Employer Portal user guide

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If your company or organization wants to bring a foreign national to Canada to work in a position that is exempt from a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), you must provide us with the employment details and pay the employer compliance fee (if required) before we’ll approve their work permit.

The Employer Portal lets companies and organizations submit an offer of employment and pay their fees. This guide provides instructions on how to

  • create and submit offers of employment
  • pay the employer compliance fee

If you don’t pay the fee or submit an offer of employment before the worker submits their application, we’ll refuse the work permit.

Open work permits: If a foreign national is eligible and applying for an open work permit, you don’t need to submit an offer of employment. An open work permit allows foreign nationals to work for any employer.

Enrol in the Employer Portal

You need an account in the Employer Portal to submit offers of employment. If you haven’t already created an account, read the Employer Portal enrolment guide.

Sign in to the Employer Portal

To sign in to the Employer Portal

  1. Go to the Employer Portal sign in page.
  2. Choose the secure credential you used to create your portal account (Sign-In Partner or GCKey).
  3. Sign in using your username and password.

If you receive an error message that says “Your account is not authorized to access this IRCC portal. Please ensure you have chosen the correct link to log-in to,” you either

Once you sign in, you’ll see the Employer Portal welcome page.

Important: Don’t use your browser navigation buttons (forward and back buttons) when in the portal. Use the portal’s navigation buttons (previous, next, exit, etc.) to move between sections.s03

Review or update your business and primary contact details

Once you sign in to your account, you’ll see your company’s information in the “Business details” and “Business primary contact information” fields. You, as the primary user, provided this information when you enrolled the business in the portal. Until the primary user submits the first offer of employment, the “IRCC employer number” field and all the fields under “View address details” will stay blank.

Note: The primary user can create secondary users or branches within the account, but other users can’t submit any offers until the primary user submits the first one.

After you/the primary user submit a first offer, all the other business details will be listed. You’ll then be able to update the:

  • business address
  • mailing address
  • telephone number
  • email

To change this information:

  • click “View and update your contact information”

You’ll be directed to the “Business details” page.

  • Click the “update” button for each field to change your business information

Before you create an offer of employment in the Employer Portal

Make sure that

  • you haven’t charged any recruitment fees to the foreign worker
  • anyone acting on your behalf doesn’t charge recruitment fees to the foreign worker
  • you give the foreign worker a copy of an employment agreement in their preferred official language (English or French) that
    • is signed by both you and the worker
    • includes information on their occupation, wages and working conditions that you’ll need to then enter into the Employer Portal under “offer of employment”
  • you give the foreign worker information on their rights as a worker in Canada

Create an offer of employment

To create an offer of employment, under “What would you like to do today?”

  • click “Submit an offer of employment” to start creating a new offer or
  • click “Access the offer of employment queue” to continue an offer you have already started

You’ll see 4 forms you must complete.

Make sure the offer is complete and accurate

The information required in these forms must be typed in fully and accurately.

Do not copy and paste information into any of the fields.

Do not enter messages such as “see attached” in any of the fields, referencing documents that might be attached to the work permit application. Only information in the offer will be assessed in the event of a compliance inspection.

You will have the option to upload one of the following documents before submitting your offer:

  1. Proof that you are eligible for a fee exemption. Get help with the compliance fee.
  2. Explanation of how you meet the LMIA exemption. This document is optional and should be provided if you did not enter the explanation under the “Job details” section, or if you wish to add additional information to your explanation.

If your offer is not complete, we may ask you to re-submit it before issuing the work permit. Otherwise, the work permit application may be refused.

If you make a mistake, and the submitted offer has been linked to the work permit application in the system, you won’t be able to change it. In this case, you’ll have to re-submit the offer.

If the submitted offer is not linked to the work permit application, you can withdraw it and start a new one.

To save time when creating a new offer, you can use the “Create Duplicate”. You can duplicate the offer that you’ve withdrawn or need to re-submit. Then, correct the mistake or add the information that was missing from the first offer.

