Highlights 2018-2019
Official Title: Performance Monitoring Report 2018-2019, Highlights
From: Parole Board of Canada
Highlights 2018/19 | |
1.1% increase in the federal offender population (the federal incarcerated population increased 0.7% (to 13,475), while the federal conditional release population increased 1.6% (to 10,237). | 99% of federal day parole supervision periods completed without reoffending, a one percentage point increase compared to 2017-18. |
0.1% the rate of violent reoffending on federal day parole supervision periods in 2018-19. | |
15,798 reviews conducted by the Board, an increase of 3% compared to the previous year. The number of federal reviews increased 4% (to 15,185), and the number of provincial reviews decreased 6% (to 613). Federal pre-release reviews for discretionary release increased 3% (to 6,667). | 98% of federal full parole supervision periods (for offenders serving determinate sentences) completed without reoffending, a one percentage point increase compared to 2017-18. |
0.4% the rate of violent reoffending on federal full parole supervision periods in 2018-19. | |
5,745 day parole release decisions rendered by the Board. The number of federal day parole release decisions increased 2% (to 5,347), and the number of provincial day parole release decisions decreased 11% (to 398). | 91% of statutory release supervision periods completed without reoffending, a one percentage point increase compared to 2017-18. |
1.1% the rate of violent reoffending on statutory release supervision periods in 2018-19. | |
80% grant rate of federal day parole, a one percentage point increase compared to 2017-18. | 33,408 PBC contacts with victims, 38 more contacts compared to 2017-18. |
60% grant rate of provincial day parole, a decrease of nine percentage points compared to 2017-18. | 5,084 observers at 2,300 PBC hearings, an increase of 2% compared to 2017-18. |
4,572 full parole release decisions rendered by the Board. The number of federal full parole release decisions increased 1% (to 4,269), and the number of provincial full parole release decisions decreased 7% (to 303) compared to 2017-18. | 288 statements made by victims at 167 PBC hearings, a 12% decrease compared to 2017-18. |
39% grant rate of federal full parole, a one percentage point decrease compared to 2017-18. | 5,302 decisions sent from the decision registry, an increase of 5% compared to 2017-18. |
35% grant rate of provincial full parole, a three percentage point decrease compared to 2017-18. | 4,444 pardon decisions rendered by the Board: 99% pardons granted/issued. |
1,889 residency conditions imposed on statutory release, an increase of 3% compared to 2017-18. | 16,253 record suspension decisions rendered by the Board: 96% record suspensions ordered. |
487 offenders on long-term supervision in the community (as of April 7, 2019). | 146 clemency cases being processed as of March 31, 2019. |
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