Manage your cannabis cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence: Cease activities and revoke your licence
Ceasing all activities and revoking your cannabis licence.
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Cease activities
Type of change: Sent by email
Notify 30 days before
You must tell Health Canada if you plan to cease all authorized activities on your licence, including possession of cannabis at your site. Notify us at least 30 calendar days before stopping activities. We'll review and acknowledge your notice.
Important: You must continue to meet all regulatory requirements even after ceasing cannabis activities and even when there's no longer any cannabis at the site. This includes:
- paying any applicable fees
- submitting monthly inventory reports
- maintaining the physical security of the site
- keeping security cleared personnel in key positions
- keeping any document or information until the end of the retention period
If you no longer wish to meet these requirements, you must have your licence revoked.
Required information
Complete a Notice of cessation of activities form. Use the naming convention: "NoticeofCessation_LIC-#_YYYY-MM-DD.PDF". Email it to Use the subject line "Notice of ceasing activities for LIC-#".
If there are further changes after activities have stopped, you must submit an updated form to Health Canada. Examples of such changes include:
- a change to the contact person
- a change to the address where records, reports and documents are stored
If you want to restart activities, email Use the subject line "Restart activities for LIC-#".
Revoke your licence
Type of change: Sent by email
Notify 30 days before
You must request the revocation of your licence at least 30 calendar days before stopping activities.
You can revoke:
- all licences at your site
- a specific licence class at your site
It's possible for you to revoke a specific licence class and still use other licence classes at your site. For example, you could have your micro-processing licence revoked, but still continue the activities under your micro-cultivation licence at that site.
Required information
Complete a Notice of cessation of activities form. Use the naming convention: "NoticeofCessation_LIC-#_YYYY-MM-DD.PDF". Email it to Use the subject line "Licence revocation for LIC-#". If you have multiple licences at your site, indicate in the notice which licence you want to revoke.
After you submit the completed form, Health Canada will send you a notice. You will then have a representation period during which you can contact us to stop the licence revocation process if necessary.
Once the representation period has passed, or if you respond asking us to proceed, we'll send you a statement that your licence or licence class has been revoked.
Your licence will remain valid until Health Canada confirms that it's been revoked. Until then, you must continue to meet all requirements under the Regulations.
Important: After your licence is revoked, you'll need to submit a Statement of cannabis revenue for that fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st). You'll also need to pay the annual regulatory fee. If your licence has been active for even 1 day during the fiscal year, you still need to submit a statement and pay your annual regulatory fee.
Notices to local authorities
Send notices to local authorities within 30 days of receiving Health Canada's confirmation that your licence was revoked.
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