Apply for a cannabis licence: Cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licence
On this page
- 1.0 Application tips
- 2.0 Changes to an application
- 3.0 Withdrawal of an application
- 4.0 Create an individual account
- 5.0 Create a licence application
- 6.0 Submit your licence application
This page describes the process of applying to Health Canada for a licence. It provides information about application tips, changes to an application, withdrawal of an application, as well as the process of creating and submitting a licence application.
1.0 Application tips
Your licence application must meet all the requirements for the licence types you're applying for. Avoid the common mistakes below to prevent delays in the processing of your licence application.
Health Canada is most likely to refuse to consider an application because:
- information is missing or insufficient to show compliance with licensing requirements in the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations
- information is lacking on the flow of activities and materials used within the site relating to good production practices
- the guided video tour in your site evidence package doesn't contain what's required to see how the facility will operate and perform activities with cannabis
- you don't have a security-cleared person to fill all the key roles at your site
We may also refuse your application for the reasons in subsection 62(7) of the Cannabis Act and section 29 of the Cannabis Regulations.
Health Canada recommends using a document naming convention for all the information you have to submit. Following the document naming convention will help us process your application more efficiently.
2.0 Changes to an application
It's important that your licence application is accurate and reflective of your intended activities with cannabis when you submit it. After submitting, you can only make minor changes without having to withdraw and resubmit your application. Any changes can delay the processing time.
3.0 Withdrawal of an application
You can withdraw your licence application at anytime during the licensing process. Health Canada doesn't return information or data submitted. You won't be reimbursed any application or security clearances fees.
4.0 Create an individual account
Apply for a user account in the CTLS, if you don't already have one. Refer to the CTLS Getting Started Guide for more information on the steps to create an account.
5.0 Create a licence application
To create a licence application in the CTLS, follow the steps outlined below depending on your type of business.
For instructions on how to use the CTLS as a cannabis applicant, refer to the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System: User guide.
Note: In the CTLS, you'll see your licence application in the "Draft Licence Applications" section. Health Canada doesn't receive or process draft applications. You need to complete all sections in the application and submit your application in order for Health Canada to begin processing it.
5.1 Applying as an individual
Important: If you apply for a licence as an individual, your name will be publicly listed on Health Canada's website, once a licence is issued. Health Canada will use your name for all official documents, and it can't be replaced by your business name unless you change your licence to apply as part of a corporation, a cooperative, or a partnership.
You'll need to use your individual user CTLS account to create a new licence application. Once you open a new licence application, select cannabis as your licence class on the "Licence Class" page of the CTLS.
Follow the steps below on the "Licence ownership" page of the CTLS.
- In the "Licence holder" section of the CTLS, select to apply for a cannabis licence as an individual
- In the "Responsible person" section of the CTLS, enter the CTLS Account IDs of your responsible person and their alternate, if applicable
Important: Only the responsible person can submit the application in the CTLS.
5.2 Applying as a part of a corporation, a cooperative, or a partnership
Any applicant that's a partnership, cooperative, or corporation needs to have a corporate profile in the CTLS.
The person who creates the corporate profile is the owner of that account (administrative authority). They'll be the only one who can:
- view the corporate profile and make changes to it
- create a new licence application
If the owner of the corporate profile is no longer available, you can transfer the corporate profile to another person. For more information on how to do this, email
5.2.1 If you already have an existing corporate profile
The owner of the corporate profile will need to follow the steps below.
- Create a new licence application
- Select cannabis as your licence class on the "Licence Class" page of the CTLS
- On the "Licence ownership" page of the CTLS
- In the "Licence holder" section, select to apply for a cannabis licence as a corporation
- In the "Responsible person" section, enter the CTLS Account IDs of the responsible person and their alternate, if applicable. The responsible person can also be the same person who creates the corporate profile
5.2.2 If you don't have a corporate profile
You'll need to use your individual user account to create a new corporate profile.
Follow the steps below on the "Corporate Profiles" page in the CTLS.
- Create a new corporate profile
- Once on the "Create Corporate Profile" page in the CTLS, submit the following information
- Language preference
- English or French
- Legal name
- Full legal name of the organization, including any operating names to be used. For example, Legal corporation name d.b.a. Other name
- Other registered names (this name will not appear on your licence)
- Any other names registered federally or provincially under which you intend to do business, if applicable
- Indicate that you're a cooperative or a partnership, if applicable
- Incorporation number
- As provided on the certificate of incorporation
- If there isn't an identification number, write "N/A"
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) cannabis licence number
- Indicate your CRA licence number if you have an existing Health Canada cannabis licence under the same name
- Leave this section blank if you're a new applicant
Note: The CRA issues a cannabis licence only after you've received a cannabis licence from Health Canada. If you don't have a CRA cannabis licence, you may need to apply for one.
