
The role of prevention is to:

  • Promote health, safety and wellness in the workplace;
  • Identify and help prevent injury and illness arising from risks and hazards in the workplace;
  • Provide support to employees to help prevent threats to health from escalating;
  • Provide a psychologically healthy workplace;
  • Support early interventions so that employees can remain at work;
  • Provide an enabling workplace; and
  • Increase and promote training and awareness of disability management.

Key elements

  • Legislative requirements;
  • Policies, programs and services;
  • Employee awareness;
  • Occupational health and safety policies and standards;
  • The Employee Assistance Program; and
  • Workplace health and safety through:
    • Hazard prevention programs;
    • Ergonomic standards and adjustments;
    • Personal protective equipment;
    • Adaptive technology; and
    • Preparation for and management of risks to employees' health and productivity.

The Fundamentals - Prevention: Building a Safe and Healthy Work Environment

Prevention includes the following:

  • Developing an active workplace well-being strategy;
  • Training in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, both physical and psychological;
  • Having a proactive accommodation process in place;
  • Encouraging employees to be actively engaged in their own health; and
  • A proactive Occupational Health and Safety Program.

“A healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety and well-being of all workers and the sustainability of the workplace...”

—Healthy Workplaces: A Model for Action, World Health Organization

The following proactive strategies and resources can help prevent injury and illness, create and maintain a workplace culture of health and wellness, and enhance disability management:

More recommendations and guidance on health and safety can be found on the website of the Labour Program of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. The poster “In Case of Injury at Work” should be available at all places of employment. A copy of If You Have an Accident: What to Do and How to Do It should be provided to all employees, and the pamphlet “Employer's Guide” should be in the hands of all persons responsible for reporting injuries.

For more information refer to section 4.0 - Prevention - Managing for Wellness - Disability Management Handbook for Managers in the Federal Public Service

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