Find out more about making changes to offers you have submitted.

Important: The information you provide in the offer of employment should be easily verifiable if we do a compliance inspection.

During an inspection, we’ll:

  • ask you for documents to verify the information provided in your offer
  • confirm that you’re compliant with the conditions required for hiring a temporary worker

Business information form

  • Click “Start form” or “Continue form”

You only need to enter your business information once when you submit your first offer of employment. The information you enter will be saved for all of your future offers.

You can change most of the fields in this form yourself for future offers, except your:

  • federal (i.e., taxation) business number
  • business legal name
  • business operating name

Find out how to make changes to this information.

Telephone number

Enter the telephone number of the company or organization and click “Next.”

Note: The telephone number must be valid, so that in the event a compliance investigation is initiated, we’ll be able to contact you about the employment of your foreign worker and you won’t risk being found non-compliant.

Business address

This is the physical address and mailing address (if applicable) of the main business or headquarters. (Indicate work location(s) for the foreign worker in the “Job details” form.)

If you are a branch user, use your branch location and not the address of the business headquarters.

Type of business

Choose your type of business from the available list.

If the business is a registered franchise:

  • choose “Yes”
  • provide the name of the franchise’s head corporation

Business details

Enter the following information:

  • web address or URL of your business website
  • date the company or organization started
  • description of the principal activity of the company or organization
  • number of employees and gross revenue for the company or organization
    • if this is a branch account, the information you enter will pertain only to the branch (not the entire company or organization).

User contact information

Enter the name, job title and contact information of the person who will:

  • answer questions and provide information about the company or organization
  • be the primary contact when a compliance inspection is initiated

Validate, save and exit

When you’ve completed the form:

  • Select “Validate” to make sure all required fields are complete.
    • If required information is missing, you’ll see an error message.
    • This message will be at the top of the page and will tell you which fields have been left blank.
    • Fill in these fields and click “Validate” again.
    • If all the required information has now been included, you’ll see a message at the top of the page that says the form is valid.
  • Once you confirm your form is valid, select “Save and exit.” Your information will be saved and you’ll return to the main offer of employment page.

Foreign worker form

  • Click “Start form” or “Continue form.”

Enter the information for the temporary worker you want to hire. Make sure it is accurate and matches the temporary worker’s passport (or other travel document).

This includes:

  • spelling
  • hyphens
  • accents
  • spaces
  • capitalization

If the information you provide doesn’t match what’s in the temporary worker’s passport or travel document:

  • there will be a delay in processing your offer
  • you’ll have to withdraw the offer and submit a new one with the correct information (to save time, try using the “Create Duplicate” feature, after you have withdrawn the incorrect one)
  • you’ll receive a refund for the offer you withdrew

Family name and given name(s)

Enter the temporary worker’s family (last) and given (first) names exactly as they are listed in their passport.

Single name: If the temporary worker goes by only one name, enter it in the “Last name” field and check the box affirming there is no first name.

Gender and date of birth

Use the drop-down menu to choose the information that’s indicated in the passport.

Country of birth, country of residence, and citizenship

Use the drop-down menu to choose the information that’s indicated in the passport.

Passport number

Enter the temporary worker’s passport number exactly as it is listed in their passport.

Validate, save and exit when you’ve completed the form.

Job details form

  • Click “Start form” or “Continue form.”

Business legal name, business operating name, and business number

These fields will already be filled in with the information the employer or branch primary user entered when they enrolled in the portal.

These fields can’t be edited in the form.

Find out how to make changes to this information if needed.

LMIA exemption title

Choose the exemption title that applies to the job position from the drop-down menu. The LMIA exemption code will automatically appear in the field below.

To avoid delays in processing, make sure the LMIA exemption you choose matches the

  • job description
  • duties

Review the LMIA exemption codes table if you aren’t sure which one applies to the job position.

