Visitor visa: How to apply online

Apply online

To apply online, you need a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and a valid credit or debit card.

Read the instruction guide before you complete your application. As an online applicant, you can ignore steps 3 and 4 of the guide (paying the fees and submitting your application).

If you’re applying for the first time, you must pay the biometrics fee when you submit your application (unless you’re exempt). Otherwise you may experience delays.

Who can’t apply online for a visitor visa

You must apply on paper if you’re using one of the following travel documents from a visa-exempt country:

  • alien’s passport for stateless persons
  • other refugee travel document for non-citizens

Study and work permit holders

If your visitor visa has or will expire soon and you need to leave and return to Canada, you need to follow the steps to apply from inside Canada.

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