Transfer for Departmental Staff Located at Missions Abroad
- Some National Defence staff are working in diplomatic missions abroad, which are managed by Global Affairs Canada.
- In these Estimates, National Defence is transferring over $530,000 to Global Affairs Canada to support our departmental staff located in Bangkok, Oslo, and Addis Ababa.
- These funds will be used to support costs related to administrative, human resource, information management, and transportation services.
- These funds will also cover salaries and benefits for National Defence’s locally-engaged staff in these missions.
- Departmental staff located abroad are crucial to Canada’s ability to work in and with other countries and improve our awareness beyond our borders.
Key Facts
- National Defence has 100 staff deployed abroad in more than 30 countries.
- Canadian Defence Attachés provide advice on defence matters, provide on-the-ground reporting, and identify Canadian defence industry export opportunities.
- Locally Engaged Staff arrange transportation, make accommodation reservations, and act as translators or interpreters.
- Defence diplomacy is identified as a Priority Activity within the Defence Results Framework.
- The Canadian Armed Forces contribute to the conduct of defence diplomacy through a range of activities, including the deployment of Canadian Defence Attachés.
- The Directorate of Foreign Liaison (DFL) supports all aspects of National Defence's Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement Program, with a view to increasing interoperability and enhancing delivery of Defence capabilities for on-going, contingency and potential operations.
- Since 2019, National Defence has grown its Canadian Defence Attaché program by 4 new staff, located in 4 missions abroad.
Version 5; 2020-02-26 – Sources: Director Budget draft tab; Supps (B) 2018-2019 TAB 25 - Departmental Staff at missions abroad
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