Note: If there is no LMIA exemption that applies to the job position, the International Mobility Program is probably not for you. The Employer Portal is used only if the job position is exempt from an LMIA.

In that case, you may need to get a labour market impact assessment from Service Canada. Find out how to get an LMIA. If an LMIA is required, the worker attaches it to their work permit application.

Help is available: If you’re hiring a visa-exempt worker who is still outside Canada and you want an opinion on whether an LMIA or work permit exemption applies to your situation, you can contact the International Mobility Workers Unit.

Explanation of how the job meets the requirements of the exemption being requested

Explain how the job being offered meets the LMIA exemption you chose.

Your explanation must include a description of:

  • which international agreement the job position qualifies under
    • for example, NAFTA, or
  • how the job position meets the eligibility requirements of the exemption and/or how it supports Canadian interests, for example:
    • the language the foreign worker uses the most daily is French (exemption C16), or
    • the job position provides a significant benefit to Canada (exemption C10)

Make sure the information you provide is truthful and complete. We’ll use it to decide if the exemption eligibility requirements are met.

Note that you will also have the option to upload a document to provide the explanation of how the job meets the requirements of the LMIA exemption, or add to an explanation already submitted under the “Job details” section, before submitting the offer.

Job title

Enter the temporary worker’s job title. The job title must align with the National Occupational Classification.

NOC code

Choose the NOC code that describes the occupation and lists the main duties of your temporary worker. If you aren’t sure which code to use, review all the available codes and find the one that applies to your situation.

Physical job location

Enter the location where the temporary worker will be working. If there are 2 locations, answer “Yes” to “Will the worker perform duties at more than 1 job location?” and complete the second job location section.

If there are more than 2 locations, you can complete the first job location section and list all other locations in the “Main duties of the job” field. This information, if provided, will be considered during a compliance inspection—even if the work permit document failed to indicate the multiple job locations.

Main duties of the job

Please provide:

  • a list of duties that the foreign worker will be expected to perform for this specific position (especially those that are not covered by the NOC description)
  • information about whether the position you’re filling requires variable work hours/work schedule
  • information about multiple work locations (if applicable)
  • other information that you cannot clarify in the “Alternate compensation scheme” field due to character limitations
  • any additional information about the duties the foreign worker will be performing that you could not include in the “Alternate compensation scheme” field

Expected start date of employment

Select the year, month and day of the date the foreign worker will start to work for you.

If you put your foreign worker’s expected date of arrival to Canada in the “Expected start date” area of the form, put the date you expect the foreign worker to start work in the “Alternate compensation scheme” (Wage and benefits section) box. This will clarify when the worker’s wages will begin.

Note: The date of issuance of the work permit may not reflect the actual start date of employment; therefore, employers must retain all supporting documents surrounding the employment of the foreign worker in the event they are requested during a compliance inspection.

Expected duration of employment

Indicate in days, months or years the total duration of employment.

Note: Permanent resident programs and temporary work permits
Under certain permanent resident programs, candidates may be eligible to apply for a temporary work permit. In such cases, even though the job may actually be “permanent,” “indeterminate” or have no end date, employers submitting an offer of employment should still indicate the duration relative to the temporary work permit. For example, under the Atlantic Immigration Program, candidates may be eligible to apply for a temporary work permit valid for 2 years. As the work permit will only be issued for a duration of 2 years, this duration should be reflected in the offer of employment submitted for the temporary work permit.

Minimum education requirements of the job and other training required

Select the education requirements of the job from the drop-down list provided.

Indicate any “Other training required” or additional certifications necessary for the job in the text box provided. Examples of other certifications needed would be First aid certificates/Workplace safety certificates, Specialty training.

Experience and skills required to complete the job duties

Use the text box provided to indicate the experience (i.e., years and type) and skills required to do the job.

If there are provincial or federal certifications, licences or registration requirements for the job (i.e., B.C. Air Brake Endorsement or Ontario Nursing licence), you can enter this information in the text box provided when you answer “Yes” to that question.

