Annex A – Pre-Move Consultation

  1. The pre-move consultation is normally the initial face-to-face contact between you and the carrier that sets in motion the HG&E or PMV shipment process. Early identification of issues at this initial stage can prevent and reduce problems that could arise during the move.

Carrier’s Responsibilities

  1. The carrier is responsible to conduct a face-to-face pre-move consultation at your residence.
  2. The carrier is responsible to provide you with the Pre-move Information Booklet and review the contents in detail with you to ensure you understand the processes and procedures involved in your move.  These include but are not limited to:
    1. A review of any inadmissible items, items that are only accepted in limited quantities and items that the Shipper is responsible to prepare for shipping that were identified during the pre-move consultation.  Appendix 1
    2. A review of services that are not covered under the contract and will be coordinated at your expense.  Appendix 2
    3. A thorough explanation of the RCP/PMV protection coverage and a thorough explanation of the claims process.  Annex F
  3. The carrier is responsible to provide you with a list of all major articles and appliances that require servicing and certification prior to, or on, the final day of packing. 
  4. The carrier is responsible to provide you with an electronically generated room-by-room weight estimate no later than 2 business days after the consultation. This pre-move weight estimate is to be completed on a room-by-room basis and is to itemize each piece of furniture, the estimated number of cartons by cubic measure, the estimated weight of HG&E by room, and the total estimated weight of HG&E.
  5. The carrier is responsible to provide you with quotes in writing for any services excluded under the contract.

Employee Responsibilities

  1. Identify all the articles you plan to move which includes articles in a crawl space, attic, garage, storage shed, cottage, office or articles stored off-site, such as a mini-storage warehouse. You must make all these items available for viewing at the time of the consultation. As the Government contract allows for only one pick up of household goods, you will be responsible for bringing all goods to a single location, prior to the arrival of the carrier’s packing team.  (areas such as PMQ garages and condo storage lockers are considered as one pick up location)
  2. You are responsible to review in detail the Pre-move Information Booklet.  If you do not understand any of the procedures or processes, you are responsible to seek clarification from the carrier and/or the Transportation Agent.
  3. If you remove or add any HG&E after the pre-move consultation, you must advise the carrier immediately, so that the weight estimate can be amended before the load date.  The carrier will not be compensated by DND for the movement of any additional items/weight added after the packing has been completed.  Therefore, the carrier has the right to refuse or request payment directly from you for any items added by you after the packing is complete.

Addressing Unsanitary/Contaminated HG&E

  1. As a guideline, HG&E may be deemed unsanitary/contaminated when it contains excessive mould, mildew, fleas, blood, vermin, excrement, noxious fumes, irritants and/or offensive odours.  This also includes HG&E that is in an extremely cluttered condition.
  2. During the pre-move consultation, or during the packing or loading stage, if the carrier identifies the HG&E as unsanitary, all movement services will be suspended.  Your chain of command will be informed in order to have the situation rectified as soon as possible.  Once the issue has been resolved, the movement services will recommence.  The carrier may re-inspect your residence if deemed warranted.  In extreme circumstances your move may be cancelled.  Such situations will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
  3. HG&E that is identified as unsanitary/contaminated on the day of delivery will not be delivered under any circumstances due to the potential risk of contamination of the residence/attached residences and/or health issues.

Required Documentation for Moves between Canada and Continental USA

  1. During the pre-move consultation, the carrier is responsible to inform you of all supporting documentation required to allow for the HG&E and/or PMV to be transported across Canada/USA borders.

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