Manage your cannabis cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence: Add sale activities for new cannabis class

How to add sale activities for a new cannabis class to your processing licence in Health Canada's Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).

On this page

This page will help processing licence holders add sale activities for:

This includes:

If you request sale activities for extracts or edibles, you'll be authorized to sell extracts, edibles and topicals. If you request sale activities for topical products, you'll only be authorized to sell topical products.

Important: If you don't fully produce the cannabis products at your site, you're still required to submit a request to add sales activities. In this case, Health Canada won't be able to assess how you maintain product quality and compliance through all processing steps. Health Canada might add conditions to your licence that will limit what you can sell.

For example, if another licence holder is processing the cannabis and packaging it into the immediate container on your behalf, Health Canada will only be able to assess your company's ability to carry out a limited number of steps involved in the production of the cannabis product, such as labeling and secondary packaging.

If you have any questions, email Use the subject line "Questions about adding sales activities to LIC-#".

Once you submit your request, Health Canada may inspect your site to verify compliance with the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations).

Selling new cannabis products

You need to notify Health Canada at least 60 days before making any new cannabis product available for sale. This excludes cannabis plants and seeds.

You may submit a Notice of new cannabis product at any time. If you're requesting to add a new sale activity, you may only sell the cannabis product:

Notice of new cannabis product guide

Before you submit

Before you apply to have sale activities added to your licence, you need to:

Mandatory cannabis testing for pesticide active ingredients: Requirements

Good production practices guide for cannabis: Testing requirements

Required information

Type of change request: Authorized activities

Requires approval from Health Canada

If you exceed the file limit in any sections, use the other sections to upload additional documents. Use the document naming convention for all your documents.

Description of change section

Good production practices report section

Record keeping description

Use this section to upload additional documents if you exceed the file limit in other sections.

Organizational security plan

You need to update your organizational security plan within 5 days of making the change and email Health Canada.

Cannabis organizational security plan

Notices to local authorities

Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.

Page details

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