Send CRA accessibility feedback

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Submit a complaint, suggestion or compliment about accessibility at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

On this page

What is accessibility feedback

Accessibility feedback may be a complaint, suggestion or compliment about:

Your feedback helps inform how we improve accessibility at the CRA.

For feedback that is not related to accessibility, go to: Send feedback about CRA service.

Submit accessibility feedback

Select a method below to submit feedback about an accessibility barrier or the CRA Accessibility Plan. We are not able to acknowledge or respond to anonymous feedback.

You can submit feedback using the following methods:

By phone

How to submit feedback by phone

You can call us using one of the following numbers:

  • 1-800-959-8281 from any province in Canada or the United States
  • 1-866-426-1527 from Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut
  • 1-613-940-8495 from outside Canada and the United States (call collect)

Tell the call centre agent you have feedback about an accessibility barrier or the CRA Accessibility Plan. They will document your feedback.

If you want to give anonymous feedback, you do not need to identify yourself.

By teletypewriter (TTY)

How to submit feedback by TTY

To send accessibility feedback using TTY, call: 1-800-665-0354.

If you use an operator-assisted relay service, call our regular telephone numbers instead of the TTY number (refer to the By phone section above for these numbers).

If you need help navigating CRA's online applications, contact us using the E-service Helpdesk TTY: 1-888-768-0951.

If you want to give anonymous feedback, you do not need to identify yourself.

Using the online form

How to submit feedback using the online form

Use the online form to submit your accessibility feedback electronically. The online form lets you complete and submit your feedback all in one place.

Submit accessibility feedback

To submit anonymous feedback, indicate that your feedback is a suggestion or a compliment. This way you do not need to identify yourself.

By email

How to submit feedback by email

To email accessibility feedback, select the link below to open a new email and compose your message:

Accessibility Service Feedback / Rétroaction sur l'accessibilité des services (CRA/ARC).

Do not include any confidential information in your feedback (such as a social insurance number or any information about your tax return). Email is not a secure method to send confidential information.

To submit anonymous feedback, do not include any information in your email that identifies you.

We strongly recommend that you send your feedback using another method, such as the online form.

By fax

How to submit feedback by fax

To send accessibility feedback by fax, write a letter or use the PDF version of the RC193, Service Feedback form.

  1. Download the RC193, Service Feedback PDF
  2. Complete and print the PDF form
  3. Fax your feedback:
    • 1-866-388-7371 from Canada or the United States
    • 1-819-536-0701 from outside Canada and the United States

Due to security and privacy concerns, we are not able to acknowledge receipt of your fax or reply by fax. We strongly recommend that you send your feedback using another method, such as the online form.

Using CRA sign-in services

How to submit feedback using CRA sign-in services

To send accessibility feedback using CRA sign-in services, you must use the PDF version of the RC193, Service Feedback form.

  1. Before you sign in, download the RC193, Service Feedback PDF
  2. Complete the PDF form and save it or scan it
  3. Sign in to your secure CRA account:
  4. Using the Submit documents service, select "Collections, Relief and Feedback" from the topic list to submit your form (or scanned letter)

You cannot submit anonymous feedback using CRA sign-in services at this time.

By mail

How to submit feedback by mail

To send accessibility feedback by mail, write a letter or use the PDF version of the RC193, Service Feedback form.

  1. Download the RC193, Service Feedback PDF
  2. Complete and print the PDF form
  3. Mail your feedback to:

    CRA Service Feedback
    National Intake Centre
    4695 Shawinigan-Sud Boulevard
    Shawinigan QC G9P 5H9

To submit anonymous feedback, do not complete sections 1 or 2 of Form RC193 or include any information in your letter that identifies you.


How we address your feedback

The CRA will acknowledge your accessibility feedback using the same method that you used to submit your feedback.

When a follow-up response is requested, we aim to contact you within 3 to 4 weeks of receiving your feedback. We are not able to acknowledge or respond to anonymous feedback.

Related information

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