Employer compliance fee exemption question

Generally, an employer compliance fee of $230 is required. Certain employers are exempt from paying the compliance fee if the foreign worker is exempt from paying the work permit processing fee.
Answer either:

  • “Yes I will be paying the employer compliance fee for this offer of employment” or
  • “No, I am exempt from paying employer compliance fees for this offer of employment”

This will trigger the system to either expect the fee payment (after all the forms have been completed), or to provide a text box for you to upload any documents to support the compliance fee exemption.

Find out if you need to pay the employer compliance fee before you answer this question.

  • Click “Next.”

Employer primary contact information

Enter the contact information for the person who submitted the offer of employment if different from the user contact you provided earlier. The employer contact should be someone who is familiar with the day-to-day employment activities of the foreign worker and who can answer questions or provide information about this worker’s wages, occupation and working conditions.

To ensure smooth processing of the foreign worker’s work permit application, this contact person should be available on a 24/7 basis in case the work permit processing officer has any questions about the offer of employment before finalizing the work permit.

Validate, save and exit when you’ve completed the form.

Wage and benefits form

In this section, disclose all the information related to

  • wages
  • hours of work
  • variable work schedules
  • employer-sponsored benefits that the temporary worker will receive while in Canada
    • e.g., living allowance, bonuses, commissions, employer-matched RRSPs

This information will be used during the work permit application assessment to

  • ensure that the offer of employment is genuine, including that the employer provided the wages, occupation and working conditions offered to previous foreign workers
  • confirm that the employer is eligible to hire foreign workers
  • confirm that the foreign national meets the requirements of the offer of employment
  • confirm that the employer is complying with federal and provincial labour laws

This information will also be assessed if we do a compliance inspection. We’ll use it to verify the information you provided in your offer and confirm that you are compliant with the conditions required for hiring a temporary worker.

  • Click “Start form” or “Continue form.”

The information you enter in this form will show that you’re complying with federal and provincial labour laws.

Important: For the purposes of this form, employer-sponsored benefits do not include

  • the Canada Pension Plan
  • RRSPs that don’t include employer contributions
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage

Wages and benefits

If you’re paying the worker directly, select “Yes” and enter the details about their wage and working hours.

Use the “Additional information” text box to

  • provide more detail
  • explain working conditions with regard to
    • wages
    • schedule
Warning: Seasonal work and wages

Currently, when “Yes” is selected for “Wage and benefits,” the question “Is this employment seasonal?” doesn’t display. “Is this employment seasonal” only displays when “No” is selected in response to “Wage and benefits.” If you are paying the worker directly, and the employment is seasonal, you can indicate this in the “Additional information” text box.

Innovation Stream

If you’re hiring a worker under the Innovation Stream, you must meet the following wage requirements to qualify:

  • The wage you’re offering must be at or above the median hourly wage by province or territory.
  • If the position is under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), the wage you’re offering must meet the requirements of the CBA.
    • Use the “Additional information” text box to provide more detail and to upload a copy of the CBA with their offer of employment.
  • If the position is not under a CBA, the wage you’re offering must be at or above the prevailing wage.
    • Use the “Additional information” text box to provide more detail about meeting the prevailing wage requirement.
Prevailing wage definition

For the purpose of the International Mobility Program, you must pay the prevailing wage, which is defined as the highest of either

  • the median wage on Job Bank
  • the wage that is within the wage range that you’re paying your current employees hired for the same job and work location, and with the same skills and years of experience

To determine the median wage on Job Bank

  • go to Compare wages on Job Bank
  • in the “Job search” field, enter the job title or the NOC code (2021 version) that best describes the duties and requirements of the position
    • The hourly median wage will be listed in the middle column by community or area. If the median wage is listed as “n/a,” consult the provincial or territorial wage. If it isn't available, consult the national wage.

