Manage your cannabis cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence: Change your site plan
How to change your site plan in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).
On this page
- Change the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site
- Add a new building with possession of cannabis or add possession of cannabis to an approved building
- Add a building without possession of cannabis
- Change the size of an approved building or structure
- Remove a building from your licence or remove possession of cannabis from an approved building
- Add or change a storage area
- Remove a storage area
- Add, change or remove an indoor operations or grow area
- Add an outdoor grow area
- Change the size of an approved outdoor grow area
- Remove an outdoor grow area
All changes requiring an approval need to be built and ready for activities before you submit your change request. Existing structures and physical security measures need to be maintained and you can't use these areas for cannabis activities until Health Canada approves all changes. For example, the existing site perimeter needs to remain in place until the expanded site perimeter is approved.
Site changes must be compliant with the applicable regulations. If you're not sure your change will comply with the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations), email before making the change. Use the subject line "Site plan change compliance for LIC-#".
Health Canada can check on compliance at any time.
- Physical security measures for cannabis licences: Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing
- Physical security measures for cannabis licences: Standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession of cannabis
- Good production practices guide for cannabis
Note: You can submit more than 1 change to a site plan in a single licence change request. For example, if you want to change your site perimeter to include a new building with possession of cannabis, you can submit documents for both changes in the same change request.
Change the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
When modifying your site perimeter, remember that only the licence holder can use areas, rooms, or buildings within the proposed site perimeter or physical barrier.
If you use any buildings within your site for activities not related to cannabis, you need to show a clear distinction between the activities done under your cannabis licences and all other activities. This may be when there's:
- a dwelling or residence
- personal or designated production of cannabis for medical purposes
Required information
If you're unable to upload all your files into the CTLS, follow the instructions for submitting large files. Health Canada needs to receive your additional documentation within 10 business days of submission.
Site plan page: Areas section
You don't need to add any information on this page.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan updated to include the proposed changes
- Clearly identify the proposed changes (for example, highlight the extended fence or new perimeter gate)
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring or intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change. For example:
- moving a fence back 20 metres to allow for additional staff parking spaces
- removing the fence vibration detection cable system and adding infrared motion detectors in its place
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
- If you're expanding your site into new areas (such as buildings, adjacent lots, properties): Document containing information about other Health Canada licences, registrations or authorizations. This includes any other cannabis or industrial hemp licence holders, personal or designated production of cannabis for medical purposes, or other licences such as a site licence for natural health products
- If there are no new licences, registrations or authorizations on your site, indicate as such
- For each licence, registration or authorization on your site, include:
- the name of the licence or authorization holder or applicant
- their site address
- their licence or registration number, if applicable
- their issuance and expiry date, if applicable
- a description of their activities
Security documents section
For micro-cultivation, micro-processing and nursery licences: You don't need to submit any information in this section.
For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences:
- Document containing information on your physical security measures
- If you haven't added any physical security measures, indicate as such
- For new intrusion detection devices or systems, describe how:
- they detect attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering
- you proceed when an alarm is triggered and how you respond
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Add a new building with possession of cannabis or add possession of cannabis to an approved building
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
A new building can include any stand-alone structure that's either:
- freestanding or detached
- connected to an approved building (for example via a tunnel, walkway or bridge), but has its own point of access
If you're changing the size of an approved building, such as adding an annex, you need to submit a change to the size of an approved building.
If your new or affected building contains operations, grow or storage areas, you don't need to submit separate requests. The new areas will be assessed as part of this change request.
For micro-cultivation and nursery licences: Adding a grow area
You need to make sure that any new grow area doesn't go over the grow surface area limit.
- Micro-cultivation licences: Limit of 200 m2, including multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged
- Nursery licences: Limit of 50 m2 for seed production, including for all the parts of budding or flowering plants
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation licences
- Authorized activities for nursery licences
- Calculate your grow surface area
Required information
If you're unable to upload all your files into the CTLS, follow the instructions for submitting large files. Health Canada needs to receive your additional documentation within 10 business days of submission.
Site plan page: Areas section
Outdoor areas
You don't need to add anything in this section.
Indoor areas (building or part of building)
- To add a new building with possession: Add the name of the new building. Use that same name on your site plan. This name will also appear on your licence.
