15.01 Policy

Pursuant to DAOD 7001-1, Attendance at Civil and Criminal Court Proceedings, the CO may grant up to 30 days Special Leave (Judicial Proceedings) for a CF member to attend judicial proceedings.

Section 5.16 Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants)

5.16.01 Policy

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) provides CF members on imposed restriction (IR) and those who are away from their immediate dependants for an extended period of time due to course or tasking, and unable to reunite with them on weekends with an opportunity to travel to their primary residence or location of their immediate dependants for a period of one week every two months, to be with their immediate family.

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) may be authorized at the discretion of their Commanding Officer (CO), if the member is not needed for daily attendance at their place of work or for immediate operational recall, and the member is not on operations or assembling for operations. 

5.16.02 Application

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) applies to members of the CF on IR who cannot reunite with their immediate dependants or those members on tasking or course that do not reside with their immediate dependants during a pandemic.

5.16.03 Approving Authority

The approving authority for Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) is the member’s CO.

5.16.04 Calculations

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) may be granted to a maximum of seven (7) continuous calendar days for every two (2) continuous calendar months for one (1) year that a member is at their IR location or not residing with their immediate dependants to a maximum of 30 days.

5.16.05 Limitations

The limitations for Special Leave ((COVID-19) Members not residing with their immediate dependants) are as follows:

(Amended 27 Nov 20)

Section 5.17 Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine)

5.17.01 Policy

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine) may be granted to a maximum of 28 calendar days per one (1) fiscal year to be used to cover mandatory periods of quarantine of one (1) return journey to visit a next of kin (NOK) in a persistent pandemic environment.

Mandatory quarantine shall be determined by the appropriate provincial, territorial and local public health measures implemented at the travel location and/or upon return. When travelling outside of Canada, local jurisdictional quarantine restrictions will be respected.

5.17.02 Application

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine) applies to members of the CAF who do not live with and choose to reunite with a NOK during a persistent pandemic environment and are mandated to quarantine at the NOK’s location and/or upon their return. It is incumbent on the traveler to know the limitations in both locations prior to departure from home.

5.17.03 Approving Authority

The approving authority for Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine) is the member’s CO. 

5.17.04 Calculations

Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine) may be allocated for a maximum of 28 calendar days per one (1) fiscal year to be used to cover mandatory periods of quarantine of one (1) return journey to visit a NOK, and shall be counted in two periods of a maximum of 14 days each.  

5.17.05 Limitations

The limitations for Special Leave ((COVID-19) Mandatory Quarantine) are as follows:

(Amended 24 Nov 20)

Section 5.18 References

5.18.01 Source References

5.18.02 Related References

(Amended 4 Dec 20)

Annex A – Christmas/New Year's Special Leave Days

Christmas/Boxing Day Holiday Period
IF Christmas Day falls on...

THEN Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) is granted on...

Previous … and

THEN Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) is granted on...


Sunday Thursday and Friday -
Monday - Wednesday and Thursday
Tuesday Monday Thursday
Wednesday Tuesday Friday
Thursday Wednesday Monday
Friday Thursday Tuesday
Saturday Friday


New Year's Holiday Period
IF New Year's Day falls on...

THEN Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) is granted on...

Previous … and

THEN Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) is granted on...


Sunday Friday Tuesday
Monday - Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday Monday Wednesday
Wednesday Tuesday Thursday
Thursday Wednesday Friday
Friday Wednesday and Thursday -
Saturday Friday Tuesday


  1. When this special leave is granted in conjunction with either the Christmas or New Year's holiday period, the CO may grant Special Leave (Christmas/New Year's) in conjunction with either the Christmas or the New Year's holiday period, not both.
  2. Equity between the two holiday periods in total days is achieved by the fact that members in either period are entitled to be granted the designated holidays and comparable time off within the other period.

Annex B - Special Leave (Relocation) – Situations, Approving Authorities and Maximum Amounts

Table 1 - Postings
1.1 – Posting – Relocation/Storage of HG&E Authorized
Relocation Situation Approving Authority Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Personal Administration
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- HG&E
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Embarkation
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Disembarkation
  • Within Canada;
  • To the continental United States (US);
  • Between units in continental US; or
  • Between units overseas

CO – Losing Unit



  • Within Canada;
  • To the continental United States (US);
  • Between units in continental US; or
  • Between units overseas

CO – Gaining Unit



  • To an overseas location from Canada or the continental US

CO – Losing Unit




  • To an overseas location from Canada or the continental US

CO – Gaining Unit



  • To Canada or the continental US from an overseas location

CO – Losing Unit



  • To Canada or the continental US from an overseas location

CO – Gaining Unit




  • Member returning to Canada from an overseas location to be released

CO – Losing Unit



  • Member returning to Canada from an overseas location to be released

CO – Gaining Unit



1.2 – Posting – Relocation/Storage of HG&E Not Authorized
Relocation Situation Approving Authority Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Personal Administration
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- HG&E
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Embarkation
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Disembarkation
  • Within Canada;
  • To the continental United States (US);
  • Between units in continental US; or
  • Between units overseas

CO – Losing Unit

  • Within Canada;
  • To the continental United States (US);
  • Between units in continental US; or
  • Between units overseas

CO – Gaining Unit

  • To an overseas location from Canada or the continental US.

CO – Losing Unit

2 3
  • To an overseas location from Canada or the continental US.

CO – Gaining Unit


  • To Canada or the continental US from an overseas location.

CO – Losing Unit

  • To Canada or the continental US from an overseas location.