If the position requires additional skills and years of experience over the applicable NOC description, the wages offered should reflect these additional requirements.

For the purpose of determining the wage rate being offered, we'll only consider guaranteed wages, which exclude

  • overtime hours
  • tips
  • benefits
  • profit sharing
  • bonuses
  • commissions
  • other forms of compensation (for example, piece work, which is work that is paid at a fixed rate based on the amount done rather than the time it takes to do the job).
Prevailing wage review

If you’re hiring a worker under the Innovation Stream, you’ll need to make sure that the wage remains prevailing throughout the employment period. To show this, you’ll need to review wages

  • on the first day of work and
  • annually by January 1

In the “Additional information” text box in the Employer Portal, paste the following text exactly as shown:

On the first day of work and then annually thereafter, I, the employer, will:

  • review and increase, if required, the wages offered for alignment with the prevailing wages as defined on IRCC's website.
  • review the wage for alignment with Job Bank updates or any increases to wages offered to current employees hired for the same job, work location, skills and years or experience.
Alternate compensation scheme

Use this field if

  • there is any variance in wage
    • e.g., bi-monthly union dues, fringe deductions
  • you wish to name a source other than your organization that is paying the foreign worker’s wages, such as
    • a foreign contracted company
    • an educational institution employing researchers or providing internships at off-site locations
    • other employers in a tripartite agreement
    • another source
  • the foreign worker will be working intermittently in Canada over a span of time
    • e.g., 2 days every 3 months
  • the working hours are intermittent, variable or vary from the amount stipulated in the “Hours of work” field
    • e.g., the foreign national will usually work 40 hours per week, but can sometimes work 60 hours per week

Provide the actual range of hours that the foreign worker will be working in Canada instead of stating “Variable.” For example, the foreign national will work between 40 and 100 hours per week, depending on the harvest season/weather.

If you can’t get this information from the organization paying the wages, let us know in this field as well.

If you don’t have enough space, you may use the “Additional information” text box.

  • Select “Next.”


Warning: Benefits for temporary foreign worker

Currently, the form does not allow you to indicate “N/A” or “Not applicable” with regard to benefits provided to the temporary worker. Even if you’re not providing benefits to the worker, you should select one of the benefits and then provide information, in the “Additional information” text box, about the actual benefits arrangement that is in effect for this worker.

Enter the details about the temporary worker’s benefits, if they’ll have any.

Type of vacation

Select whether the vacation will be given in days, or whether the worker will be paid a percentage for vacation pay.
If you select “Days,” you must be sure to distinguish between weeks and days. For example, if the worker will be given 2 weeks’ vacation, indicate exactly how many working days will be given, i.e., 10.

Other benefits

Any employer-sponsored benefits the worker receives must be for the entire time period listed on the work permit. If the benefits won’t start on the first day of the work permit—or if no benefits will be provided in the job offer—include this information in either the

  • “Other benefits (if applicable)” field in the “Benefits” section or
  • “Additional information” text box

Validate, save and exit when you’ve completed the form.

Submit an offer of employment

When you’ve completed and validated all 4 forms, you can submit the offer of employment.

  1. Select “Continue” located on the main offer of employment page to go to the document checklist.
  2. If you’re exempt from paying the employer compliance fee, upload your proof of fee exemption and include your proof in the “Supporting documents” section.
    1. If you said you would be paying the employer compliance fee, you won’t need to upload any documents.
  3. You have the option to upload a document explaining how the job meets the requirements of the LMIA exemption, if this explanation was not previously provided under the “Job details” section.
  4. Select “Next.”
  5. Read the “Statement of privacy” and the “Declaration of employer” on the “Your declaration and electronic signature” page.