- CRA business number, if applicable
- Organization's phone number, fax, email and website
- Parent (owning) corporation
- CTLS Account ID of any controlling organization, if applicable
- Business address
- For correspondence with your organization (such as the head office and not the applicant's address)
- Mailing address:
- If it's the same as your business address, check the box "same for mailing address" box
- If it's not the same as your business address, uncheck the "same for mailing address" box and add it
Important: At this point, save your corporate profile. If not, some of the sections won't appear later on in the CTLS.
- Certificate of incorporation or business registration document
- If you're a corporation, upload a copy of your certificate of incorporation
- If you're a cooperative or a partnership, upload a copy of your business name registration or partnership agreement
- Corporate organizational chart
- This is a required section in the CTLS, but is not required for your application. Submit a blank document
- Personnel
- Add all directors, officers and partners using their CTLS account IDs. Partners need to have "officer" as their role
- Language preference
Important: You must have at least 1 director or officer identified in the corporate profile in the CTLS. Otherwise, you won't be able to submit your licence application.
The owner of the corporate profile will need to follow these steps.
- Create a new licence application
- Select cannabis as your licence class on the "Licence Class" page of the CTLS
- On the "Licence ownership" page of the CTLS
- in the "Licence holder" section, select to apply for a cannabis licence as a corporation
- in the "Responsible person" section, enter the CTLS Account IDs of the responsible person and their alternate, if applicable. The responsible person can be the same person who creates the corporate profile
6.0 Submit your licence application
Only the responsible person can submit the application in the CTLS once all the information is entered to your licence application.
Now that you're ready to submit the information you've prepared for your licence application, follow the applicable instructions on how to submit your application information.
Important: You may need to apply for a cannabis licence from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If you need a CRA cannabis licence:
- you need to receive both licences before you can start any activities with cannabis, such as:
- cultivating, propagating and harvesting cannabis
- producing cannabis products
- you should submit the CRA licence application at the same time as Health Canada's cannabis licence application
For general questions, email
6.1 For cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes with possession of cannabis licences
Important: For micro-cultivation, nursery and standard cultivation licences:
If you're bringing in cannabis plants and seeds through the declaration under subsection 10(2) of the Cannabis Regulations, you need to be in possession of the starting material before your licence is issued. The number of plants and seeds needs to match the quantity on the declaration. You won't be considered as lawfully possessing any extra material, unless it's from an authorized source. You can only do limited activities with cannabis before you receive a CRA cannabis licence.
Once a licence is issued, you can't bring in more starting materials unless it was obtained from an authorized source.
6.1.1 Your identified people submit their security clearance applications
The identified people should submit their security clearance applications, if applicable, no more than 1 month before you submit your licence application. Identified people should avoid submitting their security application too far in advance, as it can become outdated and cause delays in processing. The security clearance applications will not be processed until they are linked to a licence application, the licence application has been submitted and all applicable fees have been paid.
6.1.2 Submit information in the CTLS
This section describes how to submit the prepared information in the CTLS. As you go through the application sections, try to fill out each section and save your progress whenever possible before starting the next. If not, some fields and information might not appear, depending on your prior selections. Depending on the licences you're applying for, there's different information you'll need to submit.
Important: If you've reached the upload limit in the CTLS, submit your additional documents in the site evidence package. Mailing address page
Enter your mailing address. It needs to be the Canadian address where you'd like to receive mailed correspondence.
Note: The mailing address isn't necessarily the same as the site address or business address. For example, you can choose to put your parent (owning) company's Canadian mailing address, or the Canadian mailing address of another site belonging to the same corporation. Classes and subclasses page
Classes and subclasses section
Select the licences you're applying for. You can only combine certain licences on the same site.
Important: Immediately after the issuance of your licence, your activities can be restricted.
For cannabis cultivation licences: Source of starting material section
This section will only show up in the CTLS for micro-cultivation, nursery and standard cultivation licences, and after you've selected "Cannabis cultivation" in the "Classes and subclasses" section.
In this section of the CTLS, select the source of your starting materials.