CO – Gaining Unit



  • Member returning to Canada from an overseas location to be released

CO – Losing Unit

  • Member returning to Canada from an overseas location to be released

CO – Gaining Unit


1.3 – Posting – Restricted
Relocation Situation Approving Authority Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Personal Administration
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- HG&E
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Embarkation
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Disembarkation
  • Member proceeding on a restricted posting within Canada or the continental US

CO – Losing Unit


  • Member proceeding on a restricted posting within Canada or the continental US

CO – Gaining Unit


  • Member who proceeded on a restricted posting within Canada or the continental US, who has the restriction lifted (see Notes 1 and 2)

CO – Gaining Unit




  1. Subject to the limitations outlined in CFAO 209-36, Additional Transportation Entitlements on Restricted Postings.
  2. Special Leave (Relocation) available once the restriction is lifted and is intended to permit the member to proceed to the place where dependants are residing in order to assist with the relocation and to accompany them on the journey to the new place of duty, which includes travel time. If for personal reasons, such as the mode of transportation chosen, more time is required, annual leave must be taken in conjunction with the five days special leave.
Table 2 - Attached Postings and Other Status (including Operations, Training Exercises, Career courses and Incremental Taskings)
2.1 – Within Canada, the Continental US or between Units Overseas
Relocation Situation Approving Authority Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Personal Administration
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- HG&E
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Embarkation
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Disembarkation
  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 14 to 30 days

CO – Home Unit


  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 31 days or more

CO – Home Unit


  • Immediately upon return to home unit from duty for a period of 14 days or more

CO – Home Unit


2.1 – Overseas from Canada or the Continental US, and all Deployments to Overseas Operational Theatres or Special Duty Area (SDA)
Relocation Situation Approving Authority Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Personal Administration
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- HG&E
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Embarkation
Maximum number of days (Blank indicates nil)
- Disembarkation
  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 14 to 30 days

CO – Losing Unit


  • Immediately upon return to home unit on termination of a period of duty of 14 to 30 days

CO – Losing Unit


  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 31 to 60 days

CO – Losing Unit


  • Immediately upon return to home unit on termination of a period of duty of 31 to 60 days

CO – Losing Unit


  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 61 to 89 days

CO – Losing Unit



  • Immediately upon return to home unit on termination of a period of duty of 61 to 89 days

CO – Losing Unit



  • Prior to departure from home unit on duty for a period of 90 days or more

CO – Losing Unit



  • Immediately upon return to home unit on termination of a period of duty of 90 days or more

CO – Losing Unit




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Chapter 6 – Sick Leave

Section 6.1 Sick Leave

6.1.01 Purpose

The purpose of sick leave is to supplement the medical treatment provided to CF members. It is granted for that period of time during which a member is unfit for duty but is not required to convalesce in an infirmary or hospital. No CF member who is on sick leave can be ordered on annual leave.

6.1.02 Reckoning Time

Sick leave is reckoned in calendar days.

Where a member is discharged from hospital and granted sick leave, the sick leave commences the day after discharge from hospital.

6.1.03 Approving Authority

The approving authorities for sick leave are summarized in the table below:

(Sick leave while on retirement leave does not apply to this section – refer to Section 10.6)

Sick Leave - Approving Authority
The... May approve an amount not exceeding… continuous calendar days Subject to the following limitations...
CO 2 (note 1) -
Medical Officer (or civilian medical doctor designated by the senior medical officer of the base) 30 days - limitation Not including sick leave granted by the CO
Senior medical officer of a Formation 91 days - limitation Including sick leave already granted by the CO and medical officer (or civilian medical doctor designated by the senior medical officer of the base)
Surgeon General (or a medical officer designated by the Surgeon General) 183 days – limitation Including sick leave already granted by the CO, medical officer (or civilian medical doctor designated by the senior medical officer of the base) and senior medical officer of a formation.

Note 1: a CF 100 form shall be completed and recorded in HRMS.

6.1.04 Organ Transplant

Pursuant to QR&O 16.16 and any directives issued from time to time by the Surgeon General, sick leave may be granted to a member who donates an organ for transplant to another person.

With the exception of organ or bone marrow donation, the CF does not approve sick leave for member funded elective medical treatments.

6.1.05 Sick Leave and Pregnancy and Maternity/Parental Leave

As pregnancy is a normal biological condition and deemed neither an illness nor injury, sick leave will not normally be authorized for maternity purposes. However, sick leave may be recommended for medical complications arising from the pregnancy or birth. Where such sick leave is granted within the period designated for maternity purposes pursuant to QR&O 16.26, Maternity Leave, it becomes part of the maternity leave period. In addition, should sick leave be granted within the period designated for parental purposes pursuant to QR&O 16.27, Parental Leave, it becomes part of the parental leave period.

Section 6.2 References

6.2.01 Source References

6.2.02 Related References

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Chapter 7 – Compassionate Leave

Section 7.1  General Information

7.1.01 Purpose

The purpose of compassionate leave is to provide CF members with sufficient time away from their place of duty when such absence is appropriate as a result of urgent and exceptional personal reasons.

7.1.02 Policy

Compassionate leave is separate from annual and accumulated leave and the member's CO or OCC, as applicable, determines the conditions under which it may be granted.

Examples of urgent and exceptional personal reasons include but are not limited to:

Although compassionate leave does not form part of annual or accumulated leave, both may be granted in conjunction with compassionate leave.

All compassionate leave requests must be substantiated to the satisfaction of the approving authority. Any compassionate leave granted that is not subsequently verified shall be recovered.