    Starting September 26th, 2022, 3 new attestations are part of the employer declaration:

    1. Before providing us with your offer of employment in the Portal, you’ll need to attest that you’ve already provided the foreign worker with a signed copy of the employment agreement. You can prove this with a document that:

      • has the same occupation, wages, and working conditions as you entered in the Employer Portal
      • is drafted in the temporary foreign worker’s chosen official language of Canada
      • is signed and dated by both you and the temporary foreign worker

      The agreement needs to be signed and completed before you enter the information in the Employer Portal. This is to ensure that the employer, foreign worker and Government of Canada have the same understanding of the wages, occupation and working conditions for the job.

    2. You need to attest that you haven’t charged your foreign worker any fees except for those that cover
      • temporary visas
      • temporary resident permits
      • work permits

      Workers are expected to pay these fees.

    3. You can’t let anyone acting on your behalf charge recruitment fees to the foreign worker. If you use a recruiter
      • they should be in good standing
        • registered with the recruiter registry in your province if one exists
      • you should sign a contract highlighting that recruitment fees cannot be charged
      • clearly communicate this point with workers
      • verify with the workers that they haven’t been charged
    1. Select “I agree.”
    2. Type your name in the signature panel, and answer the security question.
      • The name in the signature panel must match the name of the user who is submitting the offer of employment. This person does not have to be the primary business contact.
  6. Select “Sign.”
  7. Pay the employer compliance fee if you’re not exempt.
  8. Select “Transmit and pay.”
    1. If you are exempt from this fee, select “Transmit.”
  9. Read the fees summary page and select “Transmit and pay” again.
    1. You’ll be directed to the Receiver General’s online payment website.
  10. Complete the online payment form.
    1. Select “Process Transaction.”
    2. Review and print the transaction receipt. You may need this receipt in the future.
  11. Select “Return.”
    1. You’ll be redirected back to the Employer Portal.

Attention: You should print the payment confirmation on the Moneris page.

If you work for a Canadian federal government department

You may need to use the Interdepartmental Settlement procedures to pay the employer compliance fee instead of a credit card. In this case, the hiring division or appropriate financial/contracting officer in the department must send us an email instead.

The email must include the:

  • department number: XXXX
  • IS organization code: XXXXX
  • reference code: XXXX
  • contact: name, telephone number and email address
  • last name, first name of foreign worker
  • amount: $230

You’ll receive a receipt number once the settlement is processed. Choose “No, I am exempt from paying employer compliance fees” and upload a copy of the receipt in the “Proof of fee exemption” field at the end of the offer.

Select “Exit questionnaire” to return to the portal welcome page.

After you submit an offer of employment

The employment queue status now says “matched” after your offer of employment is matched with a work permit application. If you submitted an offer before December 3, 2019, it will say “submitted” even if it’s been matched with an application.

Once you submit an offer of employment, it will be listed in your “Employment queue.”

There’s a processing delay of a few minutes in the Employer Portal.

The “Details” column shows you the status of each offer of employment. Right after you submit an offer, you may see “Processing submission” in this column. The status will be updated to “Submitted” and you will see an offer of employment number once the offer has been successfully submitted.

How to make changes to an offer.

Give the offer of employment number to your worker

The offer of employment number is a 7-digit number, starting with the letter “A.” It will appear in your “Employment queue” shortly after you submit your offer.

You won’t receive an email or approval letter to give to the temporary worker. Instead, you must give the offer of employment number to the temporary worker. The worker needs this number to submit their work permit application.

Once you provide the worker with the offer of employment number, you have completed your part in the work permit process for your employee.

Make sure any other hiring or employment documentation you give to the worker (such as employment contract, letter of offer, and the details within these documents) matches the terms and conditions of employment stated in the offer.

What to do after you hire a temporary worker.

Access your offer of employment queue

To view your existing offers of employment:

  • sign in to the Employer Portal and
  • select “Access the offer of employment queue”

From your queue, you can:

  • look at offers of employment that you haven’t submitted
  • complete unfinished offers
  • delete unfinished offers
  • withdraw offers you have already submitted
  • update offers that have not been matched in the system to the associated work permit application
  • duplicate offers
  • use the search tool to find offers of employment you’ve already submitted

All users who have access to your employer or branch account will be able to see any offers that are in progress or that have been submitted. They will also be able to edit offers created by another user until the offer is submitted.