- To add possession to an existing building: Verify that the building is listed in this section. Modify the name of the building, if necessary.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include the new or affected building
- Clearly identify the new buildings or existing buildings where possession of cannabis is being added
- If the site perimeter is the building envelope, indicate the doors and windows along the site perimeter
- Indicate if the building is a multi-unit building or a stand-alone site (only the licence holder uses this building)
- If it's a multi-unit building, identify the site perimeter and label all units with their current use (such as the occupant's company name)
- Storage areas in new buildings or affected building (also capture them on the floor plan)
- Location clearly identified
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Floor plans for each new or affected building
- Location of operations and grow areas
- Storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
- Location clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Flow of cannabis between the areas (for example, arrows drawn between areas [dirty to clean])
- Label all areas and rooms, even if there are no activities with cannabis occurring inside, for example, lavatories and transitory areas such as hallways
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Operations areas, grow areas and the areas the storage areas are in
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection, visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For micro-cultivation and nursery licences: Grow areas
- Include dimensions in square meters (m2)
- Indicate if the area has multiple surfaces (levels)
- Include a sample calculation of the total grow surface area of your entire site to show that it doesn't exceed the limit
Description of change section
- Document containing:
- the name of the new or affected building
- the activities that will take place within it
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
- Document containing information about other Health Canada licences, registrations or authorizations. This includes any other cannabis or industrial hemp licence holders, personal or designated production of cannabis for medical purposes, or other licences such as a site licence for natural health products
- If there are no new licences, registrations or authorizations on your site, indicate as such
- For each licence, registration or authorization on your site, include:
- the name of the licence or authorization holder or applicant
- their site address
- their licence or registration number, if applicable
- their issuance and expiry date, if applicable
- a description of their activities
Security documents section
For micro cultivation, micro-processing and nursery licences
- Document containing information on your physical security measures for each storage area within the new or affected building
- List of materials used as physical barriers
- Description of how access is restricted to specific people
- Access levels and method (such as issued cards, fobs, PINs, keys)
- Name, type and specification of each access control or restriction devices (same names as on the floor plan)
If you don't have any storage areas in your new or affected building, you don't need to submit information in this section.
For a standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences
- Document containing information on your physical security measures for each operation and grow areas, storage areas and the areas they're in:
- List of materials used as physical barriers surrounding each area
- Information on restricted access
- Description of how access is restricted to specific people
- Access levels and methods (such as issued cards, fobs, PINs, keys)
- Name, type and specification of each device (same name as on the floor plan)
- Description of access log methods and information that will be recorded
- Information on intrusion detection devices and system, describe how:
- they detect attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering
- you proceed when an alarm is triggered and how you respond
Important: The areas where the storage areas are located need to meet the requirements of section 67 of the Regulations.
Areas the storage areas are in: Physical security measures guide
Good production practices section
- Good production practices report for your new or affected building
- Description of your storage procedure, including:
- how you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- where you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- the conditions (such as presence of temperature control, humidity control) that will maintain the quality of cannabis
- Description of the construction of the surfaces showing how you meet section 84 of the Regulations, such as:
- walls
- ceilings
- floors
- seams
- Process flow diagram or a "step-by-step" description of the movement of cannabis including cannabis products, and ingredients used. You can show it in 1 or multiple diagrams. Include the movement between:
- operations areas (including grow areas)
- storage areas
- non-cannabis areas
- A diagram or floor plan with the filtration and ventilation system. You can show it in 1 diagram or in multiple diagrams. Include:
- filter locations
- air intake and exhaust locations
- direction of air flow within the building
- Description of the filtration and ventilation system:
- list each type of filters used
- how it will filter air to prevent cannabis odours from getting outside
- how it will create sufficient air exchanges to prevent contaminating cannabis and ingredients used. Don't include areas where cannabis and ingredients are only cultivated, propagated or harvested
- how it will be accessible for cleaning, maintenance or inspection, and is capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and how it works within its intended use. Don't include areas where ingredients are only cultivated, propagated or harvested
- Description of the water supply source
- If it isn't municipal water, include proof that it's appropriate for the intended activities, such as for irrigation, sanitation and processing
- Description of any non-potable water sources
- Include how you'll eliminate cross connection with potable water, or the measures you'll use to remove any risk of contaminating cannabis or ingredients used
- Description of lighting in operation areas, grow areas, and storage areas
- Include how the cannabis and ingredients used won't be contaminated if the lighting breaks
- Include how it can be repeatedly cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination
- Description of your sanitation program, including your cleaning schedule or frequency, and how you'll make sure cleaning of the building is effective for:
- operation areas, including grow areas
- storage areas
- transitory areas (such as hallways)
- non-cannabis areas (such as washrooms and office space)
- anywhere an ingredient used is produced, packaged, labelled, distributed, stored, sampled and tested
- Floorplans with the location of all hand cleaning, sanitizing stations and washrooms
- Description of your storage procedure, including:
- Example of process flow diagrams
- Example of air filtration and ventilation diagram
- Cannabis odours and odour control
- Good production practices guide for cannabis
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.
