at origin, you will have the vehicle ready for the Carrier or his representative at residence or at a specified location.
vehicle must be clean and prepared as be the Carrier’s instructions
with the Carrier you will inspect the vehicle and the Carrier will complete a vehicle Condition Report (VCR);
Upon delivery you must check the condition of the vehicle thoroughly against the Vehicle Condition Report.
Carrier’s Responsibilities:
at time of survey, the Moving Consultant will provide information on the handling of the vehicle.
will pick up the vehicle at residence or at a specified location.
will complete VCR and have the shipper sign the VCR.
we will deliver the vehicle at residence or at a specified location.will ensure the vehicle is clean and will inspect and annotate new damage with shippers.
To make your moving experience less stressful this annex details the services you will receive from the Carrier and what will be expected of you (the Shipper) for the shipment of your PMV. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this annex reflects the current International Movement of PMV contract. Please review the information contained in this annex and contact your Furniture and Effects (F&E) section if you have questions at any stage during this process.
A decrepit, inoperable PMV will not be shipped at Crown expense. Ensure the PMV is in good operating condition prior to handover. If it is not, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs to render the PMV serviceable. The carrier will only ship a registered, licenced, and insured vehicle.
The insurance coverage for a new PMV is the actual cost of the PMV as stated on the bill of sale provided by the Shipper.
For used PMVs, the value of the PMV(s) will be based on the value listed in the edition of the Canadian Red Book (Official Car Valuations and Canadian Older Car/Truck) effective the month in which the move order was issued. An additional $1,000 of coverage will be added to cover the costs of accessories and auxiliary equipment. Only permanently attached PMV accessories and auxiliary equipment in addition to original manufacturers equipment such as those used for changing tires and effecting minor repairs may be shipped with the PMV. No other articles shall be left in the PMV.
For PMVs not listed in the Canadian Red Book, the insured value will be based on an appraisal from a professional vehicle appraisal firm. The appraisal must not be more than thirty (30) calendar days old. The shipper is responsible to obtain and pay for this appraisal and claim as a relocation expense.
The Carrier will contact you seven (7) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Move Order, or within two (2) calendar days for a rush move, to confirm the PMV’s particulars. At that time you will be advised of the documentation requirements for Customs clearance at destination if this is a move outside Canada (origin/destination). The delivery date of your PMV is regulated by a Transit Time Guide (TTG) which identifies a window of calendar days in which the Carrier has to deliver your PMV. When you arrive at destination please consult with your destination Base Traffic – TA to confirm if your PMV(s) is ready for delivery.
At Origin
The Carrier will contact you two (2) calendar days in advance of the load date to confirm the timings and scheduled pickup location. The agreed upon location will not exceed a distance of 35 kilometers from your residence. If you are unable to personally attend to the pickup, you shall appoint an agent with power of attorney to hand over the PMV.
International Border Documentation
You must be in possession of the original valid registration or proof of ownership, a copy of your passport and any other documentation required to facilitate entry of the PMV into the destination country. This documentation MUST be kept with you to clear customs and register the PMV. A copy of your registration will be provided to the Contractor by the F&E section. It is strongly recommended that documents be scanned or a photo be made of them vice photocopy as the image is much clearer when providing copies to F&E. Please refer to your F&E section immediately if original documents are requested by the Carrier.
Only permanently attached PMV accessories and tools such as those used for changing tires and effecting minor repairs are to be left in the PMV. You as the Shipper are responsible to remove the license plate(s) before handing over the PMV. Each Shipper is required to verify with their sponsor unit to find out if they are to retain their provincial license plates.
Wheel covers must be removed and secured in the PMV trunk. Personal belongings, household effects and other articles such as child safety / booster seats must not be left in the PMV. Ensure the PMV is washed and cleaned before it is inspected and being picked up by the Carrier. Leave the keys for the ignition and trunk with the Carrier.
Ensure that the PMV contains proper fluid levels and no more than one quarter of a tank of fuel when handed over to the Carrier for shipment. There shall be antifreeze solution in the radiator in sufficient quantity and strength to protect the PMV from damage in cold weather. All tires including the spare must be in serviceable condition and meet minimum safety standards. The emergency spare tire must be properly secured. Spare tires (winter tires for example) shall not be placed in the vehicle for shipment, these go with your HG&E.
Ensure the Carrier is informed of any “special handling instructions” for the PMV, such as those for the alarm system, immobilizer, or other unique accessories required to operate the PMV.
For certain destinations, the Contractor may have to ship the PMV in a sea container, which will require the battery to be disconnected. The Contractor will inform the shipper if this is the case and inform the Shipper to provide any special instructions for disconnecting the battery.
Ensure the Carrier prepares the Vehicle Condition Report (VCR) at origin in your presence and provides you with a copy after you have verified and signed off on any identification of pre- existing damage on the PMV, including: Exterior body condition, such as dents, scratches or glass damage, etc, undercarriage, exterior details such as battery, fog/spot lights, tire condition, windshield, etc. Interior details such as carpet and upholstery.
At destination
As part of the delivery process, you are required to provide contact information to the destination F&E section as well as to the Carrier so that you can be contacted as soon as your vehicle is available for delivery. Upon notice of arrival of your PMV(s) you must contact the Carrier to obtain shipping documents.
If your PMV is being imported into Canada: You must pickup the shipping documents and report to the nearest Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) office to custom clear your PMV. Once the customs formalities are completed return to the Carrier with the CBSA stamped documents.
If your PMV(s) is being imported to any other country other than Canada the destination F&E section or Canadian/High Commission will discuss the customs procedures and delivery instructions with you.
Before taking possession of your PMV ensure the PMV has been washed and cleaned to allow a proper examination for any damages which may have occurred in transit. Carefully inspect it, noting any new damage on the Carrier’s VCR, and sign to acknowledge receipt of your PMV. Failure to annotate new damage on the VCR may jeopardize any potential claim. The carrier is responsible to provide you with a copy of the signed VCR. If you notice damage after the carrier has departed you must report this immediately (within 24 hours) so that your file can be annotated appropriately. Please note: For PMV shipments to Embassy posts, the Contractor will liaise with the Embassy Relocation section to arrange delivery of your PMV(s).
Claim Process
Claim settlement services and forms are available to you in Canada’s two official languages.
Claims must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the PMV final destination delivery date unless prior written notice is provided to the Contractor for an extension due to exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances are defined as an unforeseen deployment, posting or other similar assignments. Extensions under these circumstances will not exceed nine (9) months.
Canada/USA Claims
Statement of Claim forms and instructions to complete the form are available through the Contractor’s web sites as determined by your assigned Van Line:
United Van Lines
SIRVA Van Lines
Atlas Van Lines
Overseas Claims
Statement of Claim forms and instructions to complete the form are available through the Contractor’s website for overseas shipments. If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, the Contractor will provide you with the forms within seven (7) calendar days by E-mail, fax or mail. *Note all completed claim forms must be faxed to: 1-212-363-9726 or e-mailed.
The Contractor will assist you in the completion of the Statement of Claim form, in certifying evidence of loss or answering questions with respect to the form and/or settlement process.
The Contractor must acknowledge receipt of your Settlement of Claim within two (2) business days. In cases where the form has been incorrectly completed or improperly documented, the Contractor must advise you in writing within two (2) business days listing the corrective action that is required.
Any concerns with the PMV shipment process may be passed to the destination F&E section. Your comments are appreciated as they will contribute to addressing issues and improving the quality of service.