Complete an offer you started

Select “Continue application” next to the offer you want to complete.

All users who have access to the same queue can complete offers that have been started. Complete and submit the offer.

Important: Submit the offer within 60 days or it will automatically be deleted from your queue.

Delete an offer you started

Select “Delete application” next to the offer you want to delete.

You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to delete this offer.

Important: If you delete an offer by mistake, you can’t get it back. You’ll need to start a new offer to replace it.

Withdraw an offer you submitted

You can withdraw the offer of employment and get a refund of the compliance fee if you no longer want to hire the temporary worker.

You can withdraw an offer at any time before we issue the temporary worker’s work permit. How you withdraw the offer depends on whether:

  • it’s been matched in the system to the associated work permit application
  • you were authorized by us to submit the paper IMM 5802 form outside of the portal

If the “Withdraw application” option is available

If you see “Withdraw application” next to your offer, it has not been matched to the worker’s application.

  1. Select “Withdraw application.”
  2. Select “Continue” to confirm that you want to withdraw the offer.
  3. Read the confirmation message and select “Continue” again to return to the “Employment queue.”

Your offer’s status will change to “Withdraw pending.”

It can take up to 24 hours for the offer to be withdrawn.

Once completed, the status will change to “Withdrawn.”

If the “Withdraw application” option isn’t available

If you don’t see “Withdraw application” next to your offer, it has most likely been matched to the temporary worker’s work permit application. The work permit application will be in progress or has already been finalized. In this case, you won’t be able to withdraw your offer using the portal.

If you still want to withdraw the offer, email us. Explain that you want to withdraw the offer and include:

  • the offer of employment number
  • the reason you want to withdraw the offer

Important: Withdrawing an offer that has already been matched will result in the refusal of the work permit application.

You received authorization to submit your offer outside of the portal

If we let you submit your offer using the paper form (IMM5802), email us to withdraw your offer and include:

  • a subject line displaying “Cancel offer submitted on (date) by (employer name) for (employee name)”
  • an attachment of the original offer of employment
  • an attachment of the payment receipt

Make changes to an offer of employment

How you make changes to an offer of employment depends on where we are in the process.

If we’ve approved the temporary worker’s work permit application

  1. Submit a new offer of employment in the Employer Portal.
  2. Pay the employer compliance fee again.
  3. Let the worker know that they must apply for a new work permit.

If we haven’t approved the temporary worker’s work permit application, but it has been received and linked to the offer, you cannot make changes to that offer. You must

  1. Request that the work permit processing office withdraw your offer of employment and refund the compliance fee.
  2. Create and submit a new offer with the new information (Note: You might find the new “Create Duplicate” function quicker when creating a new offer).

If the temporary worker submitted a work permit application to us

  1. The temporary worker must withdraw their work permit application using our web form
    • they must include the reason for the withdrawal request.
  2. The temporary worker needs to apply for a new work permit with the new offer of employment number.

If you submitted the offer, and the work permit application has not yet been received or linked to the offer

  1. In your queue, find the offer you want to edit.
  2. Select “Update submitted offer” button.
  3. Select “Update form” to make field changes within the desired web form.
  4. Once the changes are made, the “Form name” status will change from “Transmitted” to “Updated.”
  5. Re-submit the updated offer by selecting the “Continue” button and following the steps to change an offer. You’ll automatically bypass the payment page.

Make a duplicate of an offer of employment

To create multiple offers of employment that contain the same details except for the foreign workers’ information, you can duplicate any offer.

  1. In your queue, locate the offer “Submitted” or “Not submitted” that you want to duplicate.
  2. Select the “Create duplicate” button.