7.1.03 Reckoning Time

Compassionate leave is reckoned in calendar days.

7.1.04 Approving Authority

The CO may approve up to 14 consecutive calendar days of compassionate leave. The OCC may approve up to 30 calendar days, inclusive of any compassionate leave already approved by the CO. No extensions beyond 30 calendar days shall be authorized. However, if additional compassionate leave is required, a request for special leave may be submitted pursuant to QR&O 16.20.

Approval authority for special leave granted in conjunction with compassionate leave shall be requested in accordance with QR&O 16.20. Timely requests for approval shall be made in order to avoid additional stress on the member and family.

There is no limit to the number of different reasons for which a member may be granted compassionate leave. These reasons are neither limited by fiscal year nor by the circumstances giving rise to the need for compassionate leave.

7.1.05 Recovery Action

When compassionate leave has been granted and the reasons for which it was requested are unable to be verified to the satisfaction of the CO, the member's URS shall take recovery action in accordance with MHRRP, Chapter 16 - Leave.

7.1.06 Limitation

Compassionate leave shall not be granted in conjunction with retirement leave.

Section 7.2 Compassionate Leave (Situations of Pregnancy or Adoption Loss)

(Amended 1 Sep 21)

7.2.01 Policy 

Compassionate leave (situations of pregnancy or adoption loss) may be granted to provide time away from duty when a member or their partner have suffered a loss including miscarriage, termination or loss of pregnancy, surrogacy or adoption.

In scenarios where a member has suffered a pregnancy loss or terminates their pregnancy on or after the first day of the 20th week of gestation, the member may be entitled to maternity leave pursuant to QR&O 16.26.

7.2.02  Approving Authority 

The CO may approve compassionate leave (situations of pregnancy or adoption loss) for a minimum of 5 consecutive calendar days immediately following the loss or sick leave period, as applicable.

Section 7.3  Compassionate Leave (Victims of Family Violence) 

(Amended 1 Sep 21)

7.3.01 Policy

Compassionate leave (victims of family violence) may be granted when an act of family violence occurs to a member or any minor dependant, disabled or elderly family member under the care of the member as a result of:

Compassionate leave (victims of family violence) is intended to provide members with sufficient time away from their duties to engage in activities including, but not limited to:

7.3.02 Approving Authority

The CO may approve compassionate leave (victims of family violence) for up to 14 consecutive calendar days. 

7.3.03 Limitations

The following limitations apply to compassionate leave (victims of family violence):

Section 7.4 Compassionate Leave (Parents of Young Victims of Crime)

(Amended 1 Sep 21)

7.4.01 Policy

Compassionate leave (parents of young victims of crime) may be granted to provide CF members with an extended period of time away in situations where their child is deceased or missing as a result of a probable Criminal Code offence that occurred in Canada.

7.4.02 Approving Authority

The CO may approve up to 14 consecutive calendar days of compassionate leave (parents of young victims of crime). The OCC may approve up to 30 calendar days, inclusive of any compassionate leave already approved by the CO.

Pursuant to QR&O 16.20, a member may be granted special leave not exceeding 30 calendar days by or under the authority of the CDS. A grant of any period of special leave that would result in the member receiving more than 30 days of special leave must be approved by the Minister.

Compassionate leave (parents of young victims of crime) may be granted to a member for up to 52 weeks in the case of a missing child when authorized by or under the authority of the Minister, starting on the day the disappearance occurred.

Compassionate leave (parents of young victims of crime) may be granted to a member for up to 104 weeks if the child is deceased when authorized by or under the authority of the Minister, starting on the day the death occurred.

7.4.03 Limitations

The following limitations apply to compassionate leave (parents of young victims of crime):

Section 7.5 References

7.5.01 Source References

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Chapter 8 – Leave Without Pay and Allowances

Section 8.1 Leave Without Pay and Allowances

8.1.01 Purpose

The purpose of Leave Without Pay and Allowances (hereafter referred to as LWOP) is to allow members the opportunity to remain in the CF during periods when no service is rendered. Except on enrolment, members must request LWOP. The reason for the LWOP must be in the interest of the CF.

8.1.02 Limitations

Except when LWOP is granted for maternity or parental leave purposes, LWOP shall not be granted:

8.1.03 Reckoning Time

LWOP is reckoned in calendar days.

8.1.04 Approving Authority (amended 24 June 19)

The table below summarizes the approving authorities for granting LWOP:

IF LWOP is intended for the purpose of... THEN it may be granted to... BY the...
Maternity Leave or Parental Leave

Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class B or C Reserve Service

(Refer to paragraph 8.2.01 for guidance if situation is Class A service)

CO in accordance with:
Personal Reasons for parental purposes

Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service

(Refer to paragraph 8.2.01 for guidance if situation is Class “A” service)

CO for up to 26 weeks for members requesting the extended parental benefits option offered in the Employment Insurance Act in conjunction with QR&O 16.27, Parental Leave
Spousal Accompaniment (see Note 1) Members of a CF service couple to accompany their spouses on posting Director General Military Careers (DGMC) for a maximum of 4 cumulative years at any one time.
On Enrolment Enrollees to the Regular Force
  • CO of a CF Recruiting Unit for a period of up to 21 days; or
  • Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) for a period in excess of 21 days.
Academic, Technical or Subsidized Training, or Personal Reasons Regular Force members
  • CO for up to 14 days;
  • OCC for up to 30 days, including the LWOP already granted by the CO; and
  • DGMC for applications in excess of 30 days. Applications must be submitted with a recommendation from the CO and OCC.


