About the online citizenship test
This tutorial will tell you what to expect when you take the online citizenship test . Please read it carefully before starting the test.
If we invited you for an online test, you have 30 days from the date in the invitation to take the test.
- Within this 30-day period, you have up to 3 chances to pass the test.
- If you fail the test the first time, you have 2 more chances to do it again.
If you need to reschedule, contact the email in the Rescheduling section of your test invitation. In your email, include
- a detailed explanation of why you need to reschedule
- your application number
- your unique client identifier (UCI)
We’ll invite you for an online test
- as soon as possible
- based on the order of applicants in our files
The test is 45 minutes long. Give yourself at least 1 hour to prepare for the test (for example, to get your photo ID, set up your webcam and make sure your device is working).
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