The new offer (i.e., duplicate) will copy the “Business information” and “Wage and benefits” web forms from the selected offer.

The “Foreign worker” web form and the “LMIA-exempt offer of employment” information within the “Job details” web form will have to be re-inputted.

Use the search tool

To look at offers of employment that you’ve submitted:

  1. Select “Access the submitted offers of employment” from the Employment Queue screen
  2. Fill in the fields as needed
  3. Select “Search all offers”
  4. Select the correct action next to the offer

Depending on the status of the offer of employment, you may also be able to:

  • duplicate the offer
  • withdraw the offer
  • update the submitted offer

Note: You’ll only be able to see submitted offers of employment that meet your search criteria.

Make changes to your account or get help

Create a secondary user or a branch account

To create a secondary user or branch account:

  1. Sign into your Employer Portal
  2. Under the Manage access heading, select either “Create a branch” or “Create a secondary user for this account.”
    • Both options will generate a PIN.
  3. Provide the PIN to the new user.
  4. They must then register for a GCKey or a Sign-in Partner to enrol in the Employer Portal using the PIN you provided.

Fix a mistake in your business information

You can only change the fields “Contact email address” and “Preferred language of notification.” If you need to change your business name, business number or the primary contact, email us with “Business Information Change” in the subject line. In the email, include:

  • the current incorrect business information
  • the updated, correct business information
  • your organization’s primary contact name and email address

Reset your PIN (if you’re using GCKey)

If you want to reset your PIN and you use GCKey, email us to request a new PIN. Include the following information in the body of your email:

  • your full name
  • business operating name
  • Canada Revenue Agency business number

We’ll email you a new PIN.

After you receive your new PIN, follow these steps to recover your account.

  1. Visit the Employer Portal page.
  2. Click “Continue to GCKey.”
  3. Click “Sign Up.”
  4. Read the “Terms and Conditions of Use” and click “I Accept.”
  5. Create your new username. Click “Continue.”
  6. Create your password. Click “Continue.”
  7. Create your security questions and responses. Click “Continue.”
  8. On the “Sign Up Complete” page, click “Continue.”
  9. Read the “IRCC Portal Terms and Conditions.” Click “I Accept.”
  10. On the “Welcome to the IRCC Portal” page, click “Next.”
  11. When asked if you received a PIN, click “Yes.”
  12. After confirming you have a PIN, provide the exact name you originally entered in your account (before resetting your PIN) and the new PIN you received by email.

After you follow these steps, your account will be recovered and will include your previous complete list of offers of employment and users.

Reset your PIN (if you’re using Sign-In Partner)

If you want to reset your PIN and you use Sign-In Partner, email us to request a new PIN. Include the following information in the body of your email:

  • your full name
  • business operating name
  • Canada Revenue Agency business number

We will email you a new PIN.

After you receive your new PIN, follow these steps to recover your account.

  • Visit the Employer Portal page.
  • Click “Continue to Sign-In Partner.”
  • Choose your financial institution. Enter your banking log-in information and click “Continue.”
  • Read the “IRCC Portal Terms and Conditions.” Click “I Accept.”
  • On the “Welcome to the IRCC Portal” page, click “Next.”
  • When asked if you received a PIN, click “Yes.”
  • After confirming you have a PIN, provide the exact name you originally entered in your account (before resetting your PIN) and the new PIN you received by email.

After you follow these steps, your account will be recovered and will include your previous complete list of offers of employment and users.

Get help and support

If you need help completing a field in the Employer Portal, click the blue question mark icon, next to the field, to get more information.

If you’re having technical problems, email us. In your email, include the following:

  • your information, including
    • your full name
    • Canada Revenue Agency business number
    • business operating name
  • description of the issue
  • screen shot or shots, showing the full browser window of
    • the page on which you’re having difficulties
    • any error messages you have received

We aim to answer emails within 5 business days. If the problem can’t be fixed in that time, we’ll let you know what to do next.

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