Military spouse and partner employment

Satisfying and rewarding job opportunities are important for a family’s financial well-being and for an individual’s morale and self-esteem.

Finding meaningful employment and continuity in a chosen occupation can be a challenge for the spouses and partners of military members who change locations throughout their career. That is why Military Family Services, working in collaboration with Military Family Resource Centres and community partners, provides resources to support military family members searching for employment in a new community.

As a spouse or partner, you can access a broad range of employment opportunities in the federal Public Service across Canada. To learn more, review the article entitled The Department of National Defence opens the Military Spouse Employment Initiative across the federal Public Service.

Job Seekers

Are you looking for work? Check the CFMWS Job Seekers page for information about:

Professional Licensing and Accreditation Challenges

Differing accreditation standards among the provinces and territories challenge military families because they must plan for more frequent moves than the average Canadian household. To learn more about regulated occupations and professional licensing transfers within Canada, consult the Provincial Certification Must-Knows.

Parents - Expecting a new addition to your family

Expecting a new addition to your family? Review the EI – Extended parental benefit period for military families to understand your benefits under the Employment Insurance Act.

Re-entering the workforce

If you’re looking for assistance to re-enter the workforce, visit the Online Education and Training page.

Building your own business as an entrepreneur

If you are looking to build a business or take on a different entrepreneurial challenge, visit Helping Entrepreneurs Reach Complete Success (HERCS), an on-line training program designed to help you create a “portable” business that can move along with you at posting time.

Posted outside Canada (OUTCAN)

If you are posted OUTCAN and your employment is affected, review the Employment insurance available to military families webpage to learn about benefits for which you may be eligible in Canada, the United States, or abroad.

Surviving Spouse of a CAF Member

Are you a surviving spouse of a CAF member? Did you know you have a Public Service entitlement when looking for work? Review the Relevant Employment Policies page.

Hiring Managers

As a Public Service manager, you may hire military spouses and partners under the Department of National Defence Military Spouse Employment Initiative. You may consider these candidates ahead of others with the exception of priority entitlements or preference so long as they meet all essential position qualifications. Learn more by consulting Military Spouse Employment Initiative: Hire a skilled military spouse for your team.


If you are seeking virtual and confidential career coaching tailored specifically for military spouses and partners, visit CareerCoach+. Designed for military spouses and partners to assist with the disruption that comes with relocations, CareerCoach+ can connect you with professional career coaches who offer personalized support for your career transition, development and employment goals, regardless of your geographical location.

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