Manage your cannabis cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence: Add or change a licence class
How to add a new licence class to your site or change your licence class in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).
On this page
- Add a cultivation or processing licence to your site
- Add a sale for medical purposes licence to your site
- Change your licence subclass from micro to standard
- Change your licence subclass from standard to micro or nursery
Note: Only certain combinations of licences are allowed at the same site.
Important: All site changes need to be built, compliant with the applicable regulations and ready for activities before you submit your change request. Existing structures and physical security measures need to be maintained and you can't use these areas for cannabis activities until Health Canada approves all changes.
Changes to your site must be compliant with the applicable regulations. If you're not sure your change will comply with the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations), email before making the change. Use the subject line "Site plan change compliance for LIC-#".
Health Canada can check on compliance at any time.
Add a cultivation or processing licence to your site
Type of change request: Licence class or subclass
Requires approval from Health Canada
Before you submit
Notices to local authorities
Before submitting your request to add a licence, you must send notices to local authorities as an applicant.
Changes to your site plan
Adding a new licence to your site may require you to make changes to your site plan. This may impact your physical security measures and require submitting a change request. You'll need to submit it separately from your request to add a new licence. Generally, Health Canada will review the changes to your site plan first.
These changes could include:
- changing the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site
- adding a new building with possession of cannabis
- changing the size of approved building or structure
- adding or changing a storage area
- adding or removing an outdoor grow area
- changing the size of an outdoor grow area
Security clearance
Key site personnel and their alternates must have a security clearance before starting their role. If the person you're adding needs a security clearance, email Use the subject line "Security clearance for new personnel for LIC-#". Include the following information:
- the person's full name
- their CTLS account ID
- their security clearance application number
- their role
Health Canada will associate the security clearance application with your licence. Once the person receives their security clearance, your responsible person must link them to your licence in the CTLS.
Required information
If you're unable to upload all your files into the CTLS, follow the instructions for submitting large files. Health Canada needs to receive your additional documentation within 10 business days of submission.
Important: You can only do new activities with cannabis authorized under the new licence (for example, cultivation or processing licence) after you've received approval from Health Canada to do those activities.
Classes and subclasses page
Select the new licence class you want to add to your site.
For cultivation licences: Indicate the source of your starting materials, either by:
- selecting the option for sources that are cannabis licence holders
- uploading a declaration under subsection 10(2) of the Regulations
If you haven't found the source of your starting materials, you can submit this later. You'll receive a request for more information during your request's screening and review.
For processing licences: Select the cannabis classes you want to conduct activities with.
Site personnel page
You need to link your new key site personnel to your licence. Submit their CTLS account IDs and select their role.
For processing licences: Quality assurance person (QAP) qualifications section
For information to include: Qualifications of the proposed QAP or alternate
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Document containing information about your site plan
- If there are no changes, indicate as such
- If there are changes, include the following information:
- brief description of the changes that have been made to your site plan
- CHG-# of your request for changes to your site plan, if applicable
- for micro-cultivation and nursery licences:
- location of all grow areas, indoor and outdoor
- dimensions in square meters (m2)
- if the area has multiple surfaces (levels)
- sample calculation of the total grow surface area
Description of change section
- Document containing:
- the licence you're requesting and the existing licences at your site
- For example, adding a standard processing licence to a site with a standard cultivation licence
- a list of activities you wish to conduct under the new licence
- For example, for a processing licence, process cannabis cultivated on-site into cannabis products
- the licence you're requesting and the existing licences at your site
- For micro-processing and standard processing licences: Completed Good production practices attestation for a processing licence
- Types of cannabis and industrial hemp licences: Grow cannabis
- Types of cannabis and industrial hemp licences: Process cannabis
Security documents section
- Updated organizational security plan, clearly identify all changes
- It should reflect the new activities you'll conduct after approval
Cannabis organizational security plan
Good production practices section
For cultivation licences
- Good production practices report
- Process flow diagram or "step-by-step" description of the movement of cannabis including cannabis products and ingredients. You can show it in 1 diagram or in multiple diagrams. Include the movement between:
- operations areas (including grow areas)
- storage areas
- non-cannabis areas
- Diagram or floor plan with the filtration and ventilation system. You can show it in 1 diagram or in multiple diagrams. Include:
- filter locations
- air intake and exhaust locations
- direction of air flow within the building
- Description of the filtration and ventilation system:
- list each type of filters used
- how it will filter air to prevent cannabis odours from getting outside
- how it will create sufficient air exchanges to prevent contaminating cannabis and ingredients used. Don't include areas where cannabis and ingredient are only cultivated, propagated or harvested