- If you don't know the source when you apply, you can submit this later
- If you know the source, specify if you'll be receiving it from either:
- cannabis licence holders
- through a declaration under subsection 10(2) of the Cannabis Regulations. If you select this option, upload a copy of your declaration. You need to do this if you'll be receiving starting materials from both cannabis licence holders and through a declaration under subsection 10(2) of the Cannabis Regulations
Important: For micro-cultivation, nursery and standard cultivation licences:
If you're bringing in cannabis plants and seeds through the declaration under subsection 10(2) of the Cannabis Regulations, you need to have in possession of the starting material before your licence is issued. The number of plants and seeds needs to match the quantity on the declaration. You won't be considered as lawfully possessing any extra material, unless it's from an authorized source. You can only do limited activities with cannabis before you receive a CRA cannabis licence.
Once a licence is issued, you can't bring in more starting materials unless it was obtained from an authorized source. Site details page
Site address section
Enter your Canadian address, with its latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude need to have 6 digits after the decimal point (for example, latitude: 45.423248; longitude: -75.698501).
Important: For multiple addresses per site:
The CTLS only allows you to enter 1 address for your site. If your site has multiple addresses, submit a document listing all addresses under "Site Survey".
Site survey section
- if your site has multiple addresses, a document listing all addresses
- information about any Health Canada licences and authorizations
Aerial view section
Upload a clear and legible aerial view of the proposed site and surrounding area.
Areas section
For micro-cultivation, nursery and standard cultivation licences: Outdoor areas
Enter the name of each of your outdoor areas where you'll grow (cultivate) cannabis, if applicable.
Important: For cultivation licences with only outdoor grow areas:
You need to have at least 1 indoor area for doing sales activities with cannabis. This indoor area needs to be defined as 1 of 2 options:
- Sales Area (with possession). You'll also be allowed to possess cannabis in the indoor area. Your indoor area needs to meet the applicable physical security measures and good production practices
- Sales Area (without possession). You won't be allowed to possess cannabis in the indoor area. Your indoor area doesn't need to meet the applicable physical security measures and good production practices. For example, this could include offices or washrooms
Indoor areas (building or part of building) section
Note: You don't need to identify the areas (buildings) and rooms in the CTLS if there are no cannabis activities (such as bathrooms and cleaning supplies closet).
Add all rooms where there will be cannabis activities. Enter the name of each indoor area (buildings or part of a building). In each indoor area, enter information for each room: name of the room and cannabis activities. Choose all that apply.
- Operations area (cultivation): for example, growing (cultivating) and harvesting cannabis
- Operations area (non-cultivation): for example, drying, trimming, packaging and labelling cannabis
- Sales area (with possession): for example, shipping area and shipping office
- Sales area (without possession): for example, call service office
- Storage area
- Testing area: for example, a laboratory used for testing microbial limits in cannabis for internal purposes
For sale for medical purposes with possession of cannabis licences: You need have at least 1 room with "Sale with possession of cannabis" selected in order to open other required pages in the CTLS.
Important: All the names used in the CTLS need to match those found in your site and floor plans. Site personnel page
Important: To fill out this section, your key site personnel need to have a CTLS account. For the associated individuals of the application, add them in the "Associated individuals" section in the CTLS.
Personnel section
Only the responsible person can add key site personnel to your licence.
Add all your key site personnel. Enter their CTLS Account IDs and select their roles (all that apply). Include the following key site personnel.
- Head of security and alternate
- Master grower and alternate, if applicable
- Quality assurance person (QAP) and alternates, if applicable
For processing licences: Quality assurance person qualifications section
This section of the CTLS only applies to micro-processing and standard processing licences. The "Quality assurance person qualifications" section will only appear after you've selected "Cannabis processing" in the "Classes and subclasses" section. In this section, upload the following documents for your quality assurance person (QAP) and alternates:
- Qualifications of the proposed quality assurance person (QAP) or alternate for a processing licence form filled out
- additional documents as required by the form Site ownership page
Choose 1 of the 2 options depending on the site ownership.
- If the applicant (individual or organization) owns the site, fill out the "Site owners" section
- Add either your own CTLS Account ID or the corporate profile's CTLS Account ID
Note: The CTLS doesn't have a distinct section for partnerships and cooperatives. In these cases, the applicant will be identified as a corporation.
- If other individuals or organizations own the site, fill out the "Consent" section
- Upload a Site owner consent form filled out by each of the site owners Notices to local authorities page
Enter information about the 3 local authorities you've contacted. This includes:
- date of when you sent the notice
- name of the local authority
- senior official contacted, including their:
- name
- title
- phone number
- address
Important: The information in your notices to local authorities and what's submitted in the CTLS needs to be consistent. Discrepancies or inconsistencies can cause a delay in processing your application.