Add a building without possession of cannabis
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
This section will help you to add a new building without possession of cannabis that's used for sales activities. For example:
- a call center where you're taking client orders
- an office building where you do client registrations
- a building where you remotely facilitate the sale
A new building can include any stand-alone structure that's either:
- freestanding or detached
- connected to an approved building (for example via a tunnel, walkway or bridge), but has its own point of access
If you're adding a building where there won't be any activities relating to cannabis, you don't need to submit any information. For example, if you're adding a building where you grow blueberries that will be used as an ingredient.
Required information
Areas page
Outdoor areas section
You don't need to add anything in this section.
Indoor areas (building or part of building) section
Add the name of the new building. Use that same name on your site plan. This name will also appear on your licence.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan updated to include the new buildings
- Footprint of new buildings clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- If the site perimeter is the building envelope, indicate the doors and windows along the site perimeter
- Indicate if the building is a multi-unit building or a stand-alone site (only the applicant uses this building)
- If it's a multi-unit building, identify the site perimeter and label all units with their current use (such as the occupant's company name)
Description of change section
- Brief description and explanation for the change, including the name of the new building. For example:
- adding an office building (building 2) to be used as a client registration call center
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
- For site expansions: Document containing information about other Health Canada licences, registrations or authorizations. This includes any other cannabis or industrial hemp licence holders, personal or designated production of cannabis for medical purposes, or other licences such as a site licence for natural health products
- If there are no new licences, registrations or authorizations on your site, indicate as such
- For each licence, registration or authorization on your site, include:
- the name of the licence or authorization holder or applicant
- their site address
- their licence or registration number, if applicable
- their issuance and expiry date, if applicable
- a description of their activities
Security documents section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.
Change the size of an approved building or structure
Type of change request: Site plan change notification
Notify within 5 days of making the change
Use this section to change the envelope of an approved building or structure. For example, if you're adding a second story to an approved building to accommodate a new operations areas.
Important: Do not use this type of change if it involves:
Even though you only need to notify Health Canada, we still review your information. If there are any issues, we may ask you to submit a new change request. All changes are still required to meet applicable physical security requirements. We can check on compliance at any time.
Physical security measures for cannabis licences
For micro-cultivation and nursery licences: Adding a grow area
You need to make sure that any new grow area doesn't go over the grow surface area limit.
- Micro-cultivation licences: Limit of 200 m2, including multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged
- Nursery licences: Limit of 50 m2 for seed production, including for all the parts of budding or flowering plants
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation licences
- Authorized activities for nursery licences
- Calculate your grow surface area
Required information
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include the proposed changes
- Clearly identify the proposed changes (for example, identify the annex in a different colour)
- Indicate if the changed building is a multi-unit building or a stand-alone site (only the licence holder uses this building)
- If it's a multi-unit building, identify the site perimeter and label all units with their current use (such as the occupant's company name)
- Storage areas in affected building (also capture them on the floor plan)
- Location clearly identified within building
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Floor plans for each affected building:
- Location of operations and grow areas
- Storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
- Location clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Flow of cannabis between the areas (for example, arrows drawn between areas [dirty to clean])
- Label all areas and rooms, even if there are no activities with cannabis occurring inside, for example, lavatories and transitory areas such as hallways
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Operations areas, grow areas and the areas the storage areas are in
- Location of each access control, intrusion detection and visual monitoring device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For micro-cultivation and nursery licences: Grow areas
- Include dimensions in square meters (m2)
- Indicate if the area has multiple surfaces (levels)
- Include a sample calculation of the total grow surface area of your entire site to show that it doesn't exceed the limit
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description, the reason for the change and the name of the affected building for example:
- adding a second floor to building 2 to have a bigger grow area
- adding an annex to building 2 to have a new operations area
- For micro-cultivation, micro-processing and nursery licences: Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring notification
Remove a building from your licence or remove possession from an approved building
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
Use this section if:
- you're no longer conducting activities with cannabis in a building and want to remove it from your licence
- you want to remove the activity of possession from a building while continuing to do sales activities without possession of cannabis in that building
Important: You need to maintain all physical security measures until your change has been approved. If removing these physical security measures affects your site perimeter, you need to submit a separate request to change the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site. For example, the building you want to remove has cameras on it that covers the site perimeter, and you want to remove the cameras.
If you wish to use the building again in the future, you'll need to add a new building with possession or add a new building without possession and submit all required information.
Required information
Site plan page
Outdoor areas
You don't need to add anything in this section.