- how it will be accessible for cleaning, maintenance or inspection, and is capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and how it works within its intended use. Don't include areas where ingredients are only cultivated, propagated or harvested
- Process flow diagram or "step-by-step" description of the movement of cannabis including cannabis products and ingredients. You can show it in 1 diagram or in multiple diagrams. Include the movement between:
Good production practices guide for cannabis
- How to meet best practices
- Examples of principles and practices to show compliance
For processing licences
- Good production practices report
- Description of your storage procedures, including:
- how you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- where you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- the conditions (such as presence of temperature control, humidity control) that will maintain the quality of cannabis
- Process flow diagram or a "step-by-step" description of the movement of cannabis including cannabis products, and ingredients used through the building. You can show your process flow in 1 diagram or in multiple diagrams. Include the movement between:
- operations areas (including grow areas)
- storage areas
- non-cannabis areas
- Description of the water supply source
- If it isn't municipal water, prove that it's appropriate for the intended activities, such as for irrigation, sanitation and processing
- Description of any non-potable water sources
- Include how you'll eliminate cross connection with potable water, or the measures you'll use to remove any risk of contaminating cannabis or ingredients used (for example, backflow valves)
- Description of your storage procedures, including:
Good production practices guide for cannabis
- How to meet best practices
- Examples of principles and practices to show compliance
Visual evidence section
Use this section to upload additional documents if you exceed the file limit in other sections.
Record keeping description section
Use this section to upload additional documents if you exceed the file limit in other sections.
After you receive the licence
Send notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence. This is different from the notices you sent before applying for the new licence.
For processing licences: Sale restriction
When you first receive your processing licence, there will be restrictions on what you can sell. You'll need to submit a sale activities request if you want to remove these restrictions.
Add sale activities for a new cannabis class
Add a sale for medical purposes licence to your site
Type of change request: Licence class or subclass
Requires approval from Health Canada
Before you submit
You can't have licences for both sale for medical purposes with and without possession of cannabis at the same time.
Micro-class licences adding a sale for medical purpose licence with possession of cannabis
A licence for sale for medical purposes with possession has the same physical security requirements as standard cultivation and processing licences. If you have a micro-cultivation, micro-processing or nursery licence, you may need to add to your physical security measures.
If you want to add this licence to your current site, email Use the subject line "Adding a sale for medical purposes licence to LIC-#".
Sale for medical purpose licence without possession of cannabis
Only micro-cultivation, micro-processing or nursery licence holders can add a sale for medical purposes licence without possession to their site. With this combination:
- you don't need to meet the extra requirements for physical security measures
- you're only allowed to possess up to 600 kg of dried cannabis, or its equivalent, on your site per calendar year
Calculating a possession limit
Notices to local authorities
Before submitting your request to add a licence, you must send notices to local authorities as an applicant.
Changes to your site plan
Adding a new licence to your site may require you to make changes to your site plan. You need to submit these changes separately from your request to add a licence. Generally, Health Canada will review the changes to your site plan first.
Required information
Classes and subclasses page
Select the new licence class you're applying to add to your site.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
This section isn't required. Upload a blank document here.
Description of change section
- Document containing:
- the licence you're requesting. For example, adding a sale for medical purposes licence with possession
- the existing licences at your site
- your client care phone number for registered patients, if available
- This information will appear on Licensed cultivators, processors and sellers of cannabis under the Cannabis Act
Security documents section
- Updated organizational security plan, indicate changes
- It should reflect the new activities you'll conduct after approval
Cannabis organizational security plan
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Record keeping description section
- Document containing:
- a description of your record keeping methods, such as storing the records electronically in a cloud system or physically in an office
- a description of the medical document verification process or an attestation signed by your responsible person confirming that you intend to verify medical documents
- a description of how you'll ensure that the quantity of cannabis, other than plants or seeds, distributed or sold won't exceed 150 g of dried cannabis (or its equivalent amount) per order
- An example of the registration document that you'll give to clients; requirements are in subsection 282(1) of the Regulations
- An example of documents used to fill a client's order and refuse to fill a client's order
Note: To be compliant with the Regulations, your process must verify that the medical document contains the following information:
- health care practitioner's name, business address and phone number
- province where the health care practitioner is authorized to practice and their licence number
- name and date of birth of the patient
- address of the location where the patient consulted with the health care practitioner
- daily quantity of dried cannabis (in grams), authorized by the health care practitioner
- period of use, up to 1 year (number of days, weeks or months)
- signature and date of the health care practitioner and a statement that the information in the medical document is correct and complete
Send notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence. This is different from the notices you sent before applying for the new licence.