Local authority notice section
Upload copies of the notices that were sent to:
- local police force or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment (RCMP)
- fire authority
- local government (such as municipality) Physical security page
Organizational security plan section
Upload your organizational security plan (OSP) and all related documents.
Important: The information in the OSP and the CTLS needs to be consistent. Discrepancies or inconsistencies can cause a delay in the processing of your application.
Note: If you've reached the upload limit in the CTLS, submit your additional documents in the site evidence package. Good production practices page
Good production practices report section
- for all licences:
- for micro-processing and standard processing licences:
- a filled out Good production practices attestation Record keeping page
Record keeping description section
- a filled out Record keeping attestation
- a document with your list of associated individuals requiring security clearances, if applicable
Note: Enter the CTLS Account IDs of your associated individuals on the "Associated individuals" page in the CTLS.
Record keeping examples section
Important: Only sale for medical purposes licences are required to submit record keeping examples. If you didn't upload any documents in this section, then upload a blank document.
For sale for medical purposes licences, upload documents containing the description of your proposed record keeping methods. Key investor report page
Key investor report section
Choose 1 of the 2 options.
- If you don't trade your shares on a public (published) market and have key investors, upload a key investor report
- If you trade your shares on a public (published) market or don't have key investors, upload an attestation that indicates your situation Self-identification page
You need to fill out this page whether or not you choose to self-identify as Indigenous affiliated.
If you choose to self-identify
- Select "yes" if you choose to self-identify as Indigenous affiliated
- Select "First Nations", "Inuit" or "Métis" depending on which Indigenous group you identify with
- Explain how your application is Indigenous affiliated
- Select "yes" if you want to apply for a 2-stage review and access support from the Navigator services
If you don't choose to self-identify
Select "no" if you don't self-identify as Indigenous affiliated. Associated individuals page
Important: Your associated individuals need to have a CTLS account to do this step.
Only the responsible person can add associated individuals to your licence. Enter the associated individuals' CTLS Account IDs and select their roles (all that apply), if applicable. Their roles can be:
- consent to communicate
- reporter
- responsible for finance
- individual requiring a security clearance
Note: In the "Record keeping description" section, you also need to upload a document containing information about your list of associated individuals requiring security clearances for reporters, people responsible for finance, and individuals requiring a security clearance. Submission page
Important: Submitting your application in the CTLS isn't the last step in the application process. You also need to submit your site evidence package. Health Canada needs to receive your site evidence package within 10 business days of the licence application submission in the CTLS. Do not submit your licence application in the CTLS until your site evidence package is ready.
Your responsible person needs to:
- electronically declare and attest to the attestations
- submit your licence application
Once your licence application is submitted, it will appear in the "Submitted Licence Applications" section of the CTLS. After you've submitted your application, you can only do minor changes without having to withdraw your application.
Note: You can check the status of your application in the CTLS at any time during the application process.
6.1.3 Submit your site evidence package
This section describes how to submit the information you've prepared for your site evidence package.
Health Canada needs to receive your site evidence package within 10 business days of the licence application submission in the CTLS. If not, Health Canada will consider your application incomplete (missing information), which may cause your application to not be considered.
Due to the large file sizes, you'll need to submit your site evidence package using 1 of the 2 options: electronic file transfer or USB storage device. Health Canada won't accept CD ROM storage or any other cloud storage hosting services. Electronic file transfer
This is the preferred method, as it cuts out transit delays. After you've submitted your licence application in the CTLS, Health Canada will email the responsible person with instructions. The email:
- can take up to 3 business days to be sent
- will have a unique and secure link in which you can upload the site evidence package directly. Compress or zip all files into a single file for uploading
Note: If you have any questions on how to use the electronic file transfer system email Use the subject "File transfer question for APP #". USB storage device
USB storage devices are sent by mail to Health Canada. Health Canada won't return the USB back to you. After you've submitted your licence application in the CTLS, you'll need to:
- upload the site evidence package onto a USB storage device
- physically identify your USB storage device with your Licence application ID. If you don't properly identify your USB storage device, it could delay the review process or Health Canada could decide to not consider your application
- send the USB storage device containing your site evidence package to:
Licensing and Medical Access Directorate
Health Canada
Address Locator: 5002A
Ottawa ON K1G 0Z3 - if you're using a courier service, email the tracking number to Use the subject line "Site evidence package for APP #"
Refer to After submitting your licence application for next steps in the application process.
6.2 For sale for medical purposes without possession of cannabis licences
6.2.1 Your identified people submit their security clearance applications
The identified people should submit their security clearance applications, if applicable, no more than 1 month before you submit your licence application. Identified people should avoid submitting their security application too far in advance, as it can become outdated and cause delays in processing.