Indoor area section
- To remove a building from your licence: Click delete (red trash can icon) beside the name of the building.
- To remove possession of cannabis from a building: Verify that the affected building is listed in this section. Modify the name of the building, if necessary. Do not delete the building.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to remove the affected building
- Clearly identify the affected buildings (for example, in a different colour)
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change, including the name of the building affected
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
Security documents section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.
Add or change a storage area
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
This section will help you to add or change a storage area in an approved building.
This can include:
- removing a wall to combine 2 storage areas
- converting an operation area into a storage area
- changing the cameras in a storage area
If you're changing your storage area into an operations area, submit a request to remove a storage area.
Required information
If you're unable to upload all your files into the CTLS, follow the instructions for submitting large files. Health Canada needs to receive your additional documentation within 10 business days of submission.
Site plan page: Areas section
You don't need to add any information on this page.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include:
- Location of the affected storage area clearly identified within each building (also capture them on the floor plan)
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device for your affected storage area, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Currently approved floor plan for each building with new or changed storage areas, updated to include:
- New or changed storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
- Location clearly identified and uniquely labeled
- Location of each access control device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences: Location of the area the new or change storage area is in:
- Location of the area
- Location of each visual monitoring and intrusion detection device, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- Flow of cannabis between areas for the entire building (for example, arrows drawn between areas [dirty to clean])
- New or changed storage areas (also capture them on the site plan)
Important: The areas where the storage areas are located need to meet the requirements of section 67 of the Regulations.
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change, including the name of the storage area and building. For example:
- adding storage area 2 to building 1
- combining storage area 3 and 5 in building 3
- removing wall mounted cameras and adding a panoramic camera in storage room 1
- Completed Attestation for change to the site plan requiring approval
Security documents section
For micro cultivation, micro-processing and nursery licence
- Document containing information on your physical barriers and restricted access for each new or changed storage area:
- List of materials used as physical barriers
- Description of how the access is restricted to specific people
- Access levels and method (such as issued cards, fobs, PINs, keys)
- Name, type and specification of each access control or restriction devices (same names as on the floor plan)
For standard cultivation, standard processing and sale for medical purposes with possession licences
- Document containing information on your physical barriers and restricted access for each new or changed storage area and the areas they're in:
- List of materials used as physical barriers surrounding each area
- Information on restricted access
- Description of how access is restricted to specific people
- Information on access levels and methods (such as issued cards, fobs, PINs, keys)
- Name, type and specification of each access control device (same name as on the floor plan)
- Description of access log methods and information that will be recorded
- Description of how the system detects attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering
- Document containing information on your intrusion detection devices and systems for each new or changed storage area and the areas they're in, provide either:
- a statement that no devices have been added and the devices and systems remain the same
- information on your new intrusion detection devices and system, describe how:
- they detect attempted or actual unauthorized access or tampering
- you proceed when an alarm is triggered and how you respond
Areas the storage areas are in: Physical security measures guide
Good production practices section
- Good production practices report for your new or changed storage area
- Description of your storage procedure
- How you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- Where you'll store cannabis and its ingredients
- Conditions in your storage areas that will maintain the quality of cannabis
- Description of the construction of the surfaces showing how you meet section 84 of the Regulations, such as:
- walls
- ceilings
- floors
- seams
- Description of your storage procedure
Good production practices guide for cannabis
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Remove a storage area
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
This section will help you to remove a storage area in an approved building, for example:
- removing a storage area that's no longer in use
- changing a storage area into an operations area
Changing a storage area into an operations area by removing physical security measures has the same requirements as removing a storage area.
If you intend on removing a building along with the storage area, you'll need to submit a request to remove a building from your licence instead.
Required information
Site plan page
You don't need to add anything on this page.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include:
- the location of the removed storage area clearly identified within each building (also capture them on the floor plan)
- Currently approved floor plan (only affected buildings), updated to include:
- the location of the removed storage area clearly identified within each building
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change, including the name of the storage area you're removing
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
Security documents section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
After approval
Once Health Canada has approved your change request, you can remove the physical security measures from your storage area. Do not remove any physical security measures that cover any other area. For example, if your storage area has cameras that also covered the physical barrier that surrounds your site, those cameras will need to remain in place.
If you wish to use this area in the future, you'll need to submit a request to add or change a storage area.
Add, change or remove indoor operations or grow area
Doesn't require you to submit information in the CTLS
If you want to add, change or remove an indoor operations or grow area within an approved building without changing the size of the building, you don't have to submit anything. This includes:
- changing the location of visual monitoring devices in an operations area
- adding a new operations area in an approved building with possession of cannabis
- changing the activities conducted in an operations area (for example, changing from a drying room to a grow area)
You'll need to submit a notification if your change results in changing the size of the approved building or structure.