Change your licence subclass from micro to standard
Type of change request: Licence class or subclass
Requires approval from Health Canada
Changing your micro-cultivation, nursery or micro-processing licence to a standard cultivation or standard processing licence will:
- require you to meet additional physical security measures requirements
- remove the grow surface area limit or possession limit, as applicable
Before you submit
Changes to your site plan
Adding a new licence to your site may require you to make changes to your site plan. Changes to the site plan can impact the physical security measures of your site and require a submission to be made to Health Canada. You need to submit these changes separately from your request to add a licence. Generally, Health Canada will review the changes to your site plan first.
These changes could include:
- changing the site perimeter of physical barrier surrounding the site
- adding a new building with possession of cannabis
- expanding an approved building or structure
- adding or changing storage area
- adding or removing an outdoor grow area
- changing the size of an outdoor grow area
Annual regulatory fees
Scaling up to a standard class licence will increase your annual regulatory fee.
Cost recovery for the regulation of cannabis
Notices to local authorities
Before submitting your request to change your licence subclass, send a notice to local authorities as an applicant.
Required information
If you're unable to upload all your files into the CTLS, follow the instructions for submitting large files. Health Canada needs to receive your additional documentation within 10 business days of submission.
Classes and subclasses page
Select the new licence subclass you're applying to add to your site.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include physical security measures for a standard licence
- Site perimeter
- Clearly identify it (for example, highlight the fence or building envelope)
- Label what it is (for example, a fence or a building envelope)
- Location of each intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Buildings
- Footprint of all buildings, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- If the site perimeter is the building envelope, indicate the doors and windows along the site perimeter
- Indicate a building is a multi-unit building or a stand-alone site (only the licence holder uses this building)
- If it's a multi-unit building, identify the site perimeter and label all units with their current use (such as the occupant's company name)
- Storage areas (also capture them on the floor plan)
- Location clearly identified within each building
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Outdoor grow areas, if applicable
- Footprint of all outdoor grow area, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Site perimeter
Floor plan
- Currently approved floor plan for each building where cannabis activities take place
- Location of operations and grow areas
- Storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
- Location clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring devices, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Operations areas, grow areas and the areas the storage areas are in
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring devices, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Flow of cannabis between the areas (for example, arrows drawn between areas [dirty to clean])
- Label all areas and rooms, even if there are no activities with cannabis occurring inside, for example, lavatories and transitory areas such as hallways
Physical security measures: Areas the storage areas are in
Description of change section
- Document containing your current licence subclass and the licence subclass you're applying for
Security documents section
- Updated organizational security plan, indicate changes
- It should reflect the new activities you'll conduct after approval
- Document containing information on your physical security measures
- Description of your site and how you'll prevent unauthorized access
- List of materials used as physical barriers for the site perimeter and storage areas
- Information on your restricted access devices
- Description of how access is restricted to specific people
- Access levels and methods (such as issued cards, fobs, PINs, keys)
- Name, type and specification of each device (same name as on the floor plan)
- Description of access log methods and information that will be recorded
- Description of how the system detects attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering
- Information on intrusion detection system and devices, describe how:
- they work at all times
- they're continuously monitored
- they detect attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering at all times
- you proceed when an alarm is trigger and how you respond
- Description of how your visual monitoring system and devices work at all times
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Record keeping description section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence. This is different from the notices you sent before applying to change your licence subclass.
Change your licence subclass from standard to micro or nursery
If you want to change your licence subclass from standard to micro or nursery, email for instructions. Use the subject line "Changing licence subclass from standard to micro for LIC-#". This includes changing subclasses from:
- standard cultivation to micro-cultivation or nursery
- standard processing to micro-processing
Annual regulatory fees
Scaling down to a micro class licence will reduce your annual regulatory fee.
Cost recovery for the regulation of cannabis
Authorized activities
Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing licences have limited authorized activities.
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation and nursery licences
- Authorized activities for micro-processing licences
Physical security requirements
Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro processing licences have fewer physical security requirements.
Physical security measures: Micro-cultivation, nursery, micro-processing
Page details
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