1. Members granted LWOP for spousal accompaniment with a service spouse shall be posted to UIC 9917 with a secondary UIC of the unit supporting the member during the period of LWOP.

8.1.05 Application Process

Except for new enrollees, who shall have LWOP documented on a CF 100 and members requesting LWOP for maternity or parental reasons, an application for LWOP shall be made on the application form at Annex A.

Members applying for maternity and parental benefits must complete form DND 2268, Application Form for Maternity/Parental Benefits.

8.1.06 Points to Consider

Before recommending or approving any period of LWOP, the following points should be considered:

8.1.07 Reduction of Annual Leave

A member’s annual leave entitlement is reduced as a result of any complete month of LWOP.

A period of LWOP is deemed to be continuous service but shall not be included in the computation of continuous service for the purpose of annual leave entitlement. The exception is for periods of LWOP for maternity and parental purposes which count as continuous service.

8.1.08 Recall to Duty

A member on LWOP is subject to recall to duty at any time. The recall to duty of a member on LWOP shall be done personally by the CO and shall be for a minimum of five working days.

Periods of LWOP shall not be broken for the purpose of establishing an annual leave credit.

8.1.09 Impact on Obligatory Service

Pursuant to DAOD 5049-1, Obligatory Service, any period of obligatory service shall be extended by a period equal to the LWOP that has been granted during a period of obligatory service.

Section 8.2 Exemption From Duty and Training (ED&T)

8.2.01 Authoritative References

Exemption From Duty and Training (ED&T) is not a leave type. The policy guidance and instructions for administration of ED&T is pursuant to:

Section 8.3 Maternity and Parental Leave

8.3.01 Authoritative References

The policy guidance for maternity and parental leave benefits is pursuant to:

8.3.02 Approving Authority

The CO may grant maternity leave and/or parental leave for Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class B or C Reserve Service in accordance with:

(Refer to paragraph 8.2.01 for guidance if situation is Class A service)

Section 8.4 Spousal Accompaniment - Service Couple

8.4.01 Policy

LWOP for spousal accompaniment is to permit Regular Force members of CF service couples to accompany their spouse on posting within or outside Canada.

8.4.02 Administrative Process

LWOP for spousal accompaniment up to a maximum of four cumulative years may be approved by DGMC.

A member taking advantage of LWOP for spousal accompaniment must agree to accept any posting or training upon completion of the leave period.

8.4.03 Approving Authority

Director General Military Careers (DGMC) may grant a maximum of four cumulative years LWOP for spousal accompaniment to a member of a CF service couple to accompany their spouse on posting.

8.4.04 Non-Service Couples

An application for LWOP for spousal accompaniment related to a non-service spouse may be submitted in accordance with LWOP for personal reasons in section 8.1.

Section 8.5 On Enrollment

8.5.01 Policy

LWOP may be granted on enrolment up to 21 days if it is in the best interests of the CF to do so.

8.5.02 Administrative Process

Any period of LWOP granted on enrolment shall include the day of enrolment.

Requirements for periods of LWOP on enrolment in excess of 21 days shall be referred with the supporting reasons to the Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG).

LWOP for new members shall be documented on a CF 100.

8.5.03 Approving Authority

The CO of a CF Recruiting Unit may grant a period of up to 21 days to members of the Regular Force on enrolment. The Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) may grant a period in excess of 21 days.

Section 8.6 Academic, Technical or Subsidized Training, Personal Reasons or Personal Reasons for Parental Purposes

8.6.01 Policy (amended 24 June 2019)

When it is in the interests of the CF, LWOP may be granted to Regular Force members to pursue academic, technical or subsidized training; or personal reasons.

LWOP for personal reasons for parental purposes may be granted to Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class “B” or “C” reserve service. It may only be deferred for imperative military requirements.

8.6.02 Limitations

LWOP granted to pursue academic or technical training does not establish an entitlement to or eligibility for:

8.6.03 Approving Authority (amended 30 June 2019)

The CO may grant up to 14 days for academic, technical or subsidized training or for personal reasons; an OCC may grant up to 30 days, including the LWOP already granted by the CO. Applications in excess of 30 days must be submitted with a recommendation from the CO and OCC for approval to DGMC.

The CO may grant up to 26 weeks for LWOP for personal reasons for parental purposes related to Employment Insurance Act benefits.

Section 8.7 The Implications of LWOP

8.7.01 Superannuation

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act pension coverage automatically continues during a period of absence without pay and the member is required to pay contributions for that period. However a member can elect not to pay for the portion of a period of LWOP that is in excess of three months. If the member elects not to make the contributions, the period will not be used in the calculation of their pension benefits.

The pension plan changes made on 1 March 2007 provide that a member is entitled to an unreduced immediate annuity after completing 25 years (9,131 days) of paid CF service. LWOP for maternity and parental purposes are the only types of LWOP that can be considered as paid days of CF service.

8.7.02 Supplementary Death Benefits

Subject to the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Canadian Forces Superannuation Regulations, a member remains a participant under Part II (Supplementary Death Benefits) of the Act during LWOP except when both of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. the period of LWOP commences the day of or the day after enrolment; and
  2. the LWOP is for personal reasons.

8.7.03 Severance Pay

Pursuant to CBI 204.40, Canadian Forces Severance Pay, a period of LWOP is deemed to be continuous service but, shall not be included in the computation of eligible service. The only exception is LWOP for maternity or parental purposes which count as continuous service.

8.7.04 Promotion

The effects of LWOP on promotion are detailed in CFAO 11-6, Promotion Policy – Officers – Regular Force and CFAO 49-4, Career Policy – Non-Commissioned Members – Regular Force.

8.7.05 Career Status

A Regular Force member who, at the time of application for LWOP, has been authorized further service for a fixed or indefinite period may be required to re-engage before the LWOP is authorized.

8.7.06 Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP)

A SISIP participant may continue to be covered by the plan during a period of LWOP by remitting premiums direct to the insurer. Submission of form SISIP FS INS 9E Leave Without Pay (LWOP) is required. Additional information is available by calling 1-800-267-6681 or visiting

8.7.07 Return to Duty for CF Service during periods of LWOP

During extended periods of LWOP where a member can return to duty, such as between academic years, they may be returned to duty during the period if there is an IMR. Such service will normally be approved by NDHQ/DGMC at the time the LWOP is approved. In such cases the member’s CO must ensure that action is taken in HRMS.

8.7.08 Movement of Dependents, HG&E

The granting of LWOP does not establish an entitlement to move dependents or HG&E at public expense.

8.7.09 Medical and Dental Treatment

A member is entitled to medical and dental treatment at public expense while on LWOP.

8.7.10 Compassionate Travel Assistance

The entitlement to Compassionate Travel Assistance while on LWOP is detailed in CBI 209.51, Compassionate Travel Assistance.

8.7.11 Leave Travel Assistance

There is no entitlement to Leave Travel Assistance while on LWOP as detailed in CBI 209.50, Leave Travel Assistance.

Section 8.8 References

8.8.01 Source References

8.8.02 Related References

Annex A – Application for Leave Without Pay and Allowances

1. I, (please indicate your service number, your rank, your surname and initials, and your military occupation), hereby apply for leave without pay and allowances (LWOP) for the following reason (please describe the reason here).

2. I certify that I have read and understand the implications concerning LWOP as referred to in Chapter 8 of the Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual. I understand that if my application is approved:

The applicant's signature is required here:

The date on which the document was signed is required here:

The Commanding Officer's signature is required here if he/she recommends/approves this request and the date on which it was signed:

The Officer Commanding Command's signature is required here if he/she recommends/approves this request and the date on which it was signed:

NDHQ's signature is required here if he/she recommends/approves this request and the date on which it was signed.

Note: An application for LWOP for academic/technical training or personal reasons must be initiated early enough to permit it to reach NDHQ 30 days prior to the commencement of such training or leave. This will permit proper consideration of the application and subsequent notification to the applicant in sufficient time to complete arrangements to participate in the course should the application be approved.

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Chapter 9 – Short Leave

Section 9.1 Short Leave

9.1.01 Policy

The purpose of short leave is to provide a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service with time away from their duties to:

9.1.02 Reckoning Time

Other than sections 9.2 and 9.3 of this Chapter, short leave is reckoned in days to a maximum of two days per calendar month.

These two days do not have to be authorized on consecutive days and may be authorized in half-day increments.

The overall maximum short leave authorization is 24 days in a fiscal year.

9.1.03 Approval Authority

The CO may grant short leave. This cannot be delegated.

9.1.04 Limitations

Short Leave shall not be granted in conjunction with retirement leave.

9.1.05 Examples

Although short leave may be granted for any valid reason the CO considers is within the purpose of the leave, the following are examples of when short leave could be granted:

Section 9.2 Short Leave (Religious and Spiritual Observances)

9.2.01 Policy

The purpose of short leave (religious and spiritual observances) is to provide a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service with time away from their duties in order to:

9.2.02 Approval Authority

The CO may grant short leave (religious and spiritual observances) to a maximum of five (5) days in a fiscal year and it may also be granted in half-day increments. CAF members must provide advance notification to their CO of the day(s) on which they wish to request this leave.

9.2.03 Limitations

The limitations for short leave (religious and spiritual observatoins) are as follows:

Section 9.3  Short Leave (Family-related Obligations)

9.3.01 Policy

The purpose of short leave (family-related obligations) is to provide a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service with time away from their duties in order to:

9.3.02 Approval Authority

The CO may grant short leave (family-related obligations) to a maximum of five (5) days in a fiscal year and it may be also be granted in half-day increments.

9.3.03  Limitations

The limitations for short leave (family-related obligations) are as follows:

Section 9.4 Reference

9.4.01 Source Reference

Effective 28 Oct 21

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Chapter 10 – Regular Force Retirement Leave

Section 10.1 General Information

10.1.01 Purpose

Retirement leave is all leave granted to a member immediately prior to release from or transfer from the Regular Force.

10.1.02 Retirement Leave Types and Reckoning Time

Retirement leave may include the following types of leave and shall be granted only prior to the member's release or transfer date in the following order:

Retirement leave
Types of leave reckoned in... days
  • Annual Leave
  • Accumulated Leave
  • Rehabilitation Leave

10.1.03 Approval Authority

The approval authorities for retirement leave are as specified for the approving authority for release in the CDS Designated Release Authorities Listing (available on NDHQ/DGMC web site).

Section 10.2 Calculation of Entitlement

10.2.01 Annual and Accumulated Leave

The table at Annex A summarizes retirement leave entitlements.

Annual and accumulated leave form parts of retirement leave only when granted immediately prior to the release or transfer from the Regular Force or rehabilitation leave.

Annual leave is not earned while on retirement leave.

Non-working days, including designated and other holidays, which are listed in Chapter 2, General Administration, Annex A, immediately preceding and immediately following the period of annual and accumulated leave shall not be charged against the member’s entitlement.

10.2.02 Rehabilitation Leave

A Regular Force member who was serving on 31 March 1972 may be granted rehabilitation leave on release or transfer from the Regular Force as an alternative to severance pay. Members who enrolled, re-enrolled or transferred to the Regular Force after that date are not entitled to rehabilitation leave.

The specific number of days rehabilitation leave to be granted depends upon the duration of continuous service as well as the service and release conditions as detailed in QR&O 16.19, Rehabilitation Leave.

Rehabilitation leave is not considered as service for the purpose of calculating annual leave entitlement in the fiscal year of release.

10.2.03 Impact on Release or Transfer Date

CFAO 15-2, Release Regular Force specifies the conditions governing release or transfer from the Regular Force and on the determination of a member’s date of release.

A member’s date of release or transfer from the Regular Force is the date assigned by appropriate Release Authority in accordance QR&O 15.03 – Date of Release and with the CDS Designated Release Authorities. Retirement Leave shall not impact the member’s date of release and is to be administered as per article 10.2.05, Limitations.

10.2.04 Recall during Retirement Leave

If a member is on retirement leave and wishes or needs to be recalled to duty, the CO will send their recommendation or request to NDHQ/D Mil C who will advise once a decision is made.

10.2.05 Limitations

Notwithstanding the entitlements outlined in this section, the member and the releasing unit shall ensure that retirement leave commences on a date early enough to allow for the granting of all retirement leave before the authorized release or transfer date.

Retirement leave shall not be used to extend a member's service beyond an authorized release or transfer date.

Determination of the date when retirement leave commences is not a right but the member's stated preference will be granted whenever possible.

A member of the CF who enrolled in, re-enrolled in or transferred to the Regular Force after 31 March 1972 is not entitled to rehabilitation leave but is entitled to retirement leave.

(Amended 23 Jul 20)

Section 10.3 Obligatory Service

10.3.01 Obligatory Service

A member serving a period of obligatory service, as prescribed in DAOD 5049-1, Obligatory Service, normally will not commence retirement leave prior to completing the period of obligatory service.

A request to commence retirement leave prior to completing a period of obligatory service requires substantiation to justify such action and must be submitted to the Director General Military Careers (DGMC) for consideration. Approval will be granted in exceptional cases only.

Section 10.4 Elections of Date of Release or Transfer

10.4.01 Preference

A member who was serving on or after 1 February 1968 and elects the new retirement provisions, and to whom completion of a fixed period of service does not apply, shall take retirement leave to end on the compulsory release age (CRA) date or, if applicable, receive payment in lieu of retirement leave.

A member who is not reaching CRA and who is to be released or transferred from the Regular Force on completion of a fixed period of service (such as CE, FPS, etc.) may request that retirement leave:

A member who is released or transferred from the Regular Force under circumstances other than those described in the elections and completion of a fixed period of service above shall take retirement leave, if applicable, to end on the authorized release or transfer date.

10.4.02 Notification by Member

Notification of NDHQ DGMC/DMCA of a member's preference prior to dispatch of individual retirement instructions is required. To ensure that this happens, the member shall indicate their preference on the form at Annex B of CF Severance Pay/Rehabilitation Leave Administrative Directive.

Section 10.5 Payment in Lieu of Retirement Leave

10.5.01 Members at CRA

A member at CRA or a member who requested authority to work up to CRA may elect payment in lieu of all or part of their retirement leave entitlement. Elections must be submitted to the member's CO and will only be approved where a service requirement exists.

If a member elects to receive only a partial payment in lieu of retirement leave, the remaining leave shall be counted backwards from the CRA date, ensuring that the last day of leave will be no later than the date of CRA.

The form at MHRRP, Chapter 16 - Leave is to be used for this purpose.

10.5.02 Members not at CRA

A member not at CRA may elect to receive payment in lieu of all or part of their retirement leave entitlement, subject to military requirements and authorization by the approving authority for the member’s release or transfer.

The form MHRRP, Chapter 16 - Leave is to be used for this purpose.

10.5.03 Approval Authority

The approval authority for the member's release as specified in the CDS Designated Release Authorities Listing is the approving authority for payment in lieu of retirement leave. Career Manager concurrence is not required except for those members reaching CRA.

10.5.04 Conditions

CBI 205.77, Payment in Lieu of Retirement Leave authorizes payment.

A payment or partial payment in lieu of retirement leave may include accumulated, annual, special leave on release and rehabilitation leave.

The leave may be cashed out in any order; however, the payment will only be made after the effective date of release.

A request for payment in lieu of retirement leave is irrevocable once the approving authority has authorized it.

If a member commences retirement leave but due to unforeseen circumstances wishes to change their election and cash out the remainder of the leave, they may submit a request to DGMC/DMCA for consideration.

10.5.05 Impact of other Legislation

Payments in lieu of retirement leave are subject to the provisions of the:

Payments in lieu of retirement leave are not subject to deductions for contributions under the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act.

10.5.06 Non, Partial or Full Payment of Retirement Leave

When the approving authority does not grant a request for payment in lieu of retirement leave for military reasons, the member shall proceed on retirement leave as specified by CF Severance Pay/Rehabilitation Leave Administrative Directive.

When a partial payment in lieu of retirement leave is authorized, or when no request for payment is received, the member must take the authorized retirement leave to end on the date determined for the release or transfer.