To add an operations or grow area to an unapproved building or a building without possession of cannabis, submit a request to add a new building with possession or add possession of cannabis to an approved building.
To convert an operations or grow area into a storage area, submit a request to add a storage area.
When you stop using an operations or grow area, you no longer need to maintain the physical security measures in that area.
If you wish to use it in the future, you don't need to submit a request. However, you'll need to ensure that the areas meet applicable physical security requirements when in use.
Physical security measures for cannabis licences
For micro-cultivation and nursery licences
You need to make sure that any new or changed grow area doesn't go over the grow surface area limit.
- Micro-cultivation licences: Limit of 200 m2, including multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged
- Nursery licences: Limit of 50 m2 for seed production, including for all the parts of budding or flowering plants
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation licences
- Authorized activities for nursery licences
- Calculate your grow surface area
Add an outdoor grow area
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
Use this section to add an outdoor grow area.
If you're changing your site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding your site, you'll also need to submit a request to change to the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site.
For micro-cultivation and nursery licences
You need to make sure that any new grow area doesn't go over the grow surface area limit.
- Micro-cultivation licences: Limit of 200 m2, including multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged
- Nursery licences: Limit of 50 m2 for seed production, including for all the parts of budding or flowering plants
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation licences
- Authorized activities for nursery licences
- Calculate your grow surface area
Required information
Site plan page
Outdoor area section
Add the name of the new outdoor area. Use that same name on your site plan. This name will also appear on your licence.
Indoor areas (building or part of building) section
You don't need to add anything in this section.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include the new outdoor grow area:
- location of the new area, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- latitude and longitude coordinates for all 4 outer most points or corners. It needs to have 6 digits after the decimal point (for example, latitude: 45.423248; longitude: -75.698501)
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change, including the name of the new outdoor grow area
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
Security documents section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notice to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.
Change the size of an approved outdoor grow area
Type of change request: Site plan change notification
Notify within 5 days of making the change
Use this section if you want to change to the size of an approved outdoor grow area.
Even though you only need to notify Health Canada, we still review your information. If there are any issues, we may ask you to submit a new change request. All changes are still required to meet applicable physical security requirements. We can check on compliance at any time.
If you're changing your site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding your site, you'll also need to submit a request to change to the site perimeter or physical barrier surrounding the site.
For micro-cultivation and nursery licences
You need to make sure that any modified grow area doesn't go over the grow surface area limit.
- Micro-cultivation licences: Limit of 200 m2, including multiple surfaces such as surfaces vertically arranged
- Nursery licences: Limit of 50 m2 for seed production, including for all the parts of budding or flowering plants
- Authorized activities for micro-cultivation licences
- Authorized activities for nursery licences
- Calculate your grow surface area
Required information
Site plan page: Areas section
Outdoor areas
Verify that the area is listed in this section. Modify the name of the area, if necessary.
Indoor areas
You don't need to add any information in this section.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Current approved site plan, updated to include the affected grow area:
- location of the area, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- latitude and longitude coordinates for all 4 outer most points or corners. It needs to have 6 digits after the decimal point (for example, latitude: 45.423248; longitude: -75.698501)
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description and reason for the change, and the name of the affected area, for example:
- expanding grow area 1 to include an additional 20 m2 to the north of the existing area
- For micro-cultivation, micro-processing and nursery licences: Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring notification
Remove an outdoor grow area
Type of change request: Change to site plan requiring approval
Requires approval from Health Canada
Required information
Areas page
Outdoor area section
Click "Delete" (red trash can icon) beside the name of the area.
Indoor area section
You don't need to add anything in this section.
Supporting documents page
Site plan section
- Currently approved site plan, updated to include the removed grow area:
- location of the area, clearly identified and uniquely labelled
- latitude and longitude coordinates for all 4 outer most points or corners. It needs to have 6 digits after the decimal point (for example, latitude: 45.423248; longitude: -75.698501)
Description of change section
- Document containing a brief description of the change, including the name of the outdoor areas you wish to remove
- Completed Attestation for a change to the site plan requiring approval
Security documents section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Good production practices section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Visual evidence section
You don't need to submit any information in this section.
Notice to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving the modified licence.
After approval
Once Health Canada has approved your change request, you can remove the physical security measures for your outdoor grow area. Do not remove any physical security measures that cover any other area. For example, if your outdoor grow area has cameras on it that also covered the site perimeter, those cameras will need to remain in place.
If you wish to use this area in the future, you'll need to submit a request to add an outdoor grow area.
Page details
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