Annex E – Unpacking

Carrier’s Responsibilities

  1. You are entitled to a full unpacking service. The carrier is required to place unwrapped items on tables/counters/floors, but not put them in cupboards or drawers.  The carrier must allow you a manageable period of time to put items away in an organized manner as the contents are unpacked.
  2. Servicing / Re-Certification at Destination: On the unpack day, the carrier will ensure that the appliances and major articles are prepared for your use no later than the day of unpacking, i.e. any blocks to prevent movement are removed. For small shipments that are delivered and unpacked on the same day, the carrier may perform the re-certification 24 hours after delivery to allow time for the appliances to acclimate and settle.
  3. Since certification at origin and destination are at the Contractor’s discretion, the Contractor will be held liable for any damage to articles (electronic, computer, etc) and appliances unless it can be conclusively proven that such damage was not move related.  If an article or appliance does not function at destination, it will be assume that the damage was move related unless otherwise indicated by a qualified repair technician.
  4. Loss/Damage Packed Items Form: The carrier is responsible for assisting you with annotating all losses and/or damages on the “LOSS/DAMAGE PACKED ITEMS” form.  The carrier will provide you with a copy of the completed form, signed and dated.  In the event that there are no damages, the form shall be annotated as such.
  5. Unpacking Certificate: The carrier is responsible for obtaining signature and date on the Unpacking Certificate once unpacking services have been completed to your satisfaction.  The carrier will provide you with a copy of the completed form, signed and dated.
  6. The carrier must remove all of the provided packing material and empty containers from your residence on completion of unpacking.  If an additional pick-up is required, the carrier shall provide this one-time service within 5 business days of completion of unpacking. If you have not protected the packing material and empty cartons from inclement weather this service may be declined.

Employee Responsibilities

  1. You have the right to refuse unpacking services.  If you perform your own unpacking, the carrier is not responsible for the disposal of packing material and empty cartons.

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