When payment in lieu of all retirement leave is authorized, the member’s last day of work shall be the release or transfer date as determined by the approving authority.

Section 10.6 Hospitalization/Sick Leave

10.6.01 Purpose of Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Sick leave may be assigned when the member is not able to perform activities of daily living while on retirement leave and where exceptional circumstances result in the unplanned scheduling of significant elective treatments during retirement leave.

10.6.02 Member's Responsibility

A member requiring medical treatment while on retirement leave should report to the nearest CF medical facility.

If this is impractical, the procedures for emergency medical treatment listed on the member's copy of the CF 100 leave form shall be followed.

It is the member’s responsibility to inform any CF medical facility to which they report that they are on retirement leave.

10.6.03 Medical Treatment by the CF

Modified 30 Jun 23

A CF medical facility hospitalizing or recommending sick leave for a member on retirement leave shall immediately notify Release Benefits Administration (RBA) and NDHQ/Surgeon General/D Med Pol - Medical Standards. Notification shall include the date of admission and any recommended period of sick leave.

10.6.04 Medical Treatment by Civilian Medical Facility

Modified 30 Jun 23

A member who, while on retirement leave, is unable to report to a CF medical facility for medical care because of distance or the emergency nature of the illness or who is admitted to a civilian hospital shall notify RBA as soon as possible. Notification should be by either message or email ( before the effective date of release or transfer has passed.

The Notification of Hospitalization/Application for Sick Leave at Annex B (a copy of which is provided to the member as part of the release process) should be completed and forwarded to RBA.

10.6.05 Fixed Effective Date of Release or Transfer

The notification of hospitalization and/or a recommendation for sick leave constitutes a member’s application for an adjustment to the release or transfer date. Notwithstanding such application, the effective date of release or transfer is fixed and can only be amended in accordance with the CDS Designated Release Authorities Listing. Accordingly, DMCA in consultation with D Med Pol shall review the request and immediately notify the member if any changes to the effective date of release or transfer are approved.

Section 10.7 Dental Treatment

10.7.01 Required Action

A member requiring dental treatment while on retirement leave should:

If these options are impractical, the emergency dental treatment procedure listed on the CF 100 leave form should be followed.

Section 10.8 Responsibility Matrix

10.8.01 Responsibility Table

The following table identifies the primary responsibilities for this chapter.

The... Is responsible for...
CDS Designated Release Authority Listing
  • granting rehabilitation and retirement leave; and
  • approving requests for payment in lieu of retirement leave.
  • administering the retirement leave granted to members on release or transfer from the Regular Force;
  • verifying leave credits for members on release or transfer;
  • in consultation with D Med Pol – Medical Standards assessing the impact of hospitalization/sick leave on the release/transfer date of members on retirement leave;
  • in consultation with D Med Pol – Medical Standards, adjusting the release or transfer date when hospitalization or sick leave warrants such action for members who are on retirement leave.
NDHQ/ Surgeon General/D Med Pol – Medical Standards
  • approving sick leave in excess of two days for members who are on retirement leave; and
  • providing medical policy advice to DMCA.
CO of Member's Releasing Unit
  • processing requests for payment in lieu of retirement leave;
  • providing copy of CF 100 leave pass to members proceeding on retirement leave;
  • providing copy of Annex B Notification of Hospitalization and Sick Leave to members proceeding on retirement leave;
  • approving sick leave up to two days for CF members on retirement leave; and
  • immediately notifying NDHQ/DMCA when a member on retirement leave is admitted to a CF hospital; granted up to two days sick leave; and/or sick leave greater than two days has been recommended for them.
CF Medical Facilities
  • immediately notifying DMCA when members on retirement leave are admitted to a CF hospital or sick leave has been recommended for them.
  • reporting to the nearest CF medical facility if medical treatment is required during retirement leave; and
  • notifying DMCA if they are hospitalized at a civilian medical facility during their period of retirement leave.

Section 10.9 References

10.9.01 Source References

10.9.02 Related References

Annex A - Summary of Retirement Leave Entitlement

Annual Leave

This table applies to all items of release.


Annual Leave


Annual leave for members…28 years of Reg F service


is prorated on the basis of...


for each month during which the member serves in that fiscal year...

with less then two working days but not to exceed their maximum annual entitlement
who have completed at least two and a half working days rounded up to the nearest whole number if the number of days is not a whole number.

Accumulated Leave

Benefit Application
Accumulated Leave
All accumulated leave to the member's credit.

Rehabilitation Leave

Benefit Application
Rehabilitation Leave

Applies only to members who were serving on 31 March 1972 who do not elect severance pay at the time of release or transfer from the CF.

No rehabilitation leave except for release item 3, 4 (a) (b), 5 (a) (b) (c) and (e).

Annex B – Notification of Hospitalization/Application for Sick Leave

Modified 30 Jun 23

(Required only when under treatment at a civilian medical facility)

National Defence Headquarters Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2
Attention: Release Benefits Administration (RBA)

  1. I, (please provide your service number, your rank, your surname and initials), am on retirement leave. My scheduled date of release or transfer is as follows: (please provide the release or transfer date here).
  2. I certify that I was either admitted to (please provide name and address of civilian hospital) and that I am still a patient or that I was hospitalized in (please provide name and address of the civilian hospital) from (please provide the dates treatment commenced) to (please provide dates treatment ended).
  3. I hereby request that my date of release or transfer be amended for the period of my hospitalization and/or sick leave as approved by the Surgeon General/D Med Pol – Medical Standards, or both (as applicable).
  4. I understand that a member admitted to hospital or granted sick leave during retirement leave may have their effective release date amended by a period equal to the duration of hospitalization and sick leave or by a period of six months, whichever is the lesser.
  5. I authorize my attending physician to release all medical information pertinent to this application to the Surgeon General/D Med Pol.
  6. My attending physician is Dr. (please provide the name of the doctor). The physician's registration number is (please provide the registration number of the physician). The physician may be contacted at the following number (please provide telephone number).

Your signature is required here and the date on which you signed this document:

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Chapter 11 – Audit

Section 11.1 Audit of Leave Record

11.1.01 When to Audit

A review of all leave records shall be conducted annually by the CO in accordance with MHRRP, Chapter 16 - Leave.

The OCC may require the audit of leave records whenever it is deemed necessary.

NDHQ/DMCA shall audit the leave record of all Regular Force members being released or transferred.

11.1.02 Release Audit

The audit at release by NDHQ/DMCA is conducted in order to standardize release proceedings and ensure all members are granted their due benefits.

The corrective action required when discrepancies are found during the release audit may have serious financial consequences for the member. Accordingly, the value of the annual review or any other audit prior to the release audit is extremely important. Discrepancies found during the release audit may require an amendment of the effective date of release or transfer and/or the imposition of leave forfeiture pursuant to QR&O 16.14(7).

11.1.03 Entitlements Qualifying Service

For audit purposes, grandfathering notes with respect to qualifying service for the calculation of annual leave entitlements for the Regular Force are detailed in the following table:

Qualifying Service for the Regular Force
Serial Notes
1 Effective 1 April 1973 a member of the Regular Force who was serving on 31 March 1973 became entitled to annual leave of 25 working days on 1 April 1973.
2 Effective 1 April 1977, previous service in the Regular Force shall count as service for the purposes of calculating the amount of annual leave entitlements, with the following caveats:
  • the date of re-enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force must be within one year of the release or transfer from the Regular Force;
  • only the last period of service in the Regular Force may be used;
  • previous service in the Regular Force must be calculated from the previous enrolment or transfer date to the last release or transfer date regardless of the amount of non-paid service that has been granted or imposed during the previous service; and
  • eligibility to count prior service occurs as of 1 April 77 or the date following the day that the member completes five years of qualifying service, whichever is the later date.

Effective 28 May 1990, the date of re-enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force no longer has to be within one year of the release or transfer from the Regular Force in order to count member's last period of Regular Force service.

4 Effective 1 April 2002, a member of the Regular Force will be entitled to 30 days annual as follows:
  • in the case of a member who has not previously served in the Regular Force, on the day following the day on which the member completes 28 years of continuous service; or
  • in the case of a member who has previously served in the Regular Force, on the day following the day on which the total of the member's present record of continuous service and last period of previous Regular Force service equals 28 years.
5 Effective 1 April 2004, a member completes five years of service in the CF on the day following the day on which the member's following periods of service total five years:
  • the present period of continuous service;
  • any previous periods of Regular Force service;
  • one quarter of any previous periods of service on Class A Reserve Service; and
  • any previous periods of service on Class B or Class C Reserve Service.

Effective 1 April 2015, a member completes five years of service in the CF on the day following the day on which the member’s following periods of service total five years:

A + B – C + [0.25 × (D – E – F)]


A is the number of years of service in the Regular Force;

B is the number of years of service in the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service;

C is the number of years of leave without pay granted under article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances);

D is the number of years of service in the Primary Reserve, the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service or the Canadian Rangers, other than on Class B or C Reserve Service;

E is the number of years of exemption from Primary Reserve duty and training, other than years of exemption under articles 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) and 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Parental Purposes); and

F is the number of years of being declared Primary Reserve non-effective strength.


Effective 1 April 2015 , a member of the Regular Force will be entitled to 30 days annual as follows:

  • in the case of a member who has not previously served in the CF, on the day following the day on which the member completes 28 years of continuous service; or
  • in the case of a member who has previously served in the CF, on the day following the day on which the total of the member's CF service equals 28 years:
A + B – C + [0.25 × (D – E – F)]


A is the number of years of service in the Regular Force;

B is the number of years of service in the Reserve Force on Class B or C Reserve Service;

C is the number of years of leave without pay granted under article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances);

D is the number of years of service in the Primary Reserve, the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service or the Canadian Rangers, other than on Class B or C Reserve Service;

E is the number of years of exemption from Primary Reserve duty and training, other than years of exemption under articles 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) and 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Parental Purposes); and

F is the number of years of being declared Primary Reserve non-effective strength.

Section 11.2 Payment to Service Estate

11.2.01 Policy

CBI 205.74, Leave Entitlement-Payment to Service Estate is the policy for reconciliation of leave when a member of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force on Class B or C reserve service dies or is presumed to have died.

Section 11.3 References

11.3.01 Related References

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3.3.06 Extension and Carry-Over Options

Annual leave earned during a period of service shall normally be taken prior to the scheduled end of the period of service. When a period of service is about to end and unused annual leave remains, the following options are available to the member, subject to approval by the losing CO:

Notwithstanding any option to extend a period of service or to carry-over unused annual leave to another period of service, any unused annual leave remaining at the end of a period of service spanning multiple consecutive years shall be dealt with in accordance with Section 3.3.05 – Multi year consecutive periods of service.

Under no circumstances shall a new Reserve employment offer be made for the sole purpose of allowing a member to take leave.

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