6.2.2 Submit information in the CTLS
This section describes how to submit the prepared information in the CTLS. As you go through the application sections, try to fill out each section and save your progress whenever possible before starting the next. If not, some fields and information might not appear, depending on your prior selections. Depending on the licences you're applying for, there's different information you'll need to submit.
Important: If you've reached the upload limit in the CTLS, submit your additional documents by email at Use the subject line "Information for APP #". Mailing address page
Enter your mailing address. It needs to be the Canadian address where you'd like to receive mailed correspondence.
Note: The mailing address isn't necessarily the same as the site address or business address. For example, you can choose to put your parent (owning) company's Canadian mailing address, or the Canadian mailing address of another site belonging to the same organization. Classes and subclasses page
Classes and subclasses section
Select "Federal sale for medical purposes". You can only combine certain licences on the same site. Site details page
Site address section
Enter your Canadian address, with its latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude need to have 6 digits after the decimal point (for example, latitude: 45.423248; longitude: -75.698501.
Important: For multiple addresses per site:
The CTLS only allows you to enter 1 address for your site. If your site has multiple addresses, submit a document listing all addresses under "Site survey".
Site survey section
- if your site has multiple addresses, a document listing all addresses
- information about any Health Canada licences and authorizations
- site plan
- floor plans for each building where the sale of cannabis (without possession) activities will take place
Aerial view section
Upload a clear and legible aerial view of the proposed site and surrounding area.
Areas section
Indoor areas (building or part of building)
Note: You don't need to identify the areas (buildings) and rooms in the CTLS if there are no sale of cannabis activities (such as bathrooms and cleaning supplies closet).
Add all rooms where there will be sale of cannabis activities. Enter the name of each indoor area (building or part of a building). In each indoor area, enter information for each room: name of the room, and select "Sales area (without possession)".
Important: All the names used in the CTLS need to match those found in your site and floor plans. Site personnel page
Important: To fill out this section, your key site personnel need to have a CTLS account. For the associated individuals of the application, add them in the "Associated individuals" section in the CTLS.
Personnel section
Only the responsible person can add key site personnel to your licence.
Add your head of security and alternate. Enter their CTLS Account IDs and select their role. Physical security page
Organizational security plan section
Upload your organizational security plan and all related documents.
Important: The information in the plan and the CTLS needs to be consistent. Discrepancies or inconsistencies can cause a delay in the processing of your application.
Note: If you've reached the upload limit in the CTLS, submit your additional documents by email at Use the subject line "Information for APP #". Record keeping page
Record keeping description section
- completed Record keeping attestation
- a document with your list of associated individuals requiring security clearances
Note: Enter the CTLS Account IDs of your associated individuals on the "Associated individuals" page in the CTLS.
Record keeping examples section
Upload documents containing the description of your proposed record keeping methods. Key investor report page
Key investor report section
Choose 1 of the 2 options.
- If you don't trade your shares on a public (published) market and have key investors, upload a key investor report
- If you trade your shares on a public (published) market or don't have key investors, upload an attestation that indicates your situation Self-identification page
You need to fill out this page whether or not you choose to self-identify as Indigenous affiliated.
If you choose to self-identify
- Select "yes" if you choose to self-identify as Indigenous affiliated
- Select "First Nations", "Inuit" or "Métis" depending on which Indigenous group you identify with
- Explain how your application is Indigenous affiliated
- Select "yes" if you want to apply for a 2-stage review and access support from the Navigator services
If you don't choose to self-identify
Select "no" if you don't self-identify as Indigenous affiliated. Associated individuals page
Important: Your associated individuals need to have a CTLS account to do this step.
Only the responsible person can add associated individuals to your licence. Enter the associated individuals' CTLS Account IDs and select their roles (all that apply), if applicable. Their roles can be:
- consent to communicate
- reporter
- responsible for finance
- individual requiring a security clearance
Note: In the "Record keeping description" section, you also need to upload a document containing information about your list of associated individuals requiring security clearances for reporters, people responsible for finance, and individuals requiring a security clearance. Submission page
Your responsible person needs to:
- electronically declare and attest to the attestations
- submit your licence application
Once your licence application is submitted, it will appear in the "Submitted Licence Applications" section of the CTLS. After you've submitted your application, you can only do minor changes without having to withdraw your application.
Note: You can check the status of your application in the CTLS at any time during the application process.
Refer to After submitting your licence application